Puslapio vaizdai

Agr. Welcome, lady..

Mec. Welcome, dear madam.

Each heart in Rome does love and pity you s
Only th' adulterous Antony, moft large

In his abominations, turns you off,

And gives his potent regiment to a trull,
That nofes it against us.

Oa. Is it fo, Sir?

Caf. It is moft certain: fifter, welcome, pray you, Be ever known to patience. My dear'ft fifter!


SCENE, near the Promontory of Actium.
Enter Cleopatra and Enobarbus.

Cleo. I will be even with thee, doubt it not.
Eno. But why, why, why?

Cleo. Thou haft forefpoke my being in these wars; And fay'ft, it is not fit.

Eno. Well, is it, is it?

Cleo. Is't not denounc'd against us? why should not we be there in perfon?

Eno. Well, I could reply, if we should ferve with horse and mares together, the horse were merely loft the mares would bear a foldier and his horse.

Cleo. What is't you fay?

Eno. Your prefence needs muft puzzle Antonys Take from his heart, take from his brain, from's time, What should not then be fpar'd. He is already

· Traduc'd for levity, and 'tis faid in Rome, That Photinus an eunuch, and your maids, Manage this war.

Cleo. Sink Rome, and their tongues rot

That speak against us! A charge we bear i'th war ;
And, as the Prefident of my Kingdom, will I
Appear there for a man. Speak not against it,
I will not ftay behind.

Enter Antony and Canidius.

Eno. Nay, I have done: here comes the Emperor.
Ant. Is it not strange, Canidius,



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That from Tarentum, and Brundufium,
He could fo quickly cut th' Ionian sea,
And take in Toryne? You have heard on't, Sweet?
Cleo. Celerity is never more admir'd
Than by the negligent.

Ant. A good rebuke,

Which might have well becom❜d the best of men
To taunt at flackness. Canidius, we

Will fight with him by fea.

Cleo. By fea, what else?

Can. Why will my lord do fo?

Ant. For That he dares us to't.

Eno. So hath my lord dar'd him to fingle fight.
Can. Ay, and to wage this battel at Pharfalia,
Where Cafar fought with Pompey. But thefe offers,
Which ferve not for his vantage, he fhakes off;
And fo fhould you.

Eno. Your hips are not well mann'd,
Your mariners are muliteers, reapers, people
Ingroft by swift imprefs. In Cafar's fleet
Are thofe, that often have 'gainft Pompey fought;
Their fhips are yare, yours heavy: no difgrace
Shall fall you for refufing him at sea,
Being prepar'd for land.

Ant. By fea, by fea.

Eno. Moft worthy Sir, you therein throw away
The abfolute foldierfhip you have by land;
Diftract your army, which doth moft confift
Of war-mark'd footmen leave unexecuted
Your own renowned knowledge; quite forego
which promises affurance, and
Give up your Self meerly to chance and hazard,
From firm fecurity.



Ant. I'll fight at fea.

Cleo. I have fixty fails, Cæfar none better.
Ant. Our overplus of fhipping will we burn,

And, with the reft full-mann'd, from th' head of Altium
Beat the approaching Cefar. But if we fail,
We then can do't at land.

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Thy business?

Enter a Meffenger.

Mef. The news is true, my lord; he is defcried; Cafar has taken Toryne.

Ant. Can he be there in perfon? 'tis impoffible. Strange, that his Power fhould be fo. Canidius, Our nineteen legions thou fhalt hold by land, And our twelve thousand horfe. We'll to our ship, Away, my Thetis!

Enter a Soldier.

How now, worthy foldier?

Sold. Oh noble Emperor, do not fight by fea, Truft not to rotten planks: do you misdoubt This fword, and thefe my wounds? let the Egyptians And the Phoenicians go a ducking: we

Have us'd to conquer ftanding on the earth,

And fighting foot to foot.

Ant. Well, well, away.

[Exeunt Ant. Cleo. and Enob.

Sol. By Hercules, I think, I am i'th' right.

Can. Soldier, thou art; but his whole action grows Not in the power on't: fo our leader's led,

And we are womens men.

Sold. You keep by land

The legions and the horse whole, do you not?
Can. Marcus Octavius, Marcus Jufteius,

Publicola, and Cælius, are for fea:

But we keep whole by land. This speed of Cafar's

Carries beyond belief.

Sold. While he was yet in Rome,

His Power went out in fuch distractions as

Beguil❜d all fpies.

Gan. Who's his lieutenant, hear you?

Sold. They fay, one Taurus.

Can. Well I know the man.

[blocks in formation]

Enter a Meffenger.

Mef. The Emperor calls Canidius.

Can. With news the time's in labour, and throes


Each minute, fome.

Enter Cæfar, with his army marching.

Caf. Taurus?

Taur. My lord.


Caf. Strike not by land. Keep whole, provoke not


"Till we have done at fea. Do not exceed

The prefcript of this fcroul: our fortune lyes

Upon this jump.

Enter Antony and Enobarbus.


Ant. Set we our fquadrons on yond fide o'th' hill, In eye of Cefar's battle; from which place We may the number of the fhips behold, And fo proceed accordingly.


Canidius, marching with his land-army one way over the ftage; and Taurus, the lieutenant of Cæfar, the other way: after their going in, is heard the noife of a feafight. Alarum. Enter Enobarbus.

Eno. Naught, naught, all naught, I can behold no longer;

Th' Antonias, the Egyptian admiral,

With all their fixty, flie, and turn the rudder;
To fee't, mine eyes are blafted.

Enter Scarus.

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Scar. Gods and Goddeffes,

All the whole Synod of them!
Eno. What's thy paffion?

Scar. The greater cantle of the world is loft
With very ignorance; we have kiss'd away
Kingdoms and Provinces..

Eno. How appears the fight?


Sear. On our fide like the token'd peftilence, Where death is fure. Your ribauld nag of Egypt, (Whom leprofie o'ertake!) i'th' midft o'th' fight, (When vantage like a pair of twins appear'd Both as the fame, or rather ours the elder; ) The breeze upon her, like a cow in June, Hoifts fails, and flies.

Eno. That I beheld:

Mine eyes did ficken at the fight, and could not
Endure a further view.

Scar. She once being looft,

. The noble ruin of her magick, Antony,
Claps on his fea-wing, like a doating mallard,
Leaving the fight in height, flies after her:
I never faw an action of fuch fhame;
Experience, manhood, honour ne'er before
Did violate fo it felf.

Eno. Alack, alack.

Enter Canidius.

Can. Our fortune on the fea is out of breath,
And finks moft lamentably, Had our General
Been what he knew himfelf, it had gone well;
Oh, he has given example for our flight,
Moft grofly by his own.

Eno. Ay, are you thereabouts? why then, good night, indeed.

Can. Toward Peloponnefus are they fled.

Scar. 'Tis eafie to't.

And there I will attend what further comes.
Can. To Cæfar will I render

My legions and my horfe; fix Kings already

Shew me the way of yielding.

Eno. I'll yet follow

The wounded chance of Antony, though my reafon

Sits in the wind against me.

[Exeunt, feverally.

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Ant. Hark, the land bids me tread no more upon't, It is afham'd to bear me, Friends, come hither,

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