Puslapio vaizdai

From the many notices given of the earlier volumes, three have been chosen as representing quite accurately the estimate formed by competent judges of their value.

From the New York Tribune. (Mr. GEORGE RIPLEY.)

It is rarely that a statesman can give so good an account of his public life, as is contained in these volumes. During a career which embraces but little more than half a century from his birth, Gov. Seward has furnished materials for this voluminous work, alike honorable to his ability, industry, and native nobleness of character. It comprises a range of subjects of remarkable extent; not limited to local or temporary interests; discussed with singular gravity, insight, and force of argument; embodying profound principles of politics and statesmanship; and illustrated with a variety of learning, an originality of statement, and a beauty of rhetoric, which place the author in the front rank of American civilians.

The editor has acquitted himself of the responsible task of preparing this publication for the press, with excellent judgment and rare fidelity. The brief explanatory notes, the copious references, and the full and accurate indexes which accompany the work, greatly enhance its value, and betoken a painstaking diligence, worthy of high commendation.

From the New York Times. (Hon. HENRY J. RAYMOND.)

There has scarcely been a page of the three volumes over which our thumb-nail and pen have travelled together, which did not tempt us to copious extracts; but the multiplicity of selections presents difficulties quite as great as are afforded in the want of space in a daily sheet. But the volumes themselves will be rapidly placed in every well-ordered library, and then our distractions of critical selection can be well appreciated by our readers.

The first volume contains a biographical memoir - upon which we have not and shall not enlarge, because, while we depreciate too extended issues upon personal life, when that life contains an undeveloped fnture, the lucid sketch before us leaves no need of more than a reference - the speeches in state and national senate, and the best of the few reported addresses to juries at nisi prius, and arguments of law in banco. It might be appropriately lettered by the writer-"W. H. SEWARD, THE ORATOR." The second might stand by its side, in like manner W. H. SEWARD, THE PRACTICAL STATESMAN," containing, as it does, his messages as Governor, his pardon papers, official correspondence, and various writings upon political topics of state moment. The third volume, were we publisher, should be designated "W H. SEWARD, THE SCHOLAR," for in its pages appear his classical eulogies and agricultural discourses-selections from his general correspondence and notes of European travel. And yet there is not a speech, a paper, or a letter, in either volume from which the critic could not discover the three characteristics of scholar, orator, and statesman. Senatorial speech and casual paper, executive message and agricultural remarks, spontaneous replies and labored answers, alike exhibit severity of taste, compactness of thought, and classical rhetoric.

From the Providence Journal. (Hon. HENRY B. ANTHONY.)

These volumes bear ample testimony to the industry, fidelity, and energy, of a very able man. It is of more importance to commend these works to the young men of the country; they need them. The young men of this country, connected with the educated and commercial classes, are losing tone, and nerve, and sinew, and are coming to think that the world exists for the purpose of developing large fortunes in successful trade by all expedient means. The nation must and will arouse itself and shake off this low tone of thought, or it will rot. Now, here is a man who speaks in a higher strain, and from a better mood. Here is a man who does a full day's work in a day, and does not complain of his task. Is it a speech in the senate, an argument at the bar, or a letter to a friend?- it is carefully studied, correctly written, and worthy of the man, the occasion and the subject. Here, again, is a man who understands himself, can make others understand him, and who adheres to his convictions through evil and through good report. . . . In our judgment, Mr. Seward is primus inter pares among the abler men of his country, and as such, we commend his "works" to the careful study of his countrymen.








"Nature and Laws would be in an ill case, if Slavery should find what to say for itself, and Liberty
be mute; and if tyrants should find men to plead for them, and they that can waste and vanquish
tyrants, should not be able to find advocates."







New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street

The Riverside Press, Cambridge


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