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HYMN 2. L. M. Pleyel's Hymn. [*]

Sabbath Evening.

1 Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord! we love,
But there's a nobler rest above;
To that our lab'ring souls aspire,
With ardent pangs of strong desire.
2 No more fatigue, no more distress,
Nor sin, nor hell, shall reach the place,
No groans to mingle with the songs,
Which warble from immortal tongues.
3 No rude alarms of raging foes;
No cares to break the long repose;
No midnight shade, no clouded sun,
But sacred, high, eternal noon.
4 O long expected day, begin;
Dawn on these realms of woe and sin;
Fain would we leave this weary road,

And sleep in death, to rest with God. DODDRIDGE.

HYMN 3. C. M. Reading. [b]
Sabbath Morning.

1 Lord, in the morning, thou shalt hear
My voice ascending high;
To thee will I direct my prayer,

To thee lift up mine eye.

2 Up to the hills, where Christ is gone

To plead for all his saints,
Presenting, at his Father's throne,
Our songs and our complaints.
3 Thou art a God, before whose sight
The wicked shall not stand;
Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight,
Nor dwell at thy right hand.
4 But to thy house, will I resort,
To taste thy mercies there;
I will frequent thy holy court,
And worship in thy fear.
5 O! may thy Spirit guide my feet,
In ways of righteousness,
Make every path of duty straight
And plain before my face. WATTS.

HYMN 4. C. M. Zion. [b]
Sabbath Evening.

1 Frequent the day of God returns
To shed its quick'ning beams;

And yet how slow devotion burns,
How languid are its flames.

2 Accept our faint attempts to love,
Our frailties, Lord! forgive;
We would be like the saints above,
And praise thee while we live..
3 Increase, O Lord! our faith and hope,
And fit us to ascend,

Where the assembly ne'er breaks up,

The sabbath ne'er shall end. RIPPON'S COL.

HYMN 5. L. M. Sicilian. [*]

Sabbath Morning.

1 My Saviour! my eternal Friend!
Accept my morning sacrifice;
While prostrate at thy feet I bend,
And hail the day, that saw thee rise.
2 When, through the shades of night, I slept,
Suspended all my active powers;
Thy guardian care soft vigils kept,
And saved me in those dangerous hours.
3 My opening eyes, with rapture, see
The dawn of thy returning day;
And all my thoughts ascend to thee,
While thus my early vows I pay.
4 O bid this trifling world retire,
And drive each carnal thought away,
Nor let me feel one vain desire,
One sinful wish through all the day.
5 Then while I to thy courts repair,
My soul shall rise on joyful wings,
The wonders of thy love declare,

And join the strains, which angels sing. CODMAN'S COL.

HYMN 6. C. M. Zion. [b]

Sabbath Evening.

1 When, O dear Jesus! when shall I,
Behold thee all serene?

Blest in perpetual sabbath day,
Without a veil between.

2 Assist me, while I wander here,
Amidst a world of cares;

Incline my heart to pray with love,
And then accept my prayers.
Spare me, my God! O! spare the soul
That gives itself to thee;

Take all that I possess below,
And give thyself to me.

4 Thy Spirit, O my Father! give
To be my guide and friend,
To light my way to ceaseless joys,
Where sabbaths never end. CONNICK.

HYMN 7. C. M. Sunday. [*]
Sabbath Morning.

1 This is the day the Lord hath made,
He calls the hours his own;
Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad,
And praise surround the throne.
2 To-day he rose and left the dead,
And Satan's empire fell;
To-day the saints his triumphs spread,
And all his wonders tell.

3 Hosanna to the anointed King,
To David's holy Son!

Help us, O Lord! descend and bring
Salvation from thy throne.

4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men
With messages of grace,

Who comes in God his Father's name,
To save our sinful race.

5 Hosanna in the highest strains

The church on earth can raise,
The highest heavens, in which he reigns,

Shall give him nobler praise.


HYMN 8. C. M. Hymn Second. [*]

Sabbath Evening.

1 Welcome and precious to my soul,
Are these sweet days of love;
But what a sabbath shall I keep,
When I shall rest above!

2 These are the sweet and precious days
On which, my Lord I've seen;
And oft when feasting on his love
In rapture I have been.

3 O! if my soul, when death appears,
In this blest frame be found,
I'd clasp my Saviour in mine arms,
And leave this earthly ground.

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1 Awake, my soul! and with the sun,
Thy daily stage of duty run,
Shake off dull sloth, and early rise
To pay thy morning sacrifice.

2 Lord! I my vows to thee renew;
Scatter my sins like morning dew;
Guard my first springs of thought and will,
And with thyself my spirit fill.

3 Direct, control, suggest, this day,
All I design to do, or say;
That all my powers, with all their might,
In thy sole glory may unite.

4 Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above, angelic host;-

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. KENN.

HYMN 10. L. M. Pleyel's Hymn. [*]

1 Glory to thee, my God! this night,
For all the blessings of the light;
Keep me, O! keep me, King of kings!
Beneath thine own Almighty wings.
2 Forgive me, Lord! for thy dear Son,
The ill that I, this day, have done;
That with the world, myself and thee
I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.
3 Teach me to live, that I may dread
The grave as little as my bed;
Teach me to die that so I may,
Rise, glorious, at the awful day.
4 O! let my soul on thee repose,
And may sweet sleep my eyelids close;
Sleep that shall me more vigourous make,
To serve my God when I awake.

5 If in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heavenly thoughts supply;
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest;
No powers of darkness me molest.


6 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


HYMN 11. C. M. Peterborough. [*]


1 Once more, my soul! the rising day
Salutes thy waking eyes;

Once more, my voice! thy tribute pay
To Him that rules the skies.

2 Night unto night his name repeats,
The day renews the sound,
Wide as the heavens on which he sits
To turn the seasons round.

3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame,
My tongue shall speak his praise,
My sins would rouse his wrath to flame,
And yet his wrath delays.

4 A thousand wretched souls are fled
Since the last setting sun;

And yet thou length'nest out my thread,
And yet my moments run.

5 Dear God! let all my hours be thine.
Whilst I enjoy the light;

Then shall my sun in smiles decline,
And bring a pleasant night.


HYMN 12. L. M. Pilesgrove. [b*]


1 Thus far the Lord has led me on,
Thus far his power prolongs my days.
And every evening shall make known,
Some fresh memorial of his grace.

2 Much of my time has run to waste,
And, I perhaps am near my home,
But he forgives my follies past,
And gives me strength for days to come.

31 lay my body down to sleep;
Peace is the pillow for my head,
While well appointed angels keep
Their watchful stations round my bed.
4 Thus when the night of death shall come,
My flesh shall rest beneath the ground;
And wait thy voice to rouse my tomb
With sweet salvation in the sound.


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