THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, AND OF THE INSTITUTIONS IN UNION. VOLUME Χ. FROM NOVEMBER 22, 1861, TO NOVEMBER 14, 1862. LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET-STREET. 1862. No. 470. AND OF THE INSTITUTIONS IN UNION. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1861. Journal of the Society of Arts. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1861. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF 1862. The Council beg to announce that the Guarantee Deed is now lying at the Society's House for signature, and they will be much obliged it those gentlemen who have given in their names as Guarantors, as well as others interested in the Exhibition, will make it convenient to call there and attach their signatures to the Document. Signatures for sums amounting in the aggregate to £438,800, have been attached to the Deed. WEEKLY PROGRESS OF THE INTER- forward with a rapidity which leaves nothing to be desired. The fifty feet girders and ridgeroof have been fixed over the whole of the south-eastern court, and are carried on over the intervening gallery into the south central court. The same operation has commenced in the courts on the northern side of the nave. The Picture Galleries along the Cromwell-road front are in a very forward condition, that on the east being floored, and its walls boarded throughout. The towers at the eastern end are having their top lights fixed, and the roofing of the corresponding ones at the other extremity is nearly completed; the roof also over the central entrance, which will here form an attic story, has been begun. The success of the British portion of the Exhibition, and the favourable influence which it is to be hoped it will exercise on our commerce and manufactures, depend now to a great extent on the manner in which the different committees sub-allot the space placed at their disposal. As there is great reason to suppose that continental nations are making earnest efforts to rival or In considering the probability of the building being ready by the stipulated time, the only part of the work which at all occasions anxiety even outvie us in our staple manufactures (esis the domes. A very great portion of the rest pecially machinery and metal work), it is of the of the building depends for its completion on utmost importance that committees should bear that of the domes; the scaffolding used for their in mind the necessity of making such a show erection must be taken down before the work in in their respective classes as shall adequately the vicinity can be proceeded with, and its removal will occupy some time. It seems to be imperative that both domes should be finished early in January. The Thames Iron Company, who have taken the sub-contract as well for the supply of the iron as for the erection, seem to be not quite sufficiently impressed with the urgency of the case. Doubtless, when they take into consideration the magnitude and importance of the undertaking, and the serious manner in represent, not only the progress of the last ten years, but also the superiority of those manufactures in which we particularly claim the preeminence over foreign productions. It is, perhaps, to be regretted that some of the Committees, especially those which are national and represent the whole country, consisting rather of scientific men than of exhibitors, or persons praetically interested in the commercial result of the Exhibition, seem to be inclined to look more to which delay is likely to affect the national cha- the educational element, and to make such a seracter for promptitude and punctuality, they lection as shall display, in a graduated series, a will use every exertion to accomplish the task popular and instructive idea of our manufactures. according to their engagement. At the same Of course the adoption of such a course rests time it is satisfactory to learn that the contractors, ultimately with exhibitors themselves, and, if it alarmed at the probable consequences of failure in can be made to combine the more practical view, this respect, have themselves commenced the would be no doubt of great advantage; but it erection of the western dome, and the progress seems hardly wise that such a proceeding should already made contrasts very favourably with the be pushed to any length to the detriment of the corresponding work at the other end of the nave. benefits which our manufacturers and tradesMeanwhile the other portions of the building people hope to derive from the Exhibition. which are not dependent for their advancement It is to be hoped, therefore, that committees on the erection of the domes, are being pushed will deal with applications for space in the spirit 90088 " I am directed by Her Majesty's Commissioners to Bennett, John transmit to you the accompanying printed applications for 50, Westbourne-park-villas, Bayswater, W. space which have been mod Bentall, Edwd. Hammond Heybridge, near Maldon, Es to request that your Committee will forthwith proceed to the demands as shall do credit to the present state of Berners, Lord "The Commissioners desire to observe that the mere application for space confers no right whatever on the claimant to be admitted at all, or to have any particular amount assigned to him. The Committee have the power of rejecting applications altogether which seem to them to be worthless, and considerably reducing any claims, as they may think fit. The Committee will, therefore, be under no rule as to the division of the space allotted to them, and it is not necessary to allot to each exhibitor in proportion to his demand." Birkbeck, George H. Birkin, Richard Birly, Richard.... Bone, Geo. Boord, Joseph....... Boord, Thos. Wm. The following additional arrangements have Booth, Edwin... been made : SPAIN. Boreham, Wm. Wakeling, Bradley, John... The following gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners in Spain for selecting and forwarding the various articles intended to be exhibited in the Spanish Depart- Brogden, John ment of the coming Exhibition:-His Excellency the ...... Duke of Veragua, President. Their Excellencies the Brooke, Thos........... Marquis de Percoles, and Don Alesandro Olivan, Vice Pre- Brown, M. L.............. sidents. Their Excellencies Don Francisco de Luxan, .. .. ... Don Pascuel Madoz, Don Jose Caveda, Don Augusto Brownfield, Wm. Brunswick, Myrthil Carstairs, Peter Henry Chatto, John Clarke, Robert ...... ..... ...... .... ......... :} Couchman, Henry ......... Cowtan, Maiver Collett, Charles Cory, William, junr...... Haverhill, Newmarket. The Park, Nottingham. 61, King William-street, E.C. {Northgate Mount, Hudders 47, St. Martin's-lane, W.C. { Chatterlys house, Hanley, Cox, Wm. Thos. Curtis, Thomas ...... ............ { { 26, Farringdon-street, E.C. and 6, Watling-st., E.C. and Wellfield, Streatham. The Green, Richmond, S.W.. 3, Watling-street, E.C., and Upper Homerton, N.E. 17, Red-cross-square, E.C. Nottingham. {3, 50, New Bond-street, W. The Grove, Lee, Kent { Royal College of Surgeons, 121, Drury-lane, W.C. 160, New Bond-street, W. Shortwood-lodge, near Bristol Elm-cottage, Lee-road, S.E. {23 Sheffield-terrace, Camp 90, Cannon-street, E.C. {7, Phillimore-gardens, Ken The Hall, Berkhampstead. Darton, J. M......... 58, Holborn-hill, E.C. { square, W.C. { 15, Old Burlington-street, W. 2, Lee-park, Blackheath, S.E. Davies-st., Berkeley-sq., W. Worcester. 73, Warwick-square, Belgravia South, S.W. 5, Queen's-row, Turnhamgreen, W. 19, Culford-road, North Kingsland, N.E. 18, Great Tower-street, E.C., and Holly-lodge, Woodstreet, Walthamstow, N.E. 1, Great Cumberland-st., W. 28, Berners-street, W. 79, Great Tower-street, E.C. Atlas Chemical Works, Boro'road, S.E. Tower-street, E.C., and Pebble Combe, Epsom. 3, Cripplegate - buildings, Wood-street, E.C. Radford Works, near Not tingham. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Grimstone-cottage, Wolver- 34, Duke-st., St. James, S.W. 11, Warnford-court, E.C. 24, Somerset-street, Kingsdown, Bristol. 19, South Audley-street, W. Goodwyn, Major-Gen. H. 4, Blomfield-terr., Harrow road, W. South - fields, Wandsworth, S.W. Manchester. Halloran, Arthur B., 19, Regent - park, Heavitree, F.R.G.S.......... Hankey, Blake Alex. Harris, James Hebbert, Charles Hely, Francis Edward .... ... Hemming, Fred. Shand... Hester, John Cooks Hill, James Duke Hill, Thomas Rowley Hindley, Chas. Hugh Hinstin, Ernest ...... .. ... ... Hitchcock, Frs. Maunder. Hodge, Charles Exeter. Hutchinson, John Henry. 19, Little Pulteney-street, W. 59, Oxford-street, W. Lock, Sam. Robt. 8, Leighton-vils. Holloway, N. Lucas, Alfred Grew, Frederick ......... Gunter, Richard............ East Hill, Wandsworth, S.W. Guy, George (6, Powis-pl., Haverstock-hill, N.W. Lucas, James J. H. Hallett, George....52, Broad-wall, Blackfriars, S. Maclaren, George Hallilay, Richard ......... ......... 5, Sergeant's Inn, Temple, E.C. McCorquodale, George... {Appleton Lodge, Warrington, { { { 139, Regent-street, W. Kingston-on-Thames, S.W. Stranraer, Wigtownshire. 102, Shoe-lane, E.C. Rochford Bank, Rochford. 4, City-road, Е.С. 47, Tufnell-park-road, Hol loway, N. 23, Chester-terrace, Regent's park, N.W. 9, Sunderland-terrace, West bourne-park, W. Brompton-hall, S.W. 10, Addison-road, Kensing ton, W. 2, Bow-lane, Е.С. The Larches, Handsworth, Birmingham. 10, Aldermanbury, E.C. Mordon-rd., Blackheath, S.E. Bogle-street, Greenock. { Oakhill - park, Hampstead, } { N.W. 73, Warwick-square, S.W. 21, Queen's-road West, Re gent's-park, N.W. 51, Portland-place, W. 25, Abingdon-street, S.W. 23, Fenchurch-street, E.C. 46, Guildford-street, Russell square, W.C. Liskeard, Cornwall. Liskeard, Cornwall. 9, Bernard-st., Primrose-hill, N.W. Luton Bank, Luton. 13A, Upper Woburn-place, Tavistock-square, W.C. 5, Cursitor-street, Chancerylane, E.C. Newton, near Warrington. |