Puslapio vaizdai

to-day at Athens. Your Lordship, I am sure, will duly regard the desire, especially as felt by a mother and sisters. My son had admired the Turks, and we who mourn his death desire that the honour of that country should be vindicated by the conviction of the criminals; and, for their punishment, we would hope that it may be imprisonment rather than death.

My son has heard me say that it were better to lose one's life, being fit for death, than to save it by taking the life of a man unfit to die. He has acted as if he had remembered my words. He had left his revolver at home. He was on the way to see the Consuls on Friday, the 29th March, between 3.30 P.M. and 4.30 P.M. This is declared by many witnesses. Turks affirm that he was killed on Thursday, the 28th March, at Macrinitza.

Surely both England and Turkey are bound to ascertain the truth in this matter, which affects them both.


No. 19.

I remain, &c. (Signed)

Lord Tenterden to Mr. Ogle.


Foreign Office, April 11, 1878.

I AM directed by the Marquis of Salisbury to state to you that Her Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople telegraphs under date of yesterday that the Porte has agreed to a Joint Commission to inquire into the circumstances of your son's death near Volo.

Mr. Layard has consequently named Mr. Consul Blunt to act on this Commission, who will leave Constantinople for Volo this day.

I am, &c.



No. 20.

My Lord,

Mr. Wyndham to the Marquis of Salisbury - (Received April 12.)

Athens, April 2, 1878.

WITH reference to my telegram of yesterday's date, in which I reported to your Lordship that news had reached Athens of the death of Mr. Ogle, correspondent to the "Times," I have the honour to inclose herewith, for your Lordship's information, copies of a telegram which reached me this morning from Mr. Fitzgerald, correspondent of the "Standard" at Volo, which was the first intimation I received of Mr. Ogle's death, and of an extract of a letter from that gentleman which reached me yesterday.

I have also the honour to inclose copies of telegrams addressed by M. Zioti, Greek Vice-Consul at Volo, to the President of the Council of Ministers, and to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and of a letter from M. Zioti, all of which M. Delyanni has been so kind as to communicate to me.

The statements contained in Mr. Fitzgerald's reports, and in those of the Greek Vice-Consul, tend to prove that Mr. Ogle was murdered by Bashi-Bazouks, and that he was not killed while fighting with the insurgents.

Although Mr. Borrel, who appears to be acting for Her Majesty's Vice-Consul at Volo, will doubtless send full reports as to Mr. Ogle's death, I have thought it advisable to communicate to your Lordship the information which has reached me with regard to this sad occurrence, and as to the state of affairs at Volo.

I have, &c.


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Inclosure 1 in No. 20

Mr. Fitzgerald to Mr. Wyndham.

Sourpi, April 1, 1878. OGLE, correspondent of "Times," reported killed in engagement on Friday at Mount Pelion. Regret to say circumstances favour suspicion his death was result of foul play on the part of the Turks. Have endeavoured to communicate with "Ruby" or "Devastation."

Not yet heard result.


Inclosure 2 in No. 20.

Mr. Fitzgerald to Mr. Wyndham.

Volo, Thessaly, March 31, 1878.

TO-DAY, about 5 P.M., the news of the death of Mr. Ogle, "Times” correspondent, reached me through Hobart Pasha. The Turkish report is that he was found dead in an insurgent breastwork with a rifle in his hands. I have reason to believe this story to be a fabrication, for the reasons that though there has been continual communication between the Turks at Makrinitza and here, no report was made of his being found, because his passport taken from his body was found in the hands of an Uzbashi, who showed it to a German under the impression that he had a revolutionary document, and because there are witnesses who saw him the evening after the fight at a village about four miles from here trying to get a horse to ride into Volo.

The conclusion is that he was killed by Bashi-Bazouks who were prowling about the olive woods near where he was last seen. At my suggestion the Acting. Vice-Consul has made application for the immediate surrender of his body, when we hope to have some means of proving or disproving our fears.

The state of affairs is very bad; the streets are full of soldiers selling the plunder of the villages, frequently to the original owners, and the ornaments of churches, &c., also are seen in the hands of soldiers and Gheghas. I do not apprehend that there is any certain danger, but the Turks are so excited, and the resentment of the Greeks becoming so marked, that very little may produce a fatal and disastrous collision.

The greater part of the troops engaged at the taking of Makrinitza on Friday last have followed up the insurgents, who are now between Drakhia and Laurentios, on the Magnesian Peninsula, entrenching their positions. They made a good retreat, taking off their stores and ammunition.

Their loss in the late fight was 83 killed, wounded, and missing; that of the
Turks between 500 and 600.
As it may be necessary to take some action with regard to Mr. Ogle's case,
I will let you know the result of the application for his body by telegram.

Inclosure 3 in No. 20.

Telegrams addressed by M. Zioti, Greek Vice-Consul at Volo, to M. Coumoundouros and

to M. Delyanni.

1. A M. le Président du Conseil.

Volo, le Mars, 1878.

IL paraît que Mr. Ogle a été assassiné, en revenant de Macrinitza à Panochori

de Volo.

2. Au Ministère des Affaires Etrangères.

Volo, le Mars, 1878. Le correspondant du "Times," Mr. Ogle, a été tué par les Turcs à Macrinitza. Ce n'est qu'aujourd'hui que les Turcs ont produit son passeport. Demain je prendrai les mesures nécessaires pour le transport de son corps.


1. To the President of the Council.

Volo, March, 1878.

IT appears that Mr. Ogle has been assassinated as he was returning from Macrinitza to Panochoi, in Volo.

2. To the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Volo, March, 1878. The "Times" correspondent, Mr. Ogle, has been killed by the Turks at Macrinitza. The Turks have not produced his passport until to-day. To-morrow I shall take the necessary steps for the conveyance of the body.



Inclosure 4 in No. 20.
M. Zioti to M. Delyanni.

Volo, le 20 Mar 20, 1878. JE vous ai déjà donné hier la triste nouvelle de la mort du correspondant du "Times," Mr. Ogle. Jeudi soir il partit de Volo, sans armes, pour se rendre à Macrinitza, où le premier engagement avait lieu à cette heure. Le lendemain après le combat et la retraite des insurgés, on le vit dans le village de Sortaria, et plus tard à Catochori; ces deux villages étaient occupés par les Turcs.

Hier (Dimanche) dans l'après-midi, les chefs Ottomans de Macrinitza envoyèrent à l'Amiral le passeport d'Ogle; ils lui notifièrent aussi qu'on avait trouvé le cadavre à Macrinitza avec un fusil entre les bras. Cette nouvelle a été portée par l'Amiral à la connaissance du Vice-Consul d'Italie, gérant aussi le ViceConsulat d'Angleterre, et télégraphiée en même temps par Hobart Pacha, et par le correspondant du "Times," qui se trouve à bord du vaisseau Amiral. Le correspondant du "Standard," Mr. Fitzgerald, qui se trouve ici, a dû aussi transmettre cette nouvelle par le télégraphe, vu que notre bureau télégraphique subit la censure de l'Amiral, qui ne laisse passer que les dépêches à son gré. Mais Mr. Fitzgerald a eu soin de transmettre aussi, voie de Surpi, la seule véridique édition de la nouvelle. Je n'ai aucun doute que Mr. Ogle a été assassiné; on croit même que c'est Amouss Aga qui a préparé le coup, voulant se venger des vertes remontrances, que le correspondant du "Times" avait adressées, quelques jours auparavant, à ce chef d'irréguliers, pour le massacre de Voulgarini. Son cadavre a été trouvé à Macrinitza; ainsi faut-il admettre qu'il a été tué sur place, ou que son cadavre y a été transporté par les Turcs, lesquels, comme je le disais plus haut, n'ébruitèrent le fait qu'hier au soir, quoiqu'ils fussent officiellement interrogé, par les Consuls, depuis le soir de Vendredi.



March 20

Volo, Apr



I CONVEYED to you yesterday the sad news of the death of Mr. Ogle, correspondent of the "Times." On Thursday evening he left Volo, unarmed, for Macrinitza, where the first engagement was then actually taking place. following day, subsequently to the battle and the retreat of the insurgents, he was seen in the village of Sorturia, and later on in Catochori, both villages being occupied by the Turks.

Yesterday (Sunday), in the afternoon, the Ottoman Chiefs of Macrinitza sent Ogle's passport to the Admiral, informing him at the same time that they had discovered his corpse, gun in hand, at Macrinitza.

This news was brought by the Admiral to the knowledge of the Italian ViceConsul, who was also in charge of the British Consulate, and telegraphed at the same time by Hobart Pasha and by the "Times" correspondent, who were on board the Admiral's vessel. The correspondent of the "Standard," Mr. Fitzgerald, who was on the spot, must have transmitted the news by telegraph, for our telegraph-office was censured in consequence by the Admiral, who only permits the transmission of such despatches as he chooses. But Mr. Fitzgerald took care to send at the same time, by way of Surpri, the only authentic edition of the news. I have no doubt that Mr. Ogle was assassinated; it is even believed that it was Amouss Aga who planned the attack, thirsting to revenge himself for the bitter remonstrances which the "Times" correspondent had addressed a few days before to this Chief of the irregulars on account of the massacre of Voulgarini. His corpse was found at Macrinitza; it must be admitted, either that he was murdered on the spot, or that his body was carried thither by the Turks, who, as I observed above, did not publish the news of the transaction until yesterday evening, although they had been officially interrogated by the Consuls since Friday evening.

My Lord.

No. 21,

Mr. Wyndham to the Marquis of Salisbury.-(Received April 12.)

Athens, April 2, 1878.

WITH reference to my despatches reporting the death of Mr. Ogle, correspondent to the "Times," I have the honour to report that M. Delyanni, Minister for Foreign Affairs, called upon me to-day, and begged me to take steps to have Mr. Ogle's remains brought to Athens for interment with military honours, to which he was entitled as a member of the Greek order of the "Saviour."

I replied that I thought the first persons who should be consulted as to where Mr. Ogle was to be interred were his parents, with whom M. Tricoupi was in communication, and that, moreover, I could not interfere with any arrangements which the British Consular Agent at Volo, who was not under my orders, might have made consequent upon the death of a British subject in Turkey.

The object in having the funeral at Athens is no doubt with a view of making a demonstration in honour of one who is said to have fallen in the cause of Hellenism, and which, in the present excited state of the public in Greece, I think most undesirable.

My Lord,

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Wyndham to the Marquis of Salisbury. - (Received April 12.)

Athens, April 3, 1878. I HAVE the honour to report to your Lordship that M. Tricoupi informed me to-day that he had received a telegram from the Greek Vice-Consul at Volo, which states that it is impossible to find Mr. Ogle's remains, and that it appears that they have been cut up in a manner to render their discovery a matter of impossibility; that the Turk who possesses his passport says that he found it on a dead body, but he will not state where. The Greek Vice-Consul concludes his telegram by stating that terrorism prevails, and that nothing less than a Commission, accompanied by force, can ascertain the particulars of Mr. Ogle's death.

I have, &c.


No. 23.

Mr. Wyndham to the Marquis of Salisbury.-(Received April 12.)

My Lord, Athens, April 3, 1878. WITH reference to my despatch of to-day's date, I have the honour to inclose herewith to your Lordship a translation of a telegram which M. Tricoupi received to-day from M. Zioti, Greek Vice-Consul at Volo, which states that it is impossible to discover Mr. Ogle's remains.

M. Tricoupi, who was intimately acquainted with Mr. Ogle, has, through the editor of the "Times," very kindly communicated with his family, and they have expressed a wish that he should be buried at Athens; they had, of course, then no idea that there would be any difficulty in finding his remains.

Mr. Ogle's death has created a feeling of much grief in Athens, where he was well known, and has caused at the same time much excitement. I have, &c.


[blocks in formation]

Volo, vid Sourpi, April 2, 1878.

AFTER two days' search it has been impossible to find Ogle's remains. I am assured that about 4 o'clock P.M. after the battle he passed through Portaria and below Catochorion, coming to the town. It appears that he has been butchered and cut up in a way rendering impossible the discovery of his body. We are all actively continuing our search. The Turk possessing his passport said he found it on a dea body, but nobody can force him to define place it was found, terrorism continuing to prevail everywhere. Nothing less than the presence of a Commission accompanied by force can ascertain particulars.



Νο. 24.

The Marquis of Salisbury to Mr. Wyndham.

Foreign Office, April 12, 1878, 4 Р.М.

LET me hear by telegraph whether Mr. Ogle's head has been found, and whether it has been buried with the body.

No. 25.


Lord Tenterden to Mr. Ogle.

Foreign Office, April 12, 1878.

IN reply to your letter of the 10th instant, I am directed by the Marquis of Salisbury to state to you that instructions have been given to Her Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Athens to report home by telegraph whether the head, which it is said was severed from the body of your son, has been discovered, and whether it has been interred in the same grave with the body.

I am to add that any information which may be received at the Foreign Office upon this point shall be at once communicated to you.


I am, &c.


No. 26.

Mr. Wyndham to the Marquis of Salisbury.-(Received April 13.) (Telegraphic.) MR. OGLE'S remains were buried without the head, and I have not heard that it has been found.

Athens, April 13, 1878.

No. 27.

Lord Tenterden to Mr. Ogle.

Foreign Office, April 13, 1878
WITH reference to my letter of yesterday's date, I am directed by the
Marquis of Salisbury to acquaint you that a telegram has been received this morning

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