Puslapio vaizdai

or less welcome in proportion to the degree of their connection with the principal fubject. In the following paffage, different things are brought together without the flighteft connection, if it be not what may be called verbal, i. e. taking the fame word in different meanings.

Surgamus: folet effe gravis cantantibus umbra.
Juniperi gravis umbra: nocent et frugibus umbræ.
Ite domum faturæ, venit Hefperus, ite capellæ.
Virg. Buc. x. 75.

The introduction of an object metaphorically or figuratively, will not juftify the introduction of it in its natural appearance: a relation fe flight can never be relished:

Diftruft in lovers is too warm a fun;

But yet 'tis night in love when that is gone.
And in those climes which moft his scorching know,
He makes the nobleft fruits and metals grow.

Part 2. Conquest of Granada, Act 111.

The relations among objects have a confiderable influence in the gratification of our paffions, and even in their production. But that subject is referved to be treated in the chapter of emotions and paffions*.

There is not perhaps another inftance of a building fo great erected upon a foundation fo flight

* Chap. 2. part 1. fect. 4.

flight in appearance, as the relations of objects and their arrangement. Relations make no capital figure in the mind, the bulk of them being tranfitory, and fome extremely trivial: they are, however, the links that, by uniting our perceptions into one connected chain, produce connection of action, because perception and action have an intimate correfpondence. But it is not fufficient for the conduct of life, that our actions be linked together, however intimately it is befide neceffary that they proceed in a certain order ; and this alfo is provided for by an original propenfity. Thus order and connection, while they admit fufficient variety, introduce a method in the management of affairs: without them our conduct would be fluctuating and defultory; and we should be hurried from thought to thought, and from action to action, entirely at the mercy of chance.





F all the feelings raised in us by external objects, thofe only of the eye and the ear are honoured with the name of passion or emotion: the most pleasing feelings of tafte, or touch, or smell, afpire not to that honour. From this obfervation appears the connection of emotions and paffions with the fine arts, which, as obferved in the introduction, are all of them calculated to give pleasure to the eye or the ear; never once condescending to gratify any of the inferior fenfes. The defign accordingly of this chapter is to delineate that connection, with the view chiefly to afcertain what power the fine arts have to raise emotions and paffions. To those who would excel in the fine arts, that branch of knowledge is indispensable; for without it the critic, as well as the undertaker, ignorant of any rule, have nothing left but to abandon themselves to chance. Deftitute of that branch of knowledge, in vain will either pretend to foretel what effect his work will have upon the heart.

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The principles of the fine arts, appear in this view to open a direct avenue to the heart of man. The inquifitive mind beginning with criticism, the most agreeable of all amufements, and findVOL. I.



ing no obftruction in its progress, advances far into the fenfitive part of our nature; and gains imperceptibly a thorough knowledge of the human heart, of its defires, and of every motive to action; a science, which of all that can be reached by man, is to him of the greatest importance.

Upon a subject fo comprehenfive, all that can be expected in this chapter, is a general or flight furvey and to fhorten that furvey, I propofe to handle feparately fome emotions more peculiarly connected with the fine arts. Even after that circumfcription, so much matter comes under the present chapter, that, to avoid confufion, I find it neceffary to divide it into many parts: and though the first of these is confined to fuch causes of emotion or paffion as are the most common and the moft general; yet upon examination I find this fingle part fo extenfive, as to require a subdivifion into feveral fections. Human nature is a complicate machine, and is unavoidably fo in order to answer its various purposes. The public indeed have been entertained with many fyftems of human nature that flatter the mind by their fimplicity according to fome writers, man is entirely a selfish being; according to others, univerfal benevolence is his duty: one founds morality upon fympathy folely, and one upon utility. If any of these fyftems were copied from nature, the present fubject might be foon difcuffed. But the variety of nature is not fo eafily reached. and for confuting fuch Utopian systems without


the fatigue of reasoning, it appears the beft method to take a furvey of human nature, and to fet before the eye, plainly and candidly, facts as they really exift.



SECT. I.-Difference between Emotion and Paffon.-Caufes that are the most common and the moft general.-Paffion confidered as productive of Action.

HESE branches are fo interwoven that they


cannot be handled feparately. It is a fact univerfally admitted, that no emotion or paffion ever starts up in the mind without a caufe: if I love a perfon, it is for good qualities or good offices if I have refentment against a man, it muft be for fome injury he has done me: and I cannot pity any one who is under no diftress of body nor of mind.

The circumftances now mentioned, if they raise an emotion or paffion, cannot be entirely indifferent; for if fo, they could not make any impreffion. And we find upon examination, that they are not indifferent: looking back upon the fore

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