MONTHLY MIRROR: REFLECTING MEN AND MANNERS. WITH STRICTURES ON THEIR EPITOME, The Stage. To hold as 'twere the MIRROR up to Nature. VOL XXI. Embellished with supers" Eigravings. London: PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETORS, By J. Wright, No. 38, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell. And published by Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, in the Poultry; the United Kingdom. MONTHLY MIRROR, ger, M. A. and many of the most eminent literary Men of his Time 25 Sonnet, by Miss Seward Sold, also, by all Booksellers in the United Kingdom. 66 We are desired to state, in answer to an article in our last Number, under the signature of J. F. "that Mr. Grahame, the author of the Sabbath, never saw the Poor Man's Sabbath, or knew that such a poem existed, till it appeared in the bookseller's shops; and that Mr. G. has the satisfaction to think, that he has no intimate acquaintance, who would have acted as an accomplice in the conspiracy which J. F. has imagined." We have to observe, in addition, that Mr. Grahame, or any of his friends, will have full liberty, in this work, to refute more circumstantially, if they think proper, the charge advanced by our correspondent J. F. Three Odes; five Elegies; two Epitaphs; and a Monody; on the death and funeral of LORD NELSON, have been received since our last; but however we may respect the intention of the writers, we can neither insert nor admire their poetry. A CONSTANT READER, on the Death of a Friend, has not been more for tunate. We hope to find room in an early number for the Elegy on a Mother's Grave; for Stanzas on the Close of the last Year, by MARCIUS; and for a beautiful Horatian Ode, entitled AUTUMN, by a STRANGER, from Dublin. Due attention shall be paid to the note from VARGES. A CONSTANT READER, from Dublin, in our next. CLERICUS totally misconceives the argument he has undertaken to refute. An OLD SUBSCRIBER shall be attended to. We hope to hear from Orlando, shortly. It is true that we profess to "hold the Mirror up to Nature," and we also mean to "shew Scorn her own image." Let W. R. look into it. ry. A Cumberland Poet must apply to the publishers for an answer to his enqui The fable of the Fox and the Vine does not now apply; for if rumour is to be credited, the grapes are no longer sdur. A CORRESPONDENT proposes a statue of Lord Nelson in bronze to be placed in one of our principal squares : some such honour will probably be paid him, but if not, the gallant hero has left in every British bosom "monumentum ÆRE perennius. The continued kindnesses of 2.2. claim our most grateful acknowledgAdditional instances of the Longevity of Musicians, by HARMONICUS, in ments. our next. The MANAGER's Friend has made it quite apparent that he is the ACTOR'S Enemy. We respect both the parties, and must therefore reject the proposal. The Comely Dollar is a poor imitation of Philips's Splendid Shilling, |