By our permiffion is allow'd to make. SCENE [Exit. VI. 1 Pleb. Stay, ho, and let us hear Mark Antony. 3 Pleb. Let him go up into the public Chair, We'll hear him. Noble Antony, go up. Ant. For Brutus' fake, I am beholden to you. 4 Pleb. What does he fay of Brutus? 3 Pleb. He fays, for Brutus' fake He finds himself beholden to us all. 4 Pleb. 'Twere beft he speak no harm of Brutus here. i Pleb. This Cæfar was a Tyrant. 3 Pleb. Nay, that's certain. We are bleft, that Rome is rid of him. 2 Pleb. Peace; let us hear what Antony can say. Ant. You gentle Romans All. Peace, ho, let us hear him. Ant. Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to bury Cafar, not to praise him. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Did this in Cæfar seem ambitious? When that the poor have cry'd, Cafar hath wept; Yet Brutus fays, he was ambitious; Was this ambition? Yet Brutus fays, he was ambitious; 1 Pleb. Methinks, there is much reason in his fay- If thou confider rightly of the matter, 3 Pleb. Has he, Mafters? I fear there will a worse come in his place. 4 Pleb. Mark'd ye his words? he would not take the crown; · Cæfar has had great wrong.] 3 Pleb. Cæfar had never wrong but with just cause. If ever there was fuch a line written by ShakeSpeare, I could fancy it might have its place here, and very humorously in the character of a Plebeian. One might believe Ben Johnson's remark was made upon no better credit than fome blunder of an actor in speaking that verfe near the beginning of the third act. Know, Cæfar doth not wrong; nor without cause 4 Will he be fatisfied. But the verse, as cited by Ben Johnson, does not connect with, Will be be fatisfied. Perhaps this play was never printed in Ben Johnson's time, and fo he had nothing to judge by but as the actor pleased to speak it. I have inferted this note, because it is Pope's, for it is otherwife of no value. It is ftrange that he fhould fo much forget the date of the copy before him, as to think it not printed in Johnfox's time. Therefore, Therefore, 'tis certain he was not ambitious. 1 Pleb. If it be found fo, fome will dear abide it. 3 weeping. Pleb. There's not a nobler man in Rome than Antony. 4 Pleb. Now, mark him, he begins to speak. Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, Let but the Commons hear this Teftament, And dying, mention it within their Wills, Unto their iffue. 4 Pleb. We'll hear the Will, read it, Mark Antony. All. The Will, the Will. We will hear Cafar's Will. Ant. Have patience, gentle, friends, I must not read it; It is not meet you know how Cefar lov'd you. 2 And none to poor- The meanest man is now too high to do reverence to Cafar. 'Tis good you know not, that you are his heirs; For if you fhould, O what would come of it? 4 Pleb. Read the Will, we will hear it, Antony s You fhall read us the Will, Cafar's Will. Ant. Will you be patient? will you ftay a while? I have o'erfhot myself, to tell you of it. I fear, I wrong the honourable men, Whofe daggers have stabb'd Cafar. I do fear it. 4 Pleb. They were traitors. Honourable men! All. The Will! the Teftament! 2 Pleb. They were villains, murderers. The Will? read the Will! Ant. You will compel me then to read the Will? Then make a ring about the corps of Cæfar, And let me fhew you him, that made the Will. Shall I defcend? and will you give me leave? All. Come down. 2 Pleb. Defcend. 3 [He comes down from the pulpit. Pleb. You fhall have leave. 4 Pleb. A ting; ftand round. 1 Pleb. Stand from the hearfe, ftand from the body. 2 Pleb. Room for Antony-moft noble Antony. Ant. Nay, prefs not fo upon me, ftand far off. All. Stand back! room! bear back! Ant. If you have tears, prepare to fhed them now. You all do know this mantle; I remember, The first time ever Cafar put it on, 'Twas on a fummer's evening in his tent, Look! in this place, ran Caffius dagger through; This This was the most unkindeft cut of all; For when the noble Cæfar saw him stab, Which all the while ran blood, great Cæfar fell. 2 Pleb. O noble Cæfar! 3 Pleb. O woful day! 4 Pleb. O traitors, villains! Pleb. O moft bloody fight! 2 Pleb. We will be reveng'd: revenge: aboutfeek-burn-fire-kill-flay! let not a trai then the reflection, which follows, O what a fall was thereis natural, lamenting the disgrace of being at laft fubdued in that quarrel in which he had been compleat victor. WARE. I know not whether the tranfpofition be needful: the image feems to be, that the blood of Cafar flew upon the statue, and trickled down it. And the exclamation, O what a fall was there— follows better after great Cæfar fell, than with a line interpofed. 1 Plebs |