Puslapio vaizdai

nution of their mutual regard convinced him that he could not. And furely the refentment which a young and beautiful woman muft feel at fuch injurious negligence would render her an eafy prey to the wiles of a feducer. fuppofe the contrary, was a paradox which his knowledge of the human character would not admit.


It is not my intention to pollute my page by a defcription of thofe fucceffful plans of iniquity by which Fitzofborne fubverted the principles of the man who really loved him, and felt anxious to render him effential fervices. Unhappily, the world prefents too often the spectacle of one immortal being alluring another to inebriety, or plunging it in depravity, for me to excite furprize, by adding, that fuch actions are not deemed incompatible with the facred title of a friend. These feducers

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have not indeed always the deeper motives which I afcribe to Fitzofborne; but let it be remembered, that the principles he profeffed gave a fanction to his more monstrous atrocity. Private vices are public benefits. Is it not a general advantage; that property fhould be tranf ferred from an indolent fenfualift to an active intelligent enterprifing citizen, who would turn it to beneficial purposes? Monteith would be juft as happy with his dogs and horfes, the only fphere of enjoyment which his limited understanding feemed capable of relishing, though his beautiful wife and the fair poffeffions with which he was endowed, were refigned to fome clever fellow who had wit enough to acquire them. Suppofing the reftraint of confcience conveniently filenced by that fcepticism which is now efteemed fo liberal, what other principle will you fubftitute to prevent fuch practices?


practices? Succefs foon reconciles the world to the profperous villain. little declamation will fatisfy fentiment, and even the watchful dragon of honour may be charmed to fleep by honied words. Gratitude, which used to rank next to integrity in the fcale of virtues, is now, like its immediate predeceffor, degraded from its proud pre-eminence. Refinement has difcovered, that the giver bestows not from benevolent motives, nor from affection to the receiver, but merely to relieve himself from the pain, of an unealy emotion; and it has taught us to infer from thefe premifes, that it would be weakness to feel obligation for benefits which wholly proceed from the all-invigorating principle of felflove.

Entangled in the mazes of an illicit amour, begun in a moment of inebriety, and purfued from want of cou

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"from Government, why fhould not c my friends reap fome advantage from "the fatigue which I endure in the fer"vice of my country? Do you think "that they dare refuse me, Geraldine, "when they know how much I am "courted by oppofition?" He conclu ded by obferving, that Edward's talents would do honour to any administration. His appearing in a confpicuous line would alfo mortify Arabella, and convince her that the ought to have respect. ed her brother's deeper knowledge of manners and characters, and not have difmiffed a lover who was infinitely too good for her.


Meanwhile, by Pleafure's fophiftry allur'd,
From the bright fun, and living breeze ye stray :
And, far in London's gloomy haunts immur'd,
Brood o'er your fortune's, freedom's, health's decay ;
O blind of choice, and to yourselves untrue!

The young grove fhoots, their bloom the fields renew,
The manfion afks its lord, the fwains their friend;
While he does riot's orgies haply share,

Or tempt the gamefter's dark destroying fnare, Or to fome courtly shrine with lavish incense bend. AKENSIDE.

WHILE HILE the earl of Monteith, with all the blunt fincerity of his ardent character, pursued his friendly but unfuc cessful defign of ferving Fitzofborne, the polite circles were very merry at his lordship's expence, every one wondering that he could not fee what was fo extremely visible to every body else.



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