ESSAYS IN OLD FRENCH FORMS. "They are a school to win The fair French daughter to learn English in; To make the language sweet upon her tongue." BEN JONSON, Underwoods. P As, to the pipe, with rhythmic feet ROSE-LEAVES. (TRIOLETS.) "Sans peser.-Sans rester." R A KISS. OSE kissed me to-day. Will she kiss me to-morrow? Let it be as it may, Rose kissed me to-day. But the pleasure gives way To a savour of sorrow ; Rose kissed me to-day, Will she kiss me to-morrow? CIRCE. IN the School of Coquettes Madam Rose is a scholar : O, they fish with all nets 'Tis to show her new collar; In the School of Coquettes Madam Rose is a scholar! 1874 A TEAR. THERE's a tear in her eye,— Such a clear little jewel! There's a tear in her eye. A GREEK GIFT. HERE's a present for Rose, Is it verse?-is it prose? Here's a present for Rose ! "Plats," Why, it's "Gouffé on Cooking"! How pleased she is looking! "" URCEUS EXIT." I INTENDED an Ode, And it turned to a Sonnet. It began à la mode, I intended an Ode; But Rose crossed the road In her latest new bonnet; And it turned to a Sonnet. |