O, master! what a strange infection CYMBELINE. Is fallen into thy ear? What false Italian Thy fortunes.-How! that I should murder her? Let me be counted serviceable. How look I, So much as this fact comes to? Do't the letter That I have sent her, by her own command Enter Imogen. I am ignorant in what I am commanded. Imo. How now, Pisanio? Pis. Madam, here is a letter from my lord. Why should excuse be born or ere begot? "Twixt hour and hour? 295 Pis. wagers, That run i'the clock's behalf:-But this is foolery :- Madam, you're best-consider. Imo. I see before me, man, nor here, nor here, [Exeunt. SCENE III.-Wales. A mountainous country, with a cave. Enter Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus. Bel. A goodly day not to keep house, with such Imo. Who? thy lord? that is my lord? Leonatus? Whose roof's as low as ours! Stoop, boys: This O, learn'd indeed were that astronomer, Of my lord's health, of his content,-yet not, That we two are asunder, let that grieve him,(Some griefs are med'cinable ;) that is one of them, For it doth physic love;-of his content, All but in that!-Good wax, thy leave:-Bless'd be You bees, that make these locks of counsel! Lovers, And men in dangerous bonds, pray not alike; Though forfeiters you cast in prison, yet You clasp young Cupid's tables. Good news, gods! Justice, and your father's wrath, should he take [Reads. me in his dominion, could not be so cruel to me, as you, O the dearest of creatures, would not even renew me with your eyes. Take notice, that I am in Cambria, at Milford-Haven. What your own love will, out of this, advise you, follow. So, he wishes you all happiness, that remains loyal to his vow, and your, increasing in love, gate Instructs you how to adore the heavens; and bows you To morning's holy office: The gates of monarchs Gui. Hail, heaven! Arv. sider, When you above perceive me like a crow, you, Of courts, of princes, of the tricks in war : LEONATUS POSTHUMUS. || And often, to our comfort, shall we find O, for a horse with wings!-Hear'st thou, Pisanio? Glide thither in a day?-Then, true Pisanio long'st, O, let me 'bate, but not like me: yet long'st,- For mine's beyond beyond,) say, and speak thick, 3 How we may steal from hence; and, for the gap hence: (1) To take in a town, is to conquer it. (2) Confederate. (3) Crowd one word on another, as fast as possible. When we are old as you? when we shall hear Bel. How you speak! Did you but know the city's usuries, As hard to leave, as keep; whose top to climb The fear's as bad as falling: the toil of the war, And hath as oft a slanderous epitaph, As record of fair act; nay, many times, Doth ill deserve by doing well; what's worse, Uncertain favour! Bel. My fault being nothing (as I have told you But that two villains, whose false oaths prevail'd Follow'd my banishment; and, this twenty years, More pious debts to heaven, than in all hand! That drug-damn'd Italy hath out-craftied him, tongue Would be even mortal to me. Please you, read; Imo. [Reads.] Thy mistress, Pisanio, hath played the strumpet in my bed; the testimonies whereof lie bleeding in me. 1 speak not out of weak surmises; from proof as strong as my grief, and That part, The fore-end of my time. But, up to the moun-as certain as I expect my revenge. tains; This is not hunters' language:-He, that strikes And we will fear no poison, which attends leys. I'the cave, wherein they bow, their thoughts do hit ture That acts my words. The younger brother, Cadwal, (1) For behaviour. thou, Pisanio, must act for me, if thy faith be not tainted with the breach of hers. Let thine own hands take away her life: I shall give thee opportunities at Milford-Haven: she hath my letter for the purpose: Where, if thou fear to strike, and to make me certain it is done, thou art the pander to her dishonour, and equally to me disloyal. Pis. What shall I need to draw my sword? the Hath cut her throat already. -No, 'tis slander: To weep 'twixt clock and clock? if sleep charge To break it with a fearful dream of him, Pis. Alas, good lady! Imo. I false? Thy conscience witness :-Iachimo, (2) Putta, in Italian, signifies both a jay and a whore. Whose mother was her painting, 11 hath betray'd him: Good madam, hear me. Imo. True honest men being heard, like false Æneas, Were, in his time, thought false: and Sinon's weeping Did scandal many a holy tear; took pity But if I were as wise as honest, then From most true wretchedness: So, thou, Posthú- My purpose would prove well. It cannot be, mus, Wilt lay the leaven on all proper men; I draw the sword myself: take it; and hit But now thou seem'st'a coward. Something's afore't:-Soft, soft; we'll no defence; Corrupters of my faith! you shall no more Be stomachers to my heart! Thus may poor fools Believe false teachers: Though those that are betray'd Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor And thou, Posthumus, thou that didst set up Will then be pang'd by me.-Pr'ythee, despatch: But that my master is abus'd: Some villain, ay, and singular in his art, Imo. Some Roman courtezan. No, on my life. Hath Britain all the sun that shines? Day, night, Pis. I am most glad You think of other place. The embassador, Lucius the Roman, comes to Milford-Haven To-morrow: Now, if you could wear a mind Dark as your fortune is; and but disguise That, which, to appear itself, must not yet be, But by self-danger; you should tread a course Pretty, and full of view: yea, haply, near The residence of Posthumus: so nigh, at least, That though his actions were not visible, yet Report should render him hourly to your ear, As truly as he moves. Imo. O, for such means ! Though peril to my modesty, not death on't, I would adventure. Pis. Well then, here's the point: You must forget to be a woman; change Imo. Nay, be brief: I see into thy end, and am almost (4) Feedest or preyest on. (5) The sun. Pis. First, make yourself but like one. His war for Britain. Fore-thinking this, I have already fit That answer to them: Would you, in their serving, From youth of such a season, 'fore noble Lucius If that his head have ear in music,) doubtless, Beginning, nor supplyment. Thou art all the comfort The gods will diet me with. Pr'ythee, away: Pis. Well, madam, we must take a short farewell: Imo. Amen: I thank thee. [Exeunt. SCENE V.-A room in Cymbeline's palace. Cym. Thus far; and so farewell. Queen. A thing more made of malice, than of duty: Queen. [Exit an Attendant. Royal sir, Since the exile of Posthumus, most retir'd Re-enter an Attendant. Cym. Where is she, sir? How Can her contempt be answer'd? Please you, sir, She should that duty leave unpaid to you, Her doors lock'd? Not seen of late? Grant, heavens, that, which I fear, [Exit. Thanks, royal sir. Prove false! My emperor hath wrote; I must from hence; And am right sorry, that I must report ye My master's enemy. Cym. Our subjects, sir, Will not endure his yoke; and for ourself To show less sovereignty than they, must needs Luc. So, sir, I desire of you A conduct over land, to Milford-Haven.Madam, all joy befall your grace, and you! Queen. Son, I say, follow the king. Clo. That man of hers, Pisanio, her old servant, Go, look after.- [Exit Cloten Pisanio, thou that stand'st so for Posthumus!- Where is she gone? Haply, despair hath seiz'd her; Or, wing'd with fervour of her love, she's flown Cym. My lords, you are appointed for that of. To her desir'd Posthumus: Gone she is, Sir, the event lords, Till he have cross'd the Severn.-Happiness! us, That we have given him cause. 'Tis all the better; Your valiant Britons have their wishes in it. Cym. Lucius hath wrote already to the emperor Will soon be drawn to head, from whence he moves (1) i. e. Wherein you are accomplished. (2) As for your subsistence abroad, you may rely on me. 'Tis certain, she is fled: Go in, and cheer the king; he rages; none Enter Pisanio. Shall Who is here? What! are you packing, [valour, which will then be a torment to her con tempt. He on the ground, my speech of insultment ended on his dead body, and when my lust hath dined (which, as I say, to vex her, I will execute in the clothes that she so praised,) to the court I'll knock her back, foot her home again. She O, good my lord! hath despised me rejoicingly, and I'll be merry in sirrah? Come hither: Ah, you precious pander! Villain, Where is thy lady? In a word; or else Thou art straightway with the fiends. Pis. Clo. Where is thy lady? or, by Jupiter Close villain, I will not ask again. Is she with Posthumus? I'll have this secret from thy heart, or rip Clo. my revenge. Re-enter Pisanio, with the clothes. Be those the garments? Pis. Ay, my noble lord. Clo. How long is't since she went to MilfordHaven? Pis. She can scarce be there yet. Clo. Bring this apparel to my chamber; that is the second thing that I have commanded thee: the Where is she, sir? Come nearer; third is, that thou shalt be a voluntary mute to my No further halting: satisfy me home, What is become of her? Sir, as I think. Clo. It is Posthumus' hand; I know't. --Sirrah, if thou would'st not be a villain, but do me true service; undergo those employments, wherein I should have cause to use thee, with a serious industry, design. Be but duteous, and true preferment shall tender itself to thee. My revenge is now at Milford; 'Would I had wings to follow it!-Come, [Exit. and be true. Pis. Thou bidd'st me to my loss: for true to thee, Were to prove false, which I will never be, To him that is most true.-To Milford go, And find not her whom thou pursu'st. Flow, flow, You heavenly blessings, on her! This fool's speed Be cross'd with slowness; labour be his meed! [Exit. SCENE VI-Before the cave of Pelarius. Enter Imogen, in boy's clothes. Imo. I see, a man's life is a tedious one: I have tir'd myself; and for two nights together Have made the ground my bed. I should be sick, But that my resolution helps me. Milford, When from the mountain-top Pisanio show'd thee, Thou wast within a ken: O Jove! I think, Foundations fly the wretched: such, I mean, Where they should be reliev'd. Two beggars told that is, what villany soe'er I bid thee do, to per- When rich ones scarce tell true: To lapse in fulness form it, directly and truly,-I would think thee an honest man: thou shouldest neither want my means for thy relief, nor my voice for thy preferment. [Exit. Clo. Meet thee at Milford-Haven: -I forgot to ask him one thing; I'll remember't anon:---Even there, thou villain Posthumus, will I kill thee.-I would these garments were come. She said upon a time (the bitterness of it I now belch from my heart,) that she held the very garment of Posthumus in more respect than my noble and natural person, together with the adornment of my qualities. With that suit upon my back, will I ravish her: First kill him, and in her eyes; there shall she see my (1) Best hunter. (2) Agreement. VOL. II. Is sorer, than to lie for need; and falsehood My hunger's gone; but even before, I was Enter Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus. Bel. You, Polydore, have prov'd best woodman, |