must be submitted to the missions concerned through the secretaries three months in advance of a given meeting of the Council, to give time for due consideration. It was further resolved that the first meeting of the Provincial Council shall be held in Hankow, on Monday, July 5th, 1909. A Provisional Executive Committee was appointed, consisting of six Chinese and six foreigners, to translate and print the above Constitution, draft bye-laws, and arrange for the first meeting. The programme for that meeting must include two addresses on Federation, one by a Chinese and the other by a foreigner, and "the form of representation to the National Council." It will also include discussions on "the evangelistic needs of the field," "the educational needs of the field," or "the present needs in Christian literature." The Rev. Dr. Glover was requested to prepare a large map of the province and to gather statistics. GEORGE A. CLAYTON, Hon. Secretary. The Month. PEKING AFFAIRS. The proposal to grant amnesty to political prisoners has been dropped. -H. E. Yuan Shi-kai denies that he has any intention of traveling abroad. -Half of the French legation guards have been recalled from Peking.Following the example of Prince Su all the Yamêns in Peking have been reducing their staffs. Over fifty have been dismissed in the Board of Posts and Communications.-The Grand Council has asked the Waiwupu to recall Sir Robert Hart.-The Waiwupu has set aside Tls. 200,000 for the entertainment of the foreign representatives who in behalf of their governments attend the funeral of the late Emperor.-The Board of Finance has submitted proposals in regard to the Central Bureau of Financial Reform, the principal of which are that directors and assistant directors be appointed to manage its affairs until the introduction of the budget at the end of five years and that they then be relieved of their duties. CHINA AND OTHER COUNTRIES. The Grand Council are said to desire to use Weihaiwei as a naval base, and the Waiwupu has been instructed to consult the British Minister regarding the matter.-Over twenty students from the Nobles' College in Peking have accompanied Prince Hsien Chang, the second son of Prince Su, to Germany for study.The government announces that subjects of non-Treaty powers will be treated the same as Chinese, and consequently there is no reason for granting them passes for travel into the interior.-The Central government has permitted H. E. Tang Hyaoyi to receive a decoration offered him by the French government.-It is said that Russia intends establishing two colleges in North Manchuria for the exclusive benefit of Chinese, paying for them out of revenue derived from the Chinese Eastern Railway.The China Emergency Committee, of which Sir Robert Hart is president, issues an appeal in England for £100,000 to develop a medical college in Peking. The president of the Waiwupu is considering the revision of all treaties with foreign powers concluded before the Boxer Trouble. -China has formally proposed that the differences with Japan regarding the Fakumen railway be submitted to the Hague Tribunal for adjustment The Japanese government, however, claims that the questions involved do not lie within the scope of that tribunal.-The Chinese government has decided to send more naval cadets to Japan rather than to Western countries in order to save expense. The Yunnan-Indo-China boundary dispute has been settled and boundary stones erected.-The British government states that there is no reason to believe that Japan is assuming territorial jurisdiction in Manchuria. OPIUM AND REFORM. con The conclusions of the International Opium Commission, which cluded its sessions late in February, were published on the first of March. The resolutions adopted were a pledge of the support of the powers represented to China in the program of opium abolition as well as a decision to restrict the use of opium in other parts of the world. The Postmaster General at Hongkong has issued a notice prohibiting the despatch of opium through the mails.-Prince Kung has proposed to the government that opium smoking be made a criminal offence. An edict dated March 15 deals with the opium suppression, declaring anew the strong determination of the government to rid the country of the curse and discussing the question of how the revenue thus lost is to be made good. -In line with the purpose of the government to establish compulsory education a preliminary experiment is being made in Chihli province, where a census is soon to be taken with a view to establishing a school and a lecture hall in every village; the necessary expenses to be paid by the gentry. Great importance will be attached to Chinese studies at the forthcoming examination of returned students to be held the third month. -It is reported that the government contemplates plans for making a government monopoly of the manufacture of cigarettes, to see that they are made from good tobacco, to prevent their use by soldiers, students and minors under 18 years of age.-A proposal is made by the President of the Board of Justice to give lawyers permission to practice in the courts of China and with this in view to establish in Peking a Law College. INDUSTRIAL. Two firms have jointly memorialized the Board of Posts and Communications for permission to construct long distance telephones from Peking to Hankow, Nanking and Canton.It is reported that engineers have been engaged by the provincial authorities to make a survey of a Szechuen-Thibet Railway.-Rich deposits of copper have been discovered in Yunnan, and the Board of Finance is consulting the Viceroy of the Yunkwei provinces as to raising capital. and working them.-The Viceroy of Hupeh has ordered the DirectorGeneral of the Canton-Hankow railway to start work on the Hupeh section at once: Missionary Journal. MARRIAGE. AT Wuhu, 25th February, Mr. HowARD VAN DYCK and Miss ANNA HOTZ, both of C. and M. A. BIRTHS. AT Fukiang, Kan., 6th February, to a son. AT ...... 19th February, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. HANNA, C. I. M., of Pingi, Yunnan, a son. AT Chengchow, Honan, 26th Febru ary, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. LAWTON, A. S. B. M., a daughter (Ida Carey). AT Kaifeng. 1st March, to Mr. and Mrs. J. BROCK, C. I. M., a son (Allan Archibald). AT Kashing, 1st March, to Rev. and Mrs. W. H. HUDSON, A. P. M. (South), a daughter (Annie Chapin). At Kashing, 10th March, to Rev. and Mrs. J. MERCER BLAIN, A. P. M. (South), a daughter (Elizabeth Grier). AT Kinhwa, 14th March, to Rev. and Mrs. CHARLES S. KEEN, A. B. M., a son (Maurice Fischer). DEATHS. Ar Shanghai, 9th March, Rev. W. ARRIVALS. AT SHANGHAI : 13th February, Miss A. FOSTER, C. M. M. (ret.). 22nd February, Miss B. Woods, for Rescue Work. 2nd March, Rev. and Mrs. A. T. POLHILL, Misses H. DAVIES, E. M. TUCKER, E. TURNER, A. C. WARE, F. M. WILLIAMS, G. M. BLAKELY and L. E. KOHLER, returned from England; Misses C. M. BIGGS, G. C. DAVEY and F. HERBERT, from England, all C. I. M. 12th March, Ven. Arch. and Mrs. E. H. THOMSON (ret.) and Miss S. H. REID, all A. C. M. 13th March, Miss M. BATTERHAM, C. I. M., returned from Australia. 16th March, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. FOUCAR and two children, returned from Germany, Misses E. ROWAN, M. M. REID and E. P. REID, from England, and Misses A. M. ANDERSON and H. A. DAHLBERG, from Sweden; all C. I. M.; Rev. and Mrs. J. SKOLD and child (ret.) and Miss M. AELING, S. M. S., and Misses A. ANDERSON and A. DAHLBERG, Scan. A. M. DEPARTURES. FROM SHANGHAI: 30th January, Miss L. M. STANLEY, Friends M., for U. S. A. 19th February, Rev. S. WICKS, C. M. S., for England, via Siberia. 20th February, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. TOOKER and child, A. P. M.; Rev. and Mrs. L. HODOUS and three children and Mrs. G. M. NEWELL, A. B. C. F. M., all for U. S. A.; and Rev. J. A. PARTRIDGE, Ch. of Eng. M., for England. 5th March, Rev. and Mrs. T. H. HIMLE and 3 children, and Miss O. HODNEFIELD, all Hauges Syn. M., for U. S. A.; Miss M. MONSEN, Norw. Luth. M., for Europe via U. S. A. 6th March, Mr. and Mrs. K. ENGLAND, Norw. Luth. M., for Norway. 16th March, Mr. T. JAMES, C. I. M., and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. BEGG and children, all for England. 19th March, Miss F. H. CULVERWELL and Miss F. LLOYD, both C. I. M., for England via Siberia. 20th March, Miss M. J. WILLIAMS, C. I. M., for England. |