Puslapio vaizdai

"It was early, but people were going in. The windows were bright, and the light flashed out of the opening and closing door. The little boy went up the steps nerving himself and trying to say the piece over once more"


"Let me have your comforter and cap,' she said. She leaned over and slicked his hair with her hand, and then leaned farther and whispered in his ear, 'Now don't be afraid, but open your mouth and speak right up good and loud.' She gave him a gentle push around the end of the screen"

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"The little boy and Johnnie went and stood together under a far-spreading branch not far distant from the end of the organ. There was a terrible minute as Edie played. All the lights and the warmth, all the faces and eyes just as he had imagined them! He swallowed. In another second or two, with a catch in the breath to begin with, they were singing the first verse"

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"Then he snuggled himself down into the soft feather-bed with the book in his arms, and waited for his mother to come to the door for the light.

"In a few moments she came.

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"Pleasant dreams!' he called. The light disappeared. He put one hand out and felt of the sled, then drew it in again and hugged the book"


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