I trust I have not wasted breath: I think we are not wholly brain, Magnetic mockeries; not in vain, Like Paul with beasts, I fought with Death; Not only cunning casts in clay: Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men, At least... The Princess A Medley - 186 psl.autoriai: Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1851 - 182 psl.Visos knygos peržiūra - Apie šią knygą
 | Henry S. Salt - 1888 - 264 psl.
...that happiness and morality in this present life are dependent on a belief in a future existence. " Not only cunning casts in clay : Let Science prove...What matters Science unto men At least, to me ? / -would not stay. Let him, the wiser man, who springs Hereafter, up from childhood shape His action... | |
 | Augustus Hopkins Strong - 1888 - 676 psl.
...maxim, "Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die." " I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we arc not wholly brain, Magnetic mockeries ; not in vain....Paul with beasts, I foug-ht with Death ; " Not only cunninx casts in clay: Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men, At least to... | |
 | 1888 - 480 psl.
...aught that science has said or can say, we are, of course, free to believe that we are : " Not merely cunning casts in clay, Let science prove we are, and then What matters science unto men ?" CLARENCE DE VERB GREELEY. ARTICLE IV. "WHAT IS THE BIBLE?"* An Inquiry into the Origin and Natnire... | |
 | Augustus Hopkins Strong - 1888 - 676 psl.
...drink, for to-morrow wo die. " "I trust I have not wasted breath : 1 think we nre not wholly bruin, Magnetic' mockeries : not in vain, Like Paul with beasts, I fought with Death ; " Not only cunnin:Г oasts in clay: Let Sclenre prove we arc, and then What matters Science unto men, At least... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1889 - 300 psl.
...of thine eye; And in my thoughts with scarce a sigh I take the pressure of thine hand. cxx. I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we are not wholly brain, Magnetic mockeries ; not in vajn, Like Paul with beasts, I fought with Death; Not only cunning casts in clay: Let Science prove... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1889 - 120 psl.
...faith, and hope, and spiritual health. In the 119th section of "In Memoriam" he says: " I trust I have not wasted breath ; I think we are not wholly brain, Magnetic mockeries ; not iu vain, Like Paul with beasts, I fought with Death ; " Not only cunning casts in clay : Let Science... | |
 | Jirah Dewey Buck - 1889 - 330 psl.
...light of a new day will rise in him, and the dawn of a new era will begin for all humanity. " I trust I have not wasted breath ; I think we are not wholly brain, Magnetic mockeries. ***** "To shape and use. Arise and fly The reeling Faun, the sensual feast ; Move upward, working out... | |
 | 1890 - 844 psl.
...lamentation and woe." It is incredible to Tennyson to think that " We are wholly brain, magnetic mockeries, Let science prove we are, and then, What matters science unto men ? At least to me? I would not stay." Such is the healthy reaction of Tennyson's sturdy, moral nature against the fashionable scepticism... | |
 | 1891 - 828 psl.
...The grand old name of gentleman. Ibid. CXI. Move upward, working out the beast. Ibid. CXVIII. Not only cunning casts in clay : Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men ? Ibid. CXX. ' Love is and was my Lord and King. Ibid. CXXVI. 336 337 I see in part That all,... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1892 - 904 psl.
...of thine eye; And in my thoughts with scarce a sigh I take the pressure of thine hand. cxx. I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we are not wholly...to me? I would not stay. Let him, the wiser man who spring! Hereafter, up from childhood shape His action like the greater ape, But I was born to other... | |
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