Primitive RULE of FAITH, A PREFATORY DISSERTATION about the Right USE of the FATHERS. By WILLIAM REEVES, M. A. Rector of Craneford, in Middlefex. Vol. II. Tu fcito nobis nihil effe antiquius quam Chrifti jura fervare, nec Patrum transferre terminos. Hieronym. Epif. 68. ad Theo. LONDON, Printed by W. B. for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Nofter-Row. 1709. THE CONTENTS OF THE The Design and Structure of the Dialogue Cæcilius, Octavius, and Minucius, all three Afri- cans, with their feveral Parts in this Dialogue 3 Octavius, and Minucius, both Lawyers, with their The Converfion of these two famous Advocates gave new Life and Luftre to the Chriftian Caufe 4, 5 |