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THE following NOTES of the late LORD CHEDWORTH, upon the various readings of the different commentators on SHAKESPEARE, seem to be the result of a critical and laborious investigation of the obscure passages of that inimitable Bard; intended either for his own private information and amusement, or (as it appears from some internal evidence) with a view to their being subsequently laid before the Public in a more corrected state. To amend or enlarge his Lordship's observations falls not within my province or ability; but as I have strong reason to suppose that a part of these Notes will be offered to the world in a different way, and less perfect form, I feel it a duty, which I owe to the memory of his Lordship, to edite them entire, in order to distribute copies to our respective friends, and to those readers of taste in similar studies, who may not deem such a trifle unworthy of their acceptance.

Yarmouth, August, 1805.


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