THE L I F FE OF 4.5 John Buncle, Efq; CONTAINING Various OBSERVATIONS and REFLECTIONS, made in feveral Parts of the WORLD, AND Many extraordinary RELATIONS. Falix ille animi, Divifque fimillimus ipfis, VOLUSENUS. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. I. A NEW EDITION. LONDON: Printed for T. BECKFT and P. A. DEHONDT, and T. CADELL, in the Strand.. MDCCLXX. A PREFACE BY WAY OF DEDICATION. GENTLEMEN, T HIS book is not addreffed to you, in order to ask your protection for its faults; or in hopes, that fuch valuable names at the head of it, may preferve it. Things in print must stand by their own worth. But it is offered to you, to let the world fee I had that confidence in the goodness of my defign in writing it, as to fubmit it to fuch great and impartial judges; and that I believe you will report your opinion in fuch a manner, as to procure me the esteem of the virtuous; when you find that my principal intention in this piece, is to ferve the interefts of truth, liberty, and religion, and to advance useful learning, to the best of my abilities :that I have the happiness of mankind at VOL. I. A. heart, |