For thus his royalty doth speak in me: 6 This harness'd mask, and unadvised revel, That hand which had the ftrength ev'n at your door Lewis. There end thy brave, and turn thy face in thou canft out-fcold us; fare thee well: We hold our time too precious to be spent We grant With fuch a babler. peace; Strike up the drums, and let the tongue of war Baft. Indeed your drums, being beaten, will cry out And fo fhall you, being beaten; do but start An echo with the clamour of thy drum, And ev'n at hand a drum is ready brac'd, That fhall reverb'rate all as loud as thine. Sound but another, and another shall As loud as thine rattle the welkin's ear, And mock the deep-mouth'd thunder. For at hand (Not trufting to this halting Legate here, Whom he hath us'd rather for fport than need) Is warlike John; and in his forehead fits. A bare-ribb'd death, whofe office is this day To feaft upon whole thousands of the French, Lewis. Strike up our drums, to find this danger out. Baft. And thou shalt find it, Dauphin, do not doubt. [Exeunt. The Field of Battle. Alarms. Enter King John and Hubert. K. John. HOW goes the day with us? oh, tell me, Hubert. Hub. Badly, I fear; how fares your Majesty? K. John. This feaver that hath troubled me fo long, Lyes heavy on me: oh, my heart is fick! Enter a Messenger. Mef. My Lord, your valiant kinfman Faulconbridge Defires your Majefty to leave the field, And fend him word by me which way you go. K. John. Tell him, tow'rd Swinftead, to the Abby there. That was expected by the Dauphin here, Are wreck'd three nights ago on Goodwin-fands. This This news was brought to Richard but ev❜n now, SCENE [Exeunt. VI. Enter Salisbury, Pembroke and Bigot. Sal. Did not think the King fo ftor'd with friends. Pemb. Up once again; put fpirit in the French: If they mifcarry, we mifcarry too. Sal. That mif-begotten devil Faulconbridge, In fpight of fpight, alone upholds the day. Pemb. They fay, King John fore fick hath left the field. Enter Melun wounded. Melun. Lead me to the revolts of England here. Sal. Wounded to death. Melun. Fly, noble English, you are bought and fold; Unthread the rude eye of rebellion, And welcome home again difcarded faith.. Even on that altar where we swore to you Sal. May this be poffible? may this be true? Melun. Have I not hideous death within my view Retaining but a quantity of life, Which bleeds away, ev'n as a form of wax Refolveth Refolveth from its figure 'gainft the fire? What in the world fhould make me now deceive, Why should I then be falfe, fince it is true He is forefworn if e'er those eyes of yours But ev❜n this night, whofe black contagious breath Of the old, feeble, and day-wearied fun, Ev'n with a treacherous fine of all your lives, Sal. We do believe thee, and befhrew my foul But I do love the favour and the form Of this moft fair occafion, by the which Leaving our ranknéfs and irregular courfe, Stoop low within thofe bounds we have o'er-look'd, And calmly run on in obedience Ev'n to our Ocean, to our great King John. My arm fhall give thee help to bear thee hence, 'Pight in thine eyes. Away, my friends, and fly! M 3 7 Right Lewis.THE fun of heav'n methought was loth to fet, Enter a Messenger. Mef. Where is my Prince, the Dauphin? Mef. The Count Melun is flain; the English Lords And your fupply which you have wifh'd fo long Are caft away and funk on Goodwin-fands. Lewis. Ah foul fhrewd news! Beshrew thy very heart, I did not think to be fo fad to-night As this hath made me. Who was he that faid King John did fly an hour or two before The ftumbling night did part our weary powers? Mef. Who ever spoke it, it is true, my Lord. [night'; Lewis. Well; keep good quarter, and good care toThe day fhall not be up fo foon as I, To try the fair adventure of to-morrow, [Exeunt. SCENE |