And charm through distant ages: wrapt in shade, Pris'ner of darkness! to the silent hours, How often I repeat their rage divine,
To lull my griefs, and steal my heart from woe! I roll their raptures, but not catch their fire. Dark, though not blind, like the Mæouides! Or, Milton! thee; ah, could I reach Or his, who made Mæonides our own. Man too he sung: immortal map I sing; Oft bursts my song beyond the bounds of life; What, now, but immortality can please? O had he press'd his theme, pursu'd the track, Which opens out of darkness into day! O had he, mounted on his wing of fire,
Soar'd where I sink, and sung immortal man! How had it bless'd mankind, and rescued me!
WHEN the Cock crew, he wept,'-smote by tha eye,
Which looks on me, on all: that power, who bids This midnight centinel, with clarion shrill, Emblem of that which shall awake the dead, Rouse souls from slumber into thoughts of Heav'n. Shall I too weep? Where then is fortitude? And, fortitude abandoned, where is man? I know the terms on which he sees the light: He that is born, is listed; life is war; Eternal war with woe. Who bears it best, Deserves it least.-On other themes, I'll dwell.
LORENZO! let me turn my thoughts on thee, And thine, on themes may profit; profit there, Where most thy need. Themes, too, the genuine growth
Of dear PHILANDER'S dust. He, thus, though dead, May still befriend-What themes? Time's wondrous
price, Death, Friendship, and PHILANDER's final scene. So could I touch these themes, as might obtain Thine ear, nor leave thy heart quite disengaged, The good deed would delight me; half impress On my dark cloud an Iris; and from grief Call glory-Dost thou mourn PHILANDER'S fate? I know thou say'st it: says thy life the same? He mourns the dead, who lives as they desire, Where is that thrift, that avarice of TIME, (O glorious avarice!) thought of death inspires, As rumour'd robberies endear our gold? O Time! than gold more sacred; more a load Than lead, to fools; and fools reputed wise. What moment granted man without account; What years are squander'd, wisdom's debt unpaid? Our wealth in days all due to that discharge. Haste, haste, he lies in wait, he's at the door, Insidious Death! should his strong hand arrest No composition sets the pris'ner free. Eternity's inexorable chain
Fast binds, and vengeance claims the full arrear. How late I shudder'd on the brink! how late Life call'd for her last refuge in despair? That time is mine, O MEAD! to thee I owe; Fain would I pay thee with eternity. But ill my genius answers my desire; My sickly song is mortal, past thy cure. Accept the will ;—that dies not with my strain. For what calls thy disease, LORENZO? not
For Esculapian, but for moral aid. Thou think'st it folly to be wise too soon. Youth is not rich in Time, it may be poor; Part with it as with money, sparing; pay No moment, but in purchase of its worth; And what is worth, ask death-beds; they can tell. Part with it as with life, reluctant; big With holy hope of nobler time to come; Time higher aim'd, still nearer the great mark Of men and angels; virtue more divine. Is this our duty, wisdom, glory, gain? (These heav'n benign in vital union binds) And sport we like the natives of the bough, When vernal suns inspire? Amusement reigns Man's great demand: to trifle is to live: And is it then a trifle, too, to die?
Thou say'st I preach, LORENZO! "Tis confest, What, if for once, I preach thee quite awake? Who wants amusement in the flame of battle; Is it not treason, to the soul immortal, Her foes in arms, eternity the prize?
Will toys amuse, when med'cines cannot cure? When spirits ebb, when life's enchanting scenes, Their lustre lose, and lessen in our sight, As lands, and cities with their glitt'ring spires, To the poor shatter'd bark, by sudden storm Thrown off to sea, and soon to perish there? Will toys amuse? No: thrones will then be toys, And earth and skies seem dust upon the scale.
Redeem we time ?-Its loss we dearly buy. What pleads LORENZO for his high-priz'd sports? He pleads time's numerous blanks; he loudly plead The straw-like trifles on life's common stream. From whom those blanks and trifles, but froin thee No blank, no trifle, nature made, or meant, Virtue, or purpos'd virtue, still be thine;
This cancels thy complaint at once, this leaves In act no trifle, and no blank in time. 'This greatens, fills, immortalizes all; This, the blest art of turning all to gold; This, the good heart's prerogative to raise A royal tribute from the poorest hours; mmense revenue; ev'ry moment pays. if nothing more than purpose in thy power; Thy purpose firm, is equal to the deed: Who does the best his circumstance allows, Does well, acts nobly; angels could no more. Our outward act, indeed, admits restraint; Tis not in things o'er thought to domineer; Guard well thy thought; our thoughts are heard in heaven.
On all important Time, through ev'ry age,
Tho' much, and warm, the wise have urg'd the man Is yet unborn, who duly weighs an hour. "I've lost a day," the prince who nobly cry'd Had been an emperor without his crown; Of Rome? say, rather, lord of human race: He spoke, as if deputed by mankind. So should all speak: so reason speaks in all: From the soft whispers of that God in man, Why fly to folly, why to phrenzy fly, For rescue from the blessing we possess? Time the supreme !-Time is Eternity; Pregnant with all eternity can give;
Pregnant with all that makes archangels smile. Who murders time, he crushes in the birth A power ethereal, only not adored.
Ah! how unjust to nature, and himself, Is thoughtless, thankless, inconsistent man! ike children babbling nonsense in their sports, Who censure nature for a span too short; hat span too short, we tax as tedious too;
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