"WITH PIPE AND FLUTE." (RONDEAU.) WITH pipe and flute the rustic Pan Of old made music sweet for man; And wonder hushed the warbling bird, And closer drew the calm-eyed herd,— The rolling river slowlier ran. Ah! would,-ah! would, a little span, This age of ours, too seldom stirred But now for gold we plot and plan; Or find the night-jar's note preferred ;Not so it fared, when time began, With pipe and flute ! "IN A RONDEAU TO ETHEL, (Who wishes she had lived "In teacup-times of hood and hoop, 'N teacup-times!" The style of dress And I-no doubt-could well express The parts would fit precisely-yes: You should disdain, and I despair, 1878. O "O FONS BANDUSIÆ." (RONDEAU.) BABBLING Spring, than glass more clear, To-morrow shall a kid be thine With swelled and sprouting brows for sign,— Sure sign!-of loves and battles near. Child of the race that butt and rear! Not less, alas! his life-blood dear Thee Sirius knows not. Thou dost cheer WE "VIXI PUELLIS." (RONDEAU OF VILLON.) E loved of yore, in warfare bold, Let this left wall of Venus show The arms, the tuneless lyre of old. Here let them hang, the torches cold, But thou, who Cyprus sweet dost hold, And Memphis free from Thracian snow, Goddess and queen, with vengeful blow, Smite,-smite but once that pretty scold We loved of yore! 1877. "WHEN I SAW YOU LAST, ROSE." WH (VILLANELLE.) WHEN I saw you last, Rose, How fast the time goes! Like a bud ere it blows, Now your petals unclose, Now your May-time is nigh ;- And a life,-how it grows! In your bosom it shows |