I trust I have not wasted breath: I think we are not wholly brain, Magnetic mockeries; not in vain, Like Paul with beasts, I fought with Death; Not only cunning casts in clay: Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men, At least... The Princess A Medley - 186 psl.autoriai: Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1851 - 182 psl.Visos knygos peržiūra - Apie šią knygą
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1895 - 258 psl.
...of thine eye; And in my thoughts with scarce a sigh I take the pressure of thine hand. cxx. I TRUST I have not wasted breath: I think we are not wholly...prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men, Let him, the wiser man who springs Hereafter, up from childhood shape His action like the greater ape,... | |
 | John Vance Cheney - 1895 - 466 psl.
...good." When growing knowledge leads to another goal than this, then shall it be thrust aside, " Not only cunning casts in clay : Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men ? " The immortality of life and love, the end " rich in good," these science itself will not be... | |
 | Charles Macauley Stuart - 1896 - 328 psl.
...grewest not alone in power And knowledge, but by year and hour In reverence and in charity! cxx. I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we are not wholly...Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men,42 Let him, the wiser man who springs Hereafter, up from childhood shape His action like the greater... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1896 - 512 psl.
...Loud roars the wind, but smothers not his strain MS. * Compare Tennyson's In Memoriam, stanza cxx. Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men, etc. ED. t Compare the poem in vol. vii. p. 299, To the Planet Venus, an Evening Star. ED. I "'TIS... | |
 | Charles Richmond Henderson - 1898 - 442 psl.
...an earthly fact. Tennyson was not singing to a deaf nation when he voiced this belief: " I trust I have not wasted breath; I think we are not wholly...fought with death; " Not only cunning casts in clay: PART III SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS CHAPTER IV THE FAMILY The Social World in Miniature " God give you in... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1898 - 916 psl.
...of thine eye; And in my thoughts with scarce a sigh I take the pressure of thine hand. cxx L trust y and of love, behold This day my clayf UL^j Let Science prove we are, and then ' -iy What matters Science unto men, At least to me ?... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1898 - 928 psl.
...of thine eye; And in my thoughts with scarce a sigh 1 take the pressure of t him: hand. cxx 2 trust I have not wasted breath: I think we are not wholly...Like Paul with beasts, I fought with Death; Not only canning casts in clay: Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men, At least to... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1899 - 1002 psl.
...of thine eye; And in my thoughts with scarce a sigh I take the pressure of thine band. cxx I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we are not wholly...then What matters Science unto men, At least to me t I would not stay. Let him, the wiser man who springs Hereafter, up from childhood shape His action... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1899 - 998 psl.
...the friendship of thii eye ; And in my thoughts with sigh I take the pressure of thine hand. I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we are not wholly...mockeries ; not in vain, Like Paul with beasts, I fought wit Death; Not only cunning casts in clay : Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1908 - 996 psl.
...friendship of thine eye; And in my thoughts with scarce a sigh I take the pressure of thine hand. I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we are not wholly...: Let Science prove we- are, and then What matters Science1 unto men, At least to me ? I would not stay. Let him, the wiser man who springs Hereafter,... | |
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