I believe the old reading, near-legg'd, is right. The near leg of a horse is the left, and to set off with that leg first is an imperfection. This horse had (as Dryden describes old Jacob Tonson) two left legs, i. e. he was awkward in the use of them, he used his right leg like the left. Mr. Malone's reading and interpretation appear to me very harsh. P. 498.-308.-488. Gru. Fie, fie, on all tired jades! on all mad masters! Tollet is right. P. 504.-313.-497. Pet. Where be these knaves? What, no man at door, Admit that door is a dissyllable here, the verse will then be most discordantly harsh, unless Mr. Malone would accent door on the last syllable. P. 506.-314.-498. Pet. Go, rascals, go, and fetch my supper in. [Exeunt some of the servants. Where is the life that late I led. [Sings. Where are those- -sit down, Kate, and welcome. Soud, soud, soud, soud! May not soud be a corruption of chaud? Ignoramus, when heated, exclaims, O chaud, chaud, precor Deum non meltavi meum pingue. Have at you for a bitter jest or two. I think with Mr. Malone that bitter is right. Count. In delivering my son from me, I bury a second Ber. And I, in going, madam, weep o'er my father's I think Dr. Johnson is right. Laf. P. 4.-354.-186. He that so generally is at all times good, must of necessity hold his virtue to you; whose worthiness would stir it up where it wanted, rather than lack it where there is such abundance. I think we should read slack with Warburton. I Ibid.-187. Count. This young gentlewoman had a father, (O, that agree with Dr. Johnson. An it seems wanting in Malone's edition, and in the edition of 1793. It should stand thus: had it stretch'd so far, it would have made, &c. This it is in the edition of 1785. Count. P. 6-355.-188. where an unclean mind carries virtuous qualities, there commendations go with pity, I think with Dr. Johnson, that the emendation proposed by Warburton is unnecessary. P. 8.-356.-190. Laf. Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead, Count. If the living be enemy to the grief, the excess Dr. Johnson is right. P. 9.-357.-192. Laf Farewell, pretty lady: you must hold the credit I believe M. Mason's and Malone's explanation is the true one. P. 11.-360.-196. Par. It is not politick in the commonwealth of nature, I believe rational is right. P. 12.-Ibid.-197. Besides, virginity is peevish, proud, idle, made of self- I believe Sir T. Hanmer's emendation is right. I am as ignorant as Mr. Steevens of the wellknown observation of the noble Earl mentioned by Mr. Henley. P. 15.-363.-200. Hel. There shall your master have a thousand loves, A mother, and a mistress, and a friend, A phoenix, captain, and an enemy, H I entirely agree with Mr. Tyrwhitt, and am greatly surprised at the conjectures of the other commentators. P. 18.-365-204. Hel. The mightiest space in fortune nature brings That weigh their pains in sense; and do suppose, I believe Mr. Malone has explained this rightly. There seems to me no occasion to read what han't been, for what hath been the meaning is, and suppose even things that have already been cannot be, which not having fallen within their observation, are beyond their conception. P. 24.-370.-211. let me not live, quoth he, After my flame lacks oil, to be the snuff Of younger spirits, whose apprehensive senses All but new things disdain; whose judgements are The old reading is right, and is rightly explained by Dr. Johnson. P. 28.-373.-215. Clo. I am out of friends, madam; and I hope to have friends for my wife's sake. Count. Such friends are thine enemies, knave. Clo. You are shallow, madam; e'en great friends. I think Malone is right. P. 30.-374.-218. Clo. Was this fair face the cause, quoth she, Why the Grecians sacked Troy? Fond done, done fond, Was this king Priam's joy. [Singing. I think Warburton's conjecture very probable. P. 32.-376.-220. Count. You'll be gone, sir knave, and do as I command you. Clo. That man should be at woman's command, and I incline to think Mr. Tyrwhitt's conjecture is right. I P. 34.-378.-223. Count. It is the show and seal of nature's truth, Such were our faults;—or then we thought them none. agree with Malone. Count. P. 36.-378.-225. What, pale again? My fear hath catch'd your fondness: now I see Your salt tears' head. I think Theobald's correction is right. P. 38.-381.-227. Hel. I know I love in vain, strive against hope; I still pour in the waters of my love, I believe Malone is right. Ibid. And lack not to lose still. 1 I believe Malone is right. |