Will not confefs it owns the malady That doth my life befiege: farewell, young Lords; you come 2 Lord. Health at your bidding ferve your Majefty! Both. Our hearts receive your warnings. King. Farewell. Come hither to me. [To attendants. [Exit. 1 Lord. Oh, my fweet Lord, that you will ftay behind us! Par. 'Tis not his fault; the fpark- 2 Lord. Oh, 'tis brave wars. Par. Moft admirable; I have feen those wars. Ber. I am commanded here, and kept a coil with, Too young, and the next year, and 'tis too early.— Par. An thy mind ftand to it, boy, bravely. fteal away Ber. Shall I ftay here the forehorse to a smock, *The ancient geographers have divided Italy into the Higher and the Lower, the Apennine hills being a kind of natural line of partition. The fide next the Adriatic was denominated the Higher Italy, and the other fide the Lower. And the two feas followed the fame terms of diftinction; the Adriatic being called the Upper fea, and the Tyrrhene or Tuscan the Lower. Now, the Sennones, or Senois, with whom the Florentines are here fuppofed to be at war, inhabited the Higher Italy, their chief town being Ariminum, now called Rimini, upon the Adriatic. Italy, at the time of this scene, was under three very different tenures. The Emperor, as fucceffor of the Roman Emperors, had one part; the Pope, by a pretended donation from Conftantine, another; and the third was compofed of free ftates. Now, by the last monarchy is meant the Roman, the laft of the four general monarchies. Upon the fall of this monarchy, in the fcramble, feveral cities fet up for themselves, and became free ftates; now, thefe might be faid properly to inherit the fall of the monarchy. Creeking my fhoes on the plain masonry, Till Honour be bought up, and no fword worn Par. Commit it, Count. 2 Lord. I am your acceffary, and fo farewell. Ber. I grow to you, and our parting is a tortur’d body. iLord. Farewell, Captain. 2 Lord. Sweet Monfieur Parolles! Par. Noble heroes, my fword and yours are kin; good fparks and luftrous. A word, good metals. You fhall find in the regiment of the Spinii, one Captain Spurio with his cicatrice, an emblem of war, here on his finifter cheek; it was this very sword intrench'd it; fay to him, I live, and obferve his reports of me. 2 Lord. We fhall, noble Captain. Par. Mars doat on you for his novices? what will ye do? Ber. Stay; the King- [Exeunt Lords. Par. Ufe a more fpacious ceremony to the Noble Lords, you have restrain'd yourself within the lift of too cold an adieu; be more expreffive to them, for they wear themselves in the cap of the time, there to mufter true gate, cat, fpeak, and move under the influence of the most receiv'd ftar: and tho' the devil lead the measure, fuch are to be follow'd: after them, and take a more dilated farewell. Ber. And I will do fo. Par. Worthy fellows, and like to prove moft finewy fword-men. [Exeunt. SCENE II. Enter the King, and Lafeu. Laf. Pardon, my Lord, for me and for my tidings. Laf. Then here's a man ftands that hath bought his pardon. I would you had kneel'd, my Lord, to ask me mercy; King. I would I had: fo I had broke thy pate, Laf. Laf. Goodfaith, acrofs:-but, my good Lord, 'tis Will you be cur'd of your infirmity? King. No. Laf. O, will you eat no grapes, my Royal fox? Yes; but you will, an if [thus; My Royal fox could reach them; I have seen a medicine*, That's able to breathe life into a stone; Quicken a rock, and make you dance canary With sprightly fire and motion; whofe fimple touch Is powerful to araife King Pepin, nay, To give great Charlemain a pen And write to her a love-line. If King. What her is this? in's hand, Laf. Why, doctor-fhe: my Lord, there's one arriv'd, you will fee her. Now, by my faith and honour, If feriously I may convey my thoughts In this my light deliverance, I have spoke With one, that in her fex, her years, profeffion †, That done, laugh well at me. King. Now, good Lafeu, you Bring in the admiration, that we with thee May spend our wonder too, or take off thine, By wond'ring how thou took'ft it. Laf. Nay, I'll fit you, And not be all day neither. [Exit Lafeu. King. Thus he his special nothing ever prologues. Laf. [Returns.] Nay, come your ways. [Bringing in Helena. King. This hafte hath wings indeed. Laf. Nay, come your ways, This is his Majefty, fay your mind to him; [Exit. SCENE • Medicine is here put for a fhe-physician. By profeffion is meant her declaration of the end and purpose of her coming. SCENE III. King. Now, fair one, do's your business follow us? Gerard de Narbon was my father, In what he did profefs, well found. Hel. The rather will I fpare my praise toward him; Knowing him, is enough: on's bed of death Many receipts he gave me, chiefly one, Which as the deareft iffue of his practice, Safer than mine own two: more dear I have fo; power, and King. We thank you, maiden; To empirics; or to diffever fo Our great felf and our credit, to esteem Hel. My duty then shall pay me for my pains; King. I cannot give thee lefs, to be call'd grateful; Hel. What I can do, can do no hurt to try, He He that of greatest works is finisher, Oft does them by the weakest minister: So holy writ in babes hath judgment shown, When judges have been babes: great floods have flown, King. I muft not hear thee; fare thee well, kind maid'; But know I think, and think I know moft fure, King. Art thou fo confident? within what space Hel. The greatest grace lending grace, King Upon thy certainty and confidence, What dar'ft thou venture? Hel. Tax of impudence, A ftrumpet's boldness, a divulged shame, Traduc'd by odious ballads: my maiden's name With vileft torture let my life be ended. King. Methinks, in thee fome bleffed fpirit doth speak: His |