She smiled. "My book in turn avers (No author's name is stated) That sometimes those Philosophers Are sadly mis-translated." "But hear,-the next 's in stronger style: The Cynic School asserted That two red lips which part and smile She smiled once more-" My book, I find, Then I-" Why not?' Ephesian law, She blushed-this time. "If Plato's page No wiser precept teaches, Then I'd renounce that doubtful sage, "Agreed," I said. "For Socrates (I find he too is talking) Thinks Learning can't remain at ease While Beauty goes a-walking." She read no more. I leapt the sill: The sequel's scarce essential— Nay, more than this, I hold it still Profoundly confidential. THE ROMAUNT OF THE ROSE. POOR OOR Rose! I lift you from the street- Than you should lie for random feet, Where careless hands have thrown you ! Poor pinky petals, crushed and torn! Then cast you forth to lie forlorn, I saw you last in Edith's hair. A month-"a little month "-ago- 'Twixt you and me, my Rose, you know, But let that pass. She gave you then- To one, perhaps, of all the men, Who best could understand her,— Cyril that, duly flattered, took, With just the same Arcadian look Then, having waltzed till every star And tossed you downward, scorning. Kismet, my Rose! Revenge is sweet,She made my heart-strings quiver; And yet You shan't lie in the street, I'll drop you in the River. LOVE IN WINTER. ETWEEN the berried holly-bush BE The Blackbird whistled to the Thrush "Which way did bright-eyed Bella go? Look, Speckle-breast, across the snow,Are those her dainty tracks I see, That wind beside the shrubbery?" The Throstle pecked the berries still. "What would you?" twittered in the Wren; "These are the reckless ways of men. I watched them bill and coo as though "Nay, Gossip," chirped the Robin, "nay; I like their unreflective way. |