COMUS: A MASK, PRESENTED AT LUDLOW CASTLE, 1634. BEFORE JOHN, EARL OF BRIDGEWATER, THEN PRESIDENT OF WALES. THE PERSONS. THE ATTENDANT SPIRIT, afterwards in the habit of THYRSIS. COMUS, with his Crew. THE LADY. FIRST BROTHER. SECOND BROTHER. SABRINA, the Nymph. The chief Persons, who presented, were The Lord Brackley. Mr. Thomas Egerton, his br other The Lady Alice Egerton. COMUS. THE FIRST SCENE DISCOVERS A WILD WOOD. The Attendant Spirit descends or enters. BEFORE the starry threshold of Jove's court Above the smoke and stir of this dim spot, Which men call Earth; and, with low-thoughted care Confin'd and pester'd in this pin-fold here, That opes the palace of Eternity: |