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Here the prisoner looked at the counsel who put the question, then at Monoel, and again at the counsel, and burst out into one of his droll laughs-in which he was joined by those in court-as much as to say, "Don't ask me, but look at him ;" and recovering himself, he said

"How did he look?-why he looked as he looks nowas ill-humoured as if he sat to a painther for a portrait of a man who wanted his bitthers, had no tick, and couldn't make a raise of three cents."

"What countryman are you, Jack?"

"A Dublin boy, your honour; the first fish I iver tasted was a Rings-'End cockle."

"You may stand aside, Jack."

In fact, the four prisoners were strictly examined, and it was found that they were not only not guilty of any evil action, but of any evil design, and they were discharged.

Deputron, Abbott and Monoel Domingos were then remanded for further investigation.


A TALL, slatternly looking woman, wearing a dingy old silk bonnet which was "knocked into a cocked hat," appeared yesterday before Recorder Baldwin. Her hair hung about 66 every which way," as if she was preparing to enact the heroine in a melo-drama, and her gown was made on the Nora Creina model, which

-left every beauty free,

To sink or swell as heaven pleases."

The nether end of her garments were covered with a considerable sprinkling of mud, and her shoes went flap, flap against her heels as she walked along, like the spring-board of a rat trap. She had small, peevish looking eyes, concave jaws, and a nose as sharp as a shoemaker's knife. The constable in whose custody she came also introduced to the Recorder a man who seemed to have devoted a principal part of his life to the science of eating; he was so fat that the fever and ague couldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, his hair was clotted and greasy, his face was red and round, his nose lay in between his cheeks like a parsnip between a pair of beef kidneys, and his eyes were like two newly cast lead balls in a bucket


"It was this barrel of packed pork, here," pointing to the butcher, "what kicked

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of water. He wore a blue apron, and sleeves fastened on with running strings over the shirt to match; he is, as our readers no doubt anticipated, a knight of the cleaver, or butcher.

"What have these parties been doing?" asked the Recorder, of the police officer.

"Disturbing the market, your honour," said the officer.

"I wasn't disturbing no market," said the female prisoner, giving her head a sudden toss back so as to remove the hair which was falling into her eyes" it was this barrel of packed pork here," pointing to the butcher, "what kicked up the rumpus.

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"Let us hear the story," said the Recorder-" what has he done ?"

66 Why, my lawyer tells me as how I can sue him for obtaining money under false pretences," said she with the dingy bonnet he's an impostor."

"That's a

"said the fat man.

"Silence!" said the officer in an authoritative tone.

"Well, I wont bear to be called no names," said the fat man—“I'm a butcher, right up and down, and I never followed no other business."

"What is the ground of your charge, my good woman ?” asked the Recorder" what has this man been doing to you?" "O! if your honour seed what he sold me for prime beef! As I live, when I broiled it it was like India rubber; you might as well expect to get gravy out of a grindstone as out of it. And his pork! O say no more about the pig. I wont say that hogs is drowned in the Mississippi, and done up afterwards to suit customers, but as our parson used to say when he'd be speaking a kind of dubious like about folks' morality -I have my doubts."

"Let us take a peep at the other side of the picture," said the Recorder. "What have you to say?" he asked, addressing the fat man.

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Why, it's all gammon, every word of it," replied the butcher" this here woman comes to me and said she'd be a regular customer of mine, and so she has been, but I'm blowed if she has been a regular pay. I gave her the very primest pieces, your honour, and I'll stake my life there weren't no such steaks in the market as I gave her. She always praised my meat and said I was the most agreeablest man as she ever dealt with, until I asked her to settle up, and then, instead of


giving me specie or municipality notes, she gave me abuse. I tell you what it is, your honour, she's a regular buster at talking; she could supply every stall in the market with tongue and export some for the Northern market-it wouldn't need no pickle, I tell you."

"I claims the protection of the court," said the woman with the cocked-hat bonnet, in a shrill voice-"O! if my old man was here ;" and she appeared to begin to cry.

"That aint reg'lar crying," said the butcher; "it's all done for effect, as we says when we blows a weal to make it look fat like."

"I can hear no more of this case," said the Recorder"sue her for what she owes you in a civil court, and if she interferes with your business or disturbs the market in future, I will find means to punish her."

The officer showed both the litigants out of the office.



"DON'T, don't!" said Tom Towns last night, as the watchman applied his pole to the neighbourhood of his fifth rib; "don't interfere with a feller wot's engaged in a fair fight with the miskitters and aint got no friends."

"What brings you here at this time of night?" said the watchman-it was 12 o'clock.

"Why, the fact of it is, old feller," said Tom, "it's all the fault of the government-it's a cussed bad government, this, and don't attend to the interests of the people, no how. Vy doesn't congress pass a stop law, that 'ud enable a feller to stop in his boardin' house all the time without havin' to fork over to the old 'oman every Saturday night? I goes in for the Biddle policy' and ven Nicholas tells the defaultin' states to pony up, I says, go it, Nick!-go it, old feller! But then I think, like him, that individual repudiation is a right slap-up kind of bizness, and no mistake."

Watchman."I think you're an idle feller, that don't work and oughter."

Tom Towns. Workin' aint ginteel nor hindependent, no how you can fix it. Besides, what's the use of havin' a

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