The Quarterly Journal of Economics (v. 1, 1886–7), is published for Harvard University, by G. H. Ellis, 141 Franklin St., Boston, $3 per annum. See also the Economic Monographs and Questions of the Day, of G. P. Putnam's Sons, and similar series of other publishers. The Economist (London), founded 1843, by James Wilson, and afterward edited by W. Bagehot, is the first authority of its kind. The Statistical Society, founded 1839, issues a quarterly Journal. The famous Political Economy Club, organized in London by nineteen economists in 1821, issues no publications, but a list of questions debated at its monthly dinners is given in" Questions for Debate" (Economic tract, no. 28.) The Journal des Economistes, Paris, founded 1842, is the leading French authority. The Revue d'Economie Politique, Paris, ed. by Professors of Economics at the Law-schools, represents the newer ideas in economics. Paris has a Société d' Economie Politique, publishing its proceedings in a bulletin, for questions discussed by which since 1865 see Questions for Debate" (Economic tract, no. 28.) The Vierteljahrschrift für Volkswirthschaft und Culturgeschichte, Berlin, founded 1863, originated with the liberal economists of the Manchester school who organized the Society of Political Economy in Berlin. See also the Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, which were begun in 1863 by Hildebrand, and are now conducted by Prof. Conrad. They contain the fullest bibliography on the subject. See also Schmoller's Jahrbücher für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirthschaft, which emphasize the social views. This and Conrad's are on the whole the best reviews of economics. The Giornale degli Economisti is the leading Italian review. LAND AND RENT. Kinnear and Laveleye give a general view of the development of property in land, Maine is for advanced students. Pollock's sketch of British land laws is brief and clear. Leslie's account of British and Irish land systems is fuller. The Cobden Club essays, edited by Probyn, serve as a good introduction to modern systems of land tenure. Meyer's official report and Roscher's treatise are valuable. Prothero describes British agriculture. Ricardo is the chief expounder of the doctrine of rent [see note on his works, Political Economy, English]; Walker is his principal American disciple. The criticisms of Carey [see note on his works, Political Economy, American] have been adopted by the so-called "American" school of financial writers. Brooklyn Lib. Catalogue, p. 919, contains important entries. See, also, various chapters in Buckle. Green, Escott, and other standard historians bearing on land systems. Thorold Rogers in his Cobden and Modern Political Opinion," 1873, p. 73-108, discusses the land question. Donaldson's History is indispensable to students of the Public Lands question in the United States. 66 Allinson, E: P., and Penrose, Boies. Ground Rents in Philadelphia, Phila., Wharton School of Finance and Economy, 1889. 19 p. O. pap., 25 c. Cheyney, E. P. Anti-Rent Agitation in the State of New York, 183946. Phila., Wharton School of Finance and Economy, 1889. O. pap., 50 c. Cox, S. S. Free Land and Free Trade. N. Y., Putnam, 1880, D. $1. A clearly written little treatise on the application to the United States of the principles that governed the repeal of the British corn laws. Dixwell, G. B. Progress and Poverty: a review of the doctrines of H: George. Cambridge, Mass., 1882. 46 p. Ō. Egleston, MElville. Land System of the New England Colonies. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1886. 66 p. O. pap., 50 c. Elliott, J. R. American Farms: their condition and future. N. Y., Putnam, 1890. 6+262 p. D. $1.25. George, H: Irish Land Question; an appeal to the land leagues. N. Y., Appleton, 1884. 85 p. D. pap., 25 c. George, H: Progress and Poverty. An inquiry into causes of industrial depressions, and of the increase of want with increase of wealth. The remedy. 1879. N. Y., Henry George & Co., 1888. 250 p. O. cl., $1; pap., 35 c. No recent economic work has excited more popular interest, or has received a wider circulation. The author's proposal that a "single tax" be imposed to equal ground-rent has called forth world-wide discussion. In addition to criticisms included under Land and Rent may be mentioned that found in last chapter, J: Rae's Contemporary Socialism [see Socialism]; and in G: Gunton's Wealth and Progress [see Capital and Labor ] R. Giffen in his Growth of Capital [see Capital], states that British wealth in land is diminishing proportionately, and is now one-sixth of the whole. In advocacy of the doctrines of Progress and Poverty [also of Tariff Reform and Ballot Reform], The Standard is published at 42 University Place, New York, $3 per annum. From the same office is issued a variety of tracts and leaflets similar in purpose. George, H: The Land Question, what it involves and how alone it can be settled. N. Y., H: George & Co., 1888. 87 p. D. pap., 20 c. Harris, W. T. The Right of Property and the Ownership of Land. Bost., Cupples & Hurd, 1887. 40 p. O. pap., 25 c. Against H: George's theories. Mayer, LOUIS. Ground-rents in Maryland. Baltimore, 1883, Cushings & Bailey. 158 p. O. $1.50. Miller, J. BLEECKER. Progress and Robbery: Two American answers to H: George, the Demi-communist. N. Y., 1886. 40 p. O. Moody, W: G. Land and Labor in the United States. N. Y., Scribner, 1883. 360 p. D. $1.50. Nott, C: C. A Good Farm for Nothing: reasons for the decline of agri culture and farm values in New England. N. Y., Evening Post, 1889. 16 p. S. pap., I c. Olmstead, DWIGHT H. Land Transfer Reform, or, the Free Transfer of Land. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1887. 116 p. O. pap., 25 c. By one of the Land Commissioners appointed by Legislature of New York, 1884. Gives detailed information for the scientific registration and indexing of land records, including explanation of proposed legislative bills for block and lot indexing. Phillips, W. A. Labor, Land and Law: a search for the missing wealth of the working classes. N. Y., Scribner, 1886. 471 p. D. $2.50. An historical review of the shares of production taken by landlord, capitalist and employer, concluding with proposed remedies. Ross, DENMAN W. Early History of Land-Holding among the Germans. Boston, Soule & Bugbee, 1883. 6+273 p. D. Contains a bibliography of the general subject. Sato, SHOSUKE. History of the Land Question in the United States. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1886. $1.25. Walker, FRANCIS A. Land and Its Rent. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1883. 220 p. S. 75 c. Reviews the doctrines of Carey, Bastiat, Mill, Leroy-Beaulieu, and H: Geerge as to rent. Shows how economists have discriminated between land and other forms of property. Objects to Mill's proposal that the State should appropriate future unearned increment on grounds of political expediency, not on grounds of political equity. The best American book on the subject from the conservative standpoint. Winn, H. Property in Land: an essay on the new crusade. Putnam, 1888. 73 p. D. pap., 25 c. An adverse criticism of H: George's propositions. N. Y., Argyll, DUKE OF, and George, H: Property in Land: a passageN. Y., J. W. Lovell Co., 1886. 77 p. S. pap., 15 c. at-arms. Arnold, ARTHUR. Free Land. Lond., Kegan Paul, 1880. 371 p. D. Presents the British land question. Bateman, J: Acre-ocracy of England, a list of the owners of 3000 acres and upwards, with their possessions and incomes arranged under their various counties. Lond., Pickering, 1876. 220 p. D. Birkbeck, W. LLOYD. Historical Sketch of the Distribution of Land in England; with suggestions for some improvement in the law. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1885. D. $1.50. Broderick, GEO. C. English Land and English Landlords. An inquiry into the origin and character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform. Lond. and N. Y., Cassell, 1881. 515 p. D. Caird, JAMES, M.P. Prairie Farming in America. N. Y., Appleton, 1859. Elliott, T. J. The Land Question. Lond. and N. Y., Cassell & Co. 3s. 6d. Treats of certain phases of the English land question. Fisher, JOSEPH. History of Land-Holding in England. Lond., 1876. O. Gomme, G. L. The Village Community, with special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain. Contemporary Science Series. N. Y., Scribner, 1890. 299 p. D. $1.25. Adds to the researches of Nasse, Maine, and Seebohm much new information. Hill, OCTAVIA. Our Common Land, and other short essays. Lond., Macmillan, 1877. 206 p. S. A plea for preservation of commons and public parks. Kay, JOSEPH. Free Trade in Land. With Preface by John Bright. Lond., Kegan Paul, 1879. Same. 9th ed. O. 5s. With review of recent changes in the land laws of England, by G. O. Morgan. Paul, 1885. 12+180 p. D. pap., Is. Gives a clear statement of the position in 1879 of the land question in Great Britain and Ireland, together with a summary of the systems of land tenure throughout Europe, with some of the results traceable to them. Kinnear, J. B. Principles of Property in Land. Lond., Smith, Elder & Co. 8°. 5s. Regards land-owning as one of the social and conventional rights which for the general good communities accord to individuals. Leslie, T. E. CLIFFE. Land Systems and Industrial Economy of Ireland, England, and Continental Countries. Lond., 1870. O. A comprehensive survey. Levy, J. H., ed. Symposium on the Land Question. Lond., Fisher Unwin, 1890. 74 p. 8°, Is. Low, DAVID. Landed Property and the Economy of Estates. Lond., Longman, 1844. 12+680 p. D. Though intended as a landlord's manual gives much information of general interest on landed property. Macdonell, J. The Land Question, with particular reference to England and Scotland. Lond., Macmillan. 8°, 10s. 6d. Maine, Sir H: J. SUMNER. 1822-1888. Early History of Institutions. N. Y., Holt, 1880. 8°, $3.50. Traces property in land to the period when bodies of men held together by the land they tilled replaced the earliest cultivating groups formed of kinsmen. A work of the first rank. Maine, Sir H: J. SUMNER. Village Communities in the East and West. N. Y., Holt, 8°, $3.50. Compares the development of Indian and Teutonic village communities. Traces the process of feudalisation, and the early history of price and rent. A classic. Mallock, W. H. Property and Progress; or, a brief inquiry into contemporary social agitation in England. N. Y., Putnam, 1884. 248 p. D. $1. Chiefly a reply to George's "Progress and Poverty," and Hyndman's "England for All." Montgomery, W. E. History of Land Tenure in Ireland. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1889. 191 p. 1os. 6d. Valuable and suggestive. Nicholson, J. S. Tenants Gain not Landlord's Loss. Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1883. 11+173 p. D. Ogilby, J: Essay on the Right of Property in Land with respect to the foundation in the law of nature and the rights of the people. Lond., 1780. O. Ouvry, H. A. Stein and His Reforms in Prussia, with reference to the land question in England. Lond., 1873. Appendix contains views of R: Cobden and J: Stuart Mill. Pollock, F. The Land Laws. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1886. 224 p. D. $1. Gives the British land laws concisely and clearly. Probyn, J. W., ed. Systems of Land Tenure in various countries. Cobden Club Essays. New and rev. ed. Lond. and N. Y., Cassell, 1881. 6+534 p. D. Contains Tenure of Land in Ireland, by Rt. Hon. M. Longfield; Law and Custom of Primogeniture, by Hon. G. C. Brodrick; Land Laws of England, by G. W. Hoskyns; Tenure of Land in India, by Sir G: Campbell; Land System of France, by T. E. Cliffe Leslie; Russian Agrarian Legislation of 1861, by Dr. J. Faucher; Agrarian Legislation of Prussia during Present Century, by R. B. D. Morier; Land System of Belgium and Holland, by E. de Laveleye; Farm Land and Land Laws of the U. S., by C. M. Fisher. Prothero, ROWLAND E. Pioneers and Progress of English Farming. Lond., Longmans, 1888. 14+390 p. D. 5s. Richey, ALEX. G. Irish Land Laws. 2d ed. Lond., Macmillan, 1881. 6+129 p. D. 3s. 6d. Rogers, J. E. THOROLD. History of Agriculture and Prices in England from the year after the Oxford Parliament to the commencement of the Continental War. 6 v. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1888. O. $35.50. The most important contribution yet made to the economical and industrial history of England. Vol. 6 ends with 1702, in preface thereto, Sept., 1887, author expressed his intention of writing two concluding volumes, which would bring the record down to 1793, where Thomas Tooke's work begins, which with Mr. Newmarch's comes to 1856. Seebohm, F: The English Village Community, examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems, and to the common or open field system of husbandry. 2d ed. Lond., Longmans, 1883. 21+464 p. D. 16s. Sigurson, G. History of the Land Tenures and Land Classes of Ireland, with account of secret agrarian confederacies. Lond., 1871. 8°. Torrens, Sir ROBERT. Transfer of Land by Registration under the duplicate method operative in British colonies. Cobden Club tract. Lond. and N. Y., Cassell. pap., 25 c. Thornton, W. T. Plea for Peasant Proprietors, with outline for their establishment in Ireland. Lond., Macmillan, 1874. 268 p. D. Wallace, ALFRED R. Lond., W. Reeves, 1882. Land Nationalization, its necessity and its aims. 14+244 p. D. Is. 6d. Young, ARTHUR. Farmer's Tour through the East of England. Lond., 4 v. 8°. 1771. Young, ARTHUR. England and Wales. Young, ARTHUR. Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Counties of Tour in Ireland. Lond., 1780. 2 v. 8°. Young, ARTHUR. Travels in France during the years 1787-89. Lond., 1793. 2 v. 8°. New ed. with introd. and notes by M. Betham-Edwards. N. Y., Scribner & Welford, 1889. 59+366 p. D. $1.40. Youn 's works contain the best contemporaneous account of the land-holding classes, and are replete with valuable economic object-lessons. Foville, ALFRED de. Le Morcellement. Paris, Guillaumin, 1885. 283 p. D. Laboulaye, EDOUARD. Histoire du droit de propriété foncière en occident. Paris, A. Durand, 1839. 12+532 p. D. Laveleye, EMILE de. De la propriété et de ses formes primitives. 2me ed. Paris, Germer Bailliere & Cie., 1877. 24+395 p. D. Primitive Property. Same, 'tr. by G. R. L. Marriott. With introd. by T. E. Cliffe Leslie. Lond., 1878. xliv+364 p. Describes methods of land-owning which prevailed in primitive times in Europe and Asia, and still prevail in Servia, parts of Holland, Switzerland, Russia and India. Traces the historical development of property. Lavergne, LEONCE de. Economie rurale de la France depuis 1789. Paris, 1860. 485 p. D. Lavergne, LEONCe de. Rural Economy of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Tr. with notes by a Scotch farmer. Edinburgh, 1855. 400 p. O. |