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Our subscribers will remember, we then proceeded to give AUTHENTIC ANCIENT PORTRAITS, which are justly pronounced to be "GEMS." We could not, however, get them executed after our liking. Many were our disappointments. Several plates were rendered wholly unfit for use, and we could find no one to execute them in the effective manner in which they are now presented to the public. Some of our attempts may be kindly forgotten-but they are to be seen in our pages in the uncoloured portraits. Nearly two years were, indeed, spent in an endeavour to bring about this, by us considered to be, a great and substantial improvement. If it be a pleasure to visit a gallery of paintings, surely in these beautiful paintings the professor has a picture worthy the keeping-an exquisite portrait, recalling to his recollection the very persons who were renowned or conspicuous in the history of ages long gone by.

These full-length authentic portraits of illustrious and royal women, splendidly coloured, with a finish that makes them equal to the finest miniatures, have been acknowledged by the public press to afford valuable subjects for historical painters and the fair artist. Fortunately for us, there has sprung up, simultaneously with OUR inclination and the facilities at our command, a great public rage for pictures correctly representing authentic historical costume.

Fancy balls are among the elegant and pleasing amusements of the day; and the adoption of the splendid and appropriate attire of historical characters revives the past, and throws a charm and liveliness over such assemblies unknown in other fulldress parties. But it has been found to be by no means an easy thing for the fair requirant to procure a correct historical costume; for even where a copy has been closely imitated according to the attire exhibited in the pictures known most commonly, such as those of Queen Elizabeth, Anna Boleyn, or Mary Queen of Scots, the half length figure only is shown; and a CORRECTLY COLOURED WHOle length Figure, of any of these has not before, we believe, been in any shape presented to a British public; and we think we may safely say that, except through our medium, from some foreign source, or from the originals themselves, where access to the originals can be obtained, it would be impossible to procure them. In proof of the expense we are at in publishing these Portraits, it will be merely necessary for us to state that at present there are sold in the shops common coloured lithographs of actors, something in imitation of our own plan, at 6s. each copy !!! We supply, indeed, the great deficiency and desideratum of a COLOURED PORTRAIT GALLERY, and we are able to offer a rich succession of characters well known in history, the originals of whose portraits are only to be found in the cabinets of princes, or the hoarded treasures of the antiquarian.

The correct assumption of recherchée costume is an elegant exercise for female taste, particularly when it is accompanied by a familiar knowledge of the biography of the character assumed. It would be most mortifying for a lady, when she enters a fancy ball-room attired as Queen Elizabeth or Mary of Scotland, to find a chance-medley of five or six rival Marys and Elizabeths, like so many Queens of Brentford. To save our fair readers from this mortification, we enable them to adopt a wider range of character and costume. A great variety of historical toilettes is now placed at their command, at a price, for the whole work, which the public press declares to be "less than the value of the single embellishment,"-at a price, indeed, unexampled for cheapness, supposing it were purchased only for the beautifully coloured figure, as a matter of study, or for the scrap-book. When, indeed, it is considered that for the sum of half-a-crown, one of these coloured portraits, besides a richly illustrated Magazine of the largest size, full of original literature by the first authors of the day, is to be procured, we hope we have realised the expectations of our friends, and, in some measure, the pledges which we put forth at starting.

While, indeed, we offer these magnificent historical portraits to the public, we have not forgotten to render them important and interesting memorials of history. We have sought not merely to gratify the eye, but have illustrated each portrait by the choicest and most authentic records of the lives and characters of the parties.

Connected with each is an original memoir, most carefully compiled for the particular occasion, in which research has been made through the scarcest books and manuscripts, to obtain every interesting anecdote and trait that can be relied on for veracity. We need scarcely insist on the authenticity and originality of these lives: some are of well known characters; others, of persons who have never before been the common


subjects of biography. Supposing we had been inclined to transfer the labours of others to our pages, where could we have found, ready penned, in the literary world, memoirs of Anne of Bretagne, Queen of France, Queen Claude, Queen Elenora of Austria, or La Belle Paule?

We have ready, A SERIES of illustroius portraits of equal beauty and rarity, for continuation during many succeeding numbers of our work; and we can assure our subscribers, that the Magazine will not be suffered, in the slightest manner, to recede from the excellence that has brought down upon us public approval.

We have ventured to say not a little for ourselves; but if our labours deserve com→ mendation, we will transfer the praise to the numerous and talented associates whose valuable services it is our good fortune to possess.

In concluding, we feel proud in putting forth the sayings of the press upon our endeavours. The extracts from the several journals, biassed only by a love of truth, in which this monthly publication has been reviewed, will, we think, be perused with pride and satisfaction. There exists a remarkable similarity in their general, and even in their particular commendation; and yet the writers are separated by counties and hundreds of miles, and, make their reviews in the secret chamber, wholly unconscious what a brother editor may be intending to say, or has said of us. If, then, they so far agree, we shall boldly put forth an increased number for the new year, relying upon the strength of the commendations heaped upon us, the zeal of our friends, and the approvers of literature; and, moreover, with THIS PLEDGE, that WE WILL IN


We know, that at much less cost, we could produce a book, which would have a more extensiv se sale; every-day experience teaches this,-the multitude feeds upon what is common, as a common person will adorn her body with garments of every hue, and entwine feathers, bows, and ribbons in her hair, so will the mind of that person delight also in reading tales that are horrible, tales full of love, something withal prophetic;-works of the latter character sell, indeed, their tens of thousands, even at the price of our Magazine. When the new proprietorship commenced, public writers of talent were not merely averse from having their names in this Magazine, but were afraid to have their names appear in a periodical FOR LADIES. This is a fact;but what is now the case?-it is a gratifying compliment to any writer to be an avowed contributor to our work. We labour not for the multitude, unless they change to our inclinations: we labour for the refined and the elegant, and to know that such are our readers, is our great reward; and as our readers again join the circle of their friends, we doubt not of an increased harvest to give oil to the wheel, to make it take a more extensive range in collecting materials for their delight and entertainment. The effect which might be produced by a very little exertion on the part of well satisfied subscribers, may not inappropriately be exhibited in the following outline: -Suppose, for instance, a periodical has regularly 20,000 readers, the whole number, it is fair to presume, is satisfied with the work; for few persons will trouble themselves perpetually about those things in which they do not feel at least some interest, or from which they do not derive some portion of pleasure; but of this number 10,000, we will say, derive a pleasure beyond the mere gratification of the passing novelty of reading what is amusing, or peeping at what is pretty. Next, let it be said, that each of the 10,000 has an intimate or friend in whose heart there dwells a sympathy of sentiment-when present together the pursuits of their inclination are precisely the same, and when absent from each other, they endeavour vividly to revive the recollection of their absent friend, by entering upon the customary amusements, and continuing the same favourite pursuits. On the first of each month, as regularly as clockwork, no sooner was breakfast ended than they were wont with their friends to look at, suppose we say The Lady's Magazine and Museum, for we are far from meddlers in other people's affairs-particularly in literary matters-it would be most natural for the friend to say, I will ORDER the Lody's Magazine and Museum from our bookseller, or have it from our CIRCULATING LIBRARY; in either way, have it I will, for I shall then be spending the first evening in each month in the same pursuit, reading the very same articles, and conjuring up, most probably, at the same time, the very same thoughts: how many half-crowns, such an one might say, would I not give to be present with my friend; one then, at least, I will not grudge, monthly, to make our thoughts and our doings identically the same. Further, I will convey my sentiments in my next letter, and I shall then be

able to see whether our opinions continue to be still alike; whether particular tales, reviews, and matters which please me, have been equally interesting to my friend. I will select that which I consider to be the best tale in each number-pick out the poetry which is in its nature most heart-home-select for reading the best book that has been reviewed-and mark the review which has been most fairly and ably written. Or only some may be animated by that feeling; and others content to be monthly engaged in exactly the same pursuit with their friend, viz. in reading the newly arrived number of The Lady's Magazine and Museum, a work, for the reasons stated, which we prefer mentioning to any other.

But, again, one half of these-say 5,000-animated by a still stronger feeling, may have a positive liking for their monthly friend, by whom they are never forsaken, be the weather what it may, whether tempests rage, or dismay and terror cloud the political horizon, secure indeed, notwithstanding its great age, from almost every plague but that of bankruptcy. There may be grandmamma seated in the corner, now in her 80th year: she may be telling her grandchildren what she herself heard from her mother, The Lady's Magazine used to be in her time, and what kind of publication was then the fashionable rage amongst ladies in polished society how diminutive it was in size-how small in price! And that she never thought to have seen (and we will suppose her to be a woman of refined taste and judgment) such very great improvement. We think, indeed, we hear the Old Lady tell with delight that they were both born in the same year, and speak rather pointedly of the superiority of her associate in renewing her youth with the adjuncts of "New Series," "Improved Series," "IMROVED SERIES, ENLARGED." Such families, thus delighting to see the changes for the better, make themselves warm partizans in the cause, take it up as a thing of PERSONAL interest, and try their efforts to gratify their friends in all parts of the kingdom, and to please them as they themselves are pleased, using their utmost endeavour to increase the circulation.

But drawing aside the curtain, and peeping at a true picture, instead of gazing at one of fancy, there is really a great charm, though its innocent pleasure is not much sought, in being able to call to mind absent friends by reason of following the same pursuit. In England this is little practised. On the Continent generally; but more particularly in some states, every gift has its duplicate. It is not with these parties enough that they are gazing at the gift of a friend, but that the giver possesses the fac simile, the counterpart, the identical thing (in duplicate) which they themselves have.

By this means of deriving pleasure from pleasing, the circulation of a publication may in ONE DAY be increased THREE-FOLD, and great as would be the benefit conferred, the effort would be merely the result of a little domestic and endearing exertion.

Nor are the authors of such an advantage unrewarded. The proprietors of a publication so favoured by such recommendation, are enabled to put forth increased energies; they can afford to do and to give more for their subscribers, as well as increase the number and the pay of their hard working and able contributors. ploughing and a sowing which produces a smiling and an abundant crop of benefits.

It is a

And now having made so long a trespass for ourselves and friend, The Lady's Magazine and Museum-we have, in concluding, no regrets to put forth for this or that unjust severity-this or that calumny. We have wholly, we believe, on that head, abstained from a course which could involve us in censure. Nothing, in our minds, is more contemptible, nothing more worthy of condemnation, than literary jargon upon persons. We have endeavoured to perform our task with justice to our subscribers, in the reviewing department; promoting the circulation of works of merit TRANSMITTED FOR REVIEW, and leaving it optional with our readers to purchase or not, works which we did not consider worthy their attention. In a word, neither from circumstances are we under any extraneous obligation or control; nor have we any interest to which the approval of our readers is not paramount.

Lady's Magazine and Museum Office, 112, Fetter-lane,

December 1, 1833.








JANUARY, 1834.


Alas! we both are sadly changed, since first
My youthful muse essayed, in mirthful vein,
To celebrate this day-then, joyful, burst

Spontaneous from the heart the happy strain;
And I remember, even to this time,

The smile which kindly praised my first attempt at rhyme,

We both were children, then-gay things-nor knew

That this fair world could teem of aught save flow'rs;

We had been told by wiser heads, 'tis true,

That thorns were strewed on every path; but ours

Had never yet known aught like sorrow's sting,

Nor dreamed we then of woe that future years might bring.

Yet the time came when I, too, felt and proved

That man is made to mourn whilst here below;

But the first hour of deepest grief, beloved,

Was soothed by thee; 'twas thy voice bade me bow
In humble resignation to that Power

Who only can support in such a fearful hour.

Since then we both have deeply drained the draught
Of sorrow to the dregs-the bitter cup

Has often overflowed-but we have quaffed
It still together, and have both looked up,
Encouraged by each other, to that land

Where love eternal reigns and mercy guides the hand.

Friends whom we deemed sincere have proved untrue,
And those we think do love us still are far

To distant scenes removed-whilst some we knew
Are gone for ever where no sorrows are;

But thou remainest, tho' the rest be changed,

The same midst fortune's frown, and faithless friends estranged!

Look up, then, dearest one, look up and cheer,
My harp again with one bright smile-once more

Let us look forward to the dawning year,

And hope it yet may beam like those of yore;

Oh, may each joy of other days be thine,

And heaven's benignant ray o'er all thy pathways shine! VOL. IV.-No. 1.


M. H. J


Animus est qui benificiis dat pretium.-Seneca.



As erudition seems the prevailing epide mic, though some seventy winters have shed their hoary influence over my once locks," I venture, for the first time, to indulge a passion which has been daily creeping upon me, gaining strength even in proportion as my own strength decreases. The passion I speak of is that of seeing myself once, at least, in print. Alas! although I cannot boast that mine is "the pen of a ready writer," I feel, nevertheless, a desire to burst from my obscurity. If for fame's sake, "Il vaut mieux tard que jamais;" but if from dotage, it would have been well for me that my Mentor had never quitted me. I have long sought for a subject worthy of dissertation, but, as each presented itself to my mind, I rejected it, as a pretty woman casts aside dress after dress on the night when her whole heart is wrapped up in anticipations of making the "conquest' of one of us poor helpless mortals. Had not my heart been rendered impervious to female loveliness by the perfidy of a certain fascinating damsel, who eloped with an officer on the morning of the day appointed for the signing of our marriage contract, I might now, instead of being a member of that worthy but most unenviable fraternity, yclept" old bachelors," have been preparing an étrenne" or new year's gift for some smiling urchin of a grandchild, come to wish grandpapa the compliments of the "nouvelle année."


Ah! the" nouvelle année!" and the day par excellence-the busy, bustling, étrenne-giving "jour de l'an," so joyously hailed by children, and blushing maidens, godsons and daughters, nephews, nieces, and, I may add, postmen, newsmen, porters, servants, and all belonging to that worthy caste. On New

Year's Day the schoolboy rises with the lark, nor murmurs that the matin bell rouses him too soon from his sound and dreamless slumbers. On that day the lisping babe rises from its sleepless pillow-for at such a period even infancy has its pre-occupations: the night has been passed in rehearsing its little compliment for grandpapa-its fable for grandmamma-in thinking of bonbons, and horses, and dolls, and carts, of which the following day is to make it the happy possessor. It rises with the earliest dawn, and, like the harbinger of joy, is the first to bestow the kiss of affection on the cheek of its youthful mother.

Čan I, who have been so long seeking for a subject on which to employ my leisure moments, find a better than the one this day affords? I never, indeed, see the return of

"New Year's Day," without recalling to mind the pleasures that day has afforded me at different epochs of my life; epochs, marked, I may say, by the giving or receiving of étrennes. Bonbons recal my earliest years, when, like the children of the present period, I had to con my new year's compliment and fable. Toys recal those years of happy childhood, during which the brow was unclouded-the heart free from care; while almanacs and books marked the years of schoolboy date. Then came the time, when, instead of receiving, I began to give étrennes; the happy time when all was bright before me, when I considered it a duty incumbent upon me to hasten from house to house, duringthe first fifteen days of the month of January, to distribute in profusion numberless trifles purchased at the dearest rate, offered with pretension, and received for the most part with-indifference! Still, there was one exception-there was one out of the multitude who prized my giftsone who, during a series of years, when I presented my offering, rewarded me with one of those soul beaming smiles, sweeter a thousand times to me than the refreshing waters of the cool fountain to the parched lips of the wanderer of the Arabian desert.

The origin of" étrennes" dates as far back as Tatius, King of the Cures, among the Sabines, and who, if I remember my schoolboy days, was murdered at Lanuvium, B. C. 742. On the first day of the year (we are not accurately informed of the date) an offering was made to Tatius of some branches of a tree, consecrated to the goddess Strenua, who was supposed to have the power of conferring vigour and energy on the weak and indolent. In consequence of that year turning out particularly prosperous, he hailed the augury as propitious, and instituted the giving of presents on the first day of the new year, calling those presents by the name of Strence, the evident etymology of the French word étrenne. Had I an inclination to display the prodigious depths of my profound erudition, I could tell of the festivals held by the Romans on the first day of the new year, and of the presents, consisting of dates and honey, given and received on those occasions: I could tell of the étrennes given to Augustus by the Romans, the produce of which was expended in erecting statues to the gods forgotten in the Pantheon. But modesty has ever been one of my prevailing maxims; besides, I recollect that I am endeavouring to describe a Parisian-not a Roman-jour de l'an. One word more, however: I am inclined to think

The extraordinary peculiarities of New Year's Day in the North (Scotland), appeared as

an article in the Lady's Magazine for 1831.

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