Or Two of them. Forthwith Despair- Where I might hide and dwell forgotten, Absolved from brushes and ablution;— But, ere my sylvan haunt was gained, Fate gave me up to execution. I saw it all but now. The grin That gnarled old Gardener Sandy's features; My father, scholar-like and thin, Unroused, the tenderest of creatures; I saw-ah me--I saw again My dear and deprecating mother; And then, remembering the cane, Regretted that I'd left the Other. TU QUOQUE. AN IDYLL IN THE CONSERVATORY. -romprons-nous, Ou ne romprons-nous pas ?" LE DÉPIT AMOUREUX. NELLIE. FI were you, when ladies at the play, sir, IF Beckon and nod, a melodrama through, I would not turn abstractedly away, sir, If I were you! FRANK. If I were you, when persons I affected, Wait for three hours to take me down to Kew, I would, at least, pretend I recollected, If I were you! NELLIE. If I were you, when ladies are so lavish, Sir, as to keep me every waltz but two, FRANK. If I were you, who vow you cannot suffer Whiff of the best,-the mildest "honey-dew," I would not dance with smoke-consuming Puffer, If I were you! NELLIE. If I were you, I would not, sir, be bitter, FRANK. No, I should doubtless find flirtation fitter, If I were you! NELLIE. Really! You would? Why, Frank, you're quite delightful, Hot as Othello, and as black of hue; If I were you! "It is the cause. FRANK. I mean your chaperon is Bringing some well-curled juvenile. Adieu ! I shall retire. I'd spare that poor Adonis, If I were you! NELLIE. Go, if you will. At once! And by express, sir! FRANK. No, I remain. To stay and fight a duel Seems, on the whole, the proper thing to doAh, you are strong,-I would not then be cruel, If I were you! Nellie. One does not like one's feelings to be doubted, FRANK. One does not like one's friends to misconstrue,— NELLIE. If I confess that I a wee-bit pouted ?— FRANK. I should admit that I was piqué, too. Ask me to dance. If I were you! NELLIE. I'd say no more about it, [Waltz-Exeunt. I A DIALOGUE FROM PLATO. "Le temps le mieux employé est celui qu'on perd." CLAUDE TIllier. "D"read" three hours. Both notes and text Were fast a mist becoming; In bounced a vagrant bee, perplexed, And filled the room with humming, Then out. The casement's leafage sways, And, parted light, discloses Miss Di., with hat and book, -a maze Of muslin mixed with roses. “ You 're reading Greek ?" "I am—and you ?” "O, mine's a mere romancer!" "So Plato is." "Then read him-do; And I'll read mine in answer." I read. My Plato (Plato, too,— That wisdom thus should harden!) Declares blue eyes look doubly blue Beneath a Dolly Varden.' |