And wish thee to a shrewd ill-favour'd wife? Pet. Signior Hortenfio, 'twixt fuch friends as used (As wealth is burden of my wooing dance) She moves me not; or not removes, at least, I come to wive it wealthily in Padua: Gru. Nay, look you, Sir, he tells you flatly what his mind is why, give him gold enough, and marry him to a puppet, or an aglet-baby, or an old trot with ne'er a tooth in her head, tho' he have as many difeafes as two and fifty horfes; why, nothing comes amifs, fo money comes withal, Hor. Petruchio, fince we are ftept thus far in I will continue that I broach'd in jest.. I can, Petruchio, help thee to a wife With wealth enough, and young and beauteous; Is, that he is intolerable curst; And fhrewd, and froward, fo beyond all measure, Iwould not wed her for a mine of gold. Pet. Hertenfio, peace; thou know'ft not gold's effect;: Tell me her father's name, and 'tis enough: For I will board her, tho' fhe chide as loud An affable and courteous gentleman; Renown'd Renown'd in Padua for her fcolding tongue. Gru. I pray you, Sir, let him go while the humour lafts. O'my word, an fhe knew him as well as I do, fhe would think colding would do little good upon him. She may, perhaps, call him half a fcore knaves, or fo: why, that's nothing; an he begin once, he'll rail in his rope-tricks. I'll tell you what, Sir, an fhe ftand him but a little, he will throw a figure in her face, and fo disfigure her with it, that the fhall have no more eyes to fee withal than a cat: you know him not, Sir. Hor. Tarry, Petruchio, I must go with thee, For in Baptifta's houfe my treafare is: He hath the jewel of my life in hold, (9) And her with holds he from me, and others more (For thofe defeats I have before rehears'd,) A title for a maid of all titles the worst! Hor. Now fhall my friend Petruchio do me grace, And offer me difguis'd in fober robes To old Baptifta as a school mafter, Well feen in mufick, to inftru&t Bianca; Other more Juitors to ber, and (9) And her withhelds be from me. rivals in my love: : &c.] The editors, in this carelefsnefs of their pointing, have made ftark nonfense of this paffage. The regulation, which I have given to the text, was dictated to me by the ingenious Dr. Thirlby. Have leave and leifure to make love to her; Enter Gremio, and Lucentio difguis'd. Gru. Here's no knavery! fee, to beguile the old folks, how the young folks lay their heads together. Master, look about you: who goes there? ha. Hor. Peace, Grumio, 'tis the rival of my love. Gru. A proper tripling, and an amorous. I'll mend it with a largefs. Take your papers too, To whom they go: what will you read to her? Gre. Oh this learning, what a thing it is! Hor. Grumio, mum! God fave you, Signior Gremio. Gre. And you are well met, Signior Hortenfio. Trow you, whither I am going? to Baptifta Minola; I promis'd to enquire carefully about a fchool-mafter for the fair Banca; and by good fortune I have lighted well ou this young man; for learning and behaviour fit for her turn, well read in poetry, and other books, good ones, I warrant ye. Hor. 'Tis well; and I have met a gentleman, Hath promis'd me to help me to another, A fine musician to inftruct our mistress; So fhall I no whit be behind in duty Το i To fair Bianca, so belov'd of me. Gre. Belov'd of me,-and that my deeds fhall prove. Hor. Gremio, 'tis now no time to vent our love. Will undertake to wooe curft Catharine; Yea, and to marry her, if her dowry please. Gre. No, fayeft me fo, friend? what countryman ? My father's dead, my fortune lives for me, And I do hope good days and long to fee. Gre. Oh, Sir, fuch a life with fuch a wife were ftrange; But if you have a ftomach, to't, o' God's name : But will you wooe this wild cat? Pet. Will Llive ?... Gru. Will he wooe her? ay, or I'll hang her. Loud larums, neighing fteeds, and trumpets clangue ?- That gives not half fo great a blow to hear, As will a chefnut in a farmer's fire ? Tufh, tufh, fear boys with bugs. Gre. Hortenfio, hark: This gentleman is happily arriv'd,, My My mind prefumes, for his own good, and ours. Gre. And fo we will, provided that he win her. To them Tranio bravely apparell'd, and Biondello. Tra. Gentlemen, God fave you. If I may be bold,. tell me, I beseech you, which is the readieft way to the houfe of Signior Baptifta Minola? Bion. He, that has the two fair daughters? is't he you. mean? Tra Even he, Biondello. Gre. Hark you, Sir, you mean not her, to Tra. Perhaps, him and her; what have you to do ? Pet. Nor her that chides, Sir, at any hand, I pray. Tra. I love no chiders, Sir: Biondello, let's away Luc. Well begun, Trania. Hor. Sir, a word ere you go: Are you a fuitor to the maid you talk of, yea or no? Tra. An if I be, Sir, is it any offence? Gre. No; if without more words you will get you hence. Tra. Why, Sir, I pray, are not the streets as free For me, as for you? Gre. But fo is not the.. Tra. For what reason, I beseech you? Gre. For this reason, if you'll know: That she's the choice love of Signior Gremio. To whom my father is not all unknown; Gre. What, this gentleman will out-talk us all! Luca |