Puslapio vaizdai

His chosen people he did bless
In the wasteful wilderness.

For his &c.

In bloody battle he brought down
Kings of prowess and renown.

For his &c.

He foil'd bold Seon and his host,

That rul'd the Amorrëan coast.

For his &c.

And large-limb'd Og he did subdue,

With all his over-hardy crew.

For his &c.

And, to his servant İsraël,

He gave their land therein to dwell.

For his &c.

He hath, with a piteous eye,

Beheld us in our misery.

For his &c.

And freed us from the slavery

Of the invading enemy.

For his &c.

All living creatures he doth feed,

And with full hand supplies their need.

For his &c.

Let us therefore warble forth

His mighty majesty and worth.
For his &c.

That his mansion hath on high Above the reach of mortal eye. For his mercies aye endure,

Ever faithful, ever sure.




CONSIDERING it as a duty incumbent on me to preserve a brief history of Cowper's compositions relating to Milton, I annex the following, which appeared as a Preface to the first edition of his Miltonic Translations, as an Appendix to this volume. To render my account of those compositions the more satisfactory, I embraced every opportunity of giving it in the words of my departed friend.

In the autumn of 1791, he was invited by his bookseller, Mr. Johnson, to engage in the project of preparing a magnificent edition of Milton. The proposal had much to please, and little to alarm his

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