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Vol. Part. No. Page.


Coast Survey, &c.—Continued.
No. 8. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, communi-
cating the result of an examination made by Lieut. Com-
manding T. S. Phelps, U. S. N., for a shoal reported as
existing in the track of vessels off the coast of Virginia...
No. 9. Tide tables for the use of navigators, prepared from the
Coast Survey observations, by A. D. Bache, Superin-

Tide table No. 1, for coast of the United States...
Tide table No. 2, interval between high water
Tide table No. 3, showing rise and fall of tides.
Tide table Nos. 4 and 5, for Key West....

Tide tables containing numbers to be added to the time of
high water found from tables 4 and 5 to obtain the suc-
cessive high and low water....

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No. 10. Report to the Superintendent by Assistant L. F. Pour-
tales, in charge of the field and office work, relating to
tidal observations

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No. 11. Report of Professor W. P. Trowbridge
No. 12. Report of W. R. Palmer, Assistant Coast Survey

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No. 14. List of registered hydrographic sheets received subse-
quent to No. 683

Report of Charles A. Schott, computing division..
List of maps, preliminary charts, and sketches en-
graved during the year ending October 31, 1861...
No. 13. List of registered topographical sheets received sub-
sequent to No. 754...

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No. 15. Record of observations of shrinkage and expansion of
parchment paper..---

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No. 16. Report upon the determination of the longitude of

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No. 17. Report of Professor Benjamin Peirce, LL.D., on an
example for the determinations of longitudes by occulta-
tions of the Pleiades

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No. 18. Abstract of the report of Dr. B. A. Gould, on the de-
termination of longitude at Albany, New York, by the
telegraphic method...

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No. 19. Observations of the solar eclipse of July 18, 1860, at
Gunstock mountain ...

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No. 20. Observations made at Washington of the solar eclipse
of July 18, 1860.....

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No. 21. Observations of the solar eclipse of July 18, 1860,
made at Cambridge, Massachusetts

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No. 22. Discussion of the secular change of the magnetic in-

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No. 23. New discussion of the distribution of the magnetic
declination on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico......
No. 24. New discussion of the distribution of the magnetic
declination on the coast of Virginia ...

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No 25. Report on observations of the solar spots made at the
Coast Survey office, Washington....

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No. 26. Extracts from the report of Sub-Assistant F. W. Dorr,
describing the general character of the coast of Florida
above St. Augustine

No 27. Extracts from the report of Sub-Assist. G. H. Bagwell.
No. 28. Extracts from the report of Sub-Assist. N. S. Finney..
No. 29. Extracts from the report of Lieut. George Bell, U. S.
A., Assistant Coast Survey.

No. 30. Extracts from a report by Sub-Assistant J. S. Lawson..
No. 31. Extracts from official reports, relative to the occupation
of Port Royal sound, South Carolina, by military and naval
forces of the United States...

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Vol. Part. No. Page.

Coast Survey, &c.—Continued.

No. 32. Official orders under which surveying steamer Active
and party were employed in August and September, 1861.
No. 33. Letter from J. J. Reynolds, brigadier general com-
manding division

No. 34. Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury from A. D.

Bache, Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey..

Estimates of appropriations for the support of the,

for the year ending June 30, 1863

Coast Survey.

Detailed statement of estimates for the support

of, with letter from Superintendent of the, for the year end-

ing June 30, 1863.....

Coast Survey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in rela-

tion to expenditures on account of the Coast Survey for the

year ending June 30, 1861..

Coast Survey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, trans-

mitting a list of the number and names of persons employed

in the Coast Survey, and expenditures during the year ending

June 30, 1861

Coast from Passamaquoddy hay to Cape Florida....
Coast from Cape Florida to the mouth of the Sabine...
Colorado, Territory of. Estimates for appropriations for the sup-
port of the government of, for the year ending June 30, 1863..
Colorado Territory. Report of the governor of, with accompany-
ing documents. Letter from the Secretary of State, trans-
mitting the
Comparative statement showing the quantities of raw cotton im-
ported into the United Kingdom, and the countries whence
imported, from January 1 to December 31, during eighteen
years, and also during eleven months ended November 30, 1861
Comparative statement showing the quantities of raw cotton im-

ported into the United Kingdom during a period of eighteen
years, and also during eleven months of the year 1861..
Comparative view of imports and exports of raw cotton for eleven
months of the years 1860 an 1 1861

Commerce of the United States. Statistical view of the, Com-

merce and Navigation, part 1....

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Commissioner of Patents. Letter from the, transmitting mechan-
ical report of the Patent Office for the year 1861
Commissioner of Public Buildings. Letter from the, in answer
to resolution of the House in relation to the consumption of
gas and coal by restaurants in the Capitol

Commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending

June 30, 1861..

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Vol. Part. No.


Commerce and navigation, &c.-Continued.
No. 6. A statement exhibiting the quantity and value of for-
eign merchandise imported into each collection district,
under the provisions of the reciprocity treaty with Great
Britain of June 5, 1854

No. 7. A statement exhibiting the commerce of each State
from July 1, 1860, to June 30, 1861...
No. 8. A statement exhibiting the number of American and for-
eign vessels, with their tonnage and crews, which cleared
from each district of the United States for foreign coun-
tries during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861
No. 9. A statement exhibiting the number of foreign and Amer-
ican vessels, with their tonnage and crews, which entered
into each collection district of the United States from for-
eign countries during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1

No. 10. A statement exhibiting the number of American and
foreign vessels, with their tonnage and crews, which de-
parted from each district of the United States, and the
countries to which they cleared, during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1861....

No. 11 A statement exhibiting the number of American and
foreign vessels, with their tonnage and crews, which en-
tered into each district of the United States, and the coun-
tries from which they arrived, during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1861.

No. 12. Abstract of the tonnage of the several districts of the
United States on the last day of June, 1861......
No. 13. A statement exhibiting a condensed view of the ton-
nage of the several districts of the United States on the
30th of June, 1861....

No. 14. A statement showing the number and class of vessels
built, and the tonnage thereof, in each State and Territory
of the United States during the year ending June 30,
No. 15. A comparative view of the registered and enrolled ton-
nage of the United States, showing the tonnage employed
in the whale fishery; also, the proportion of the enrolled
and licensed tonnage employed in the coasting trade, cod
fishery, mackerel fishery, and whale fishery, from 1815 to
1861, inclusive

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No. 16. A statement showing the number and class of vessels
built, and the tonnage thereof, in the several States and Ter-
ritories of the United States, from 1815 to 1861, inclusive.. 12
Commerce and trade with Bathurst and Gambia. Letter from
Consul Upton in relation to the......

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Commerce of the Sierra Leone district, Western Africa.
report of the consular agent of the
Commercial intercourse with Canada. Letter from the Secretary


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of the Treasury in relation to......

Commerce and trade with New South Wales for the year ending
September 30, 1860

Commercial intercourse with Turk's Island, showing the number
of vessels which have passed the light-house for Turk's
Island-passage from the first of January, 1860, to the first
of January, 1861...
Commercial statement showing the description and value of ex-
ports from Leeds to the United States during the quarter
ending December 31, 1860

Commercial statement showing the number of American vessels,
and their cargoes and value, which arrived at the port of
Dublin during the year ending September 30, 1861.....

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Commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations
for the year ending September 30, 1861. Letter of the Sec-
retary of State, transmitting a report of the.....

Commercial relations with Mexico

Commercial relations with Nicaragua

Commercial relations with New Granada..

Commercial relations with Venezuela. Treaty between the United

States of America and the republic of...

Commercial relations with Ecuador

Commercial relations with Brazil

Commercial relations with Peru...
Commercial relations with Paraguay..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with foreign coun-
tries during the year ending September 30, 1861, with
the British dominions....

Commerce and navigation of the United States with foreign coun-
tries for the year ending September 30, 1861, with the
French dominions ..........

Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Spanish

Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Portu-
guese dominions.....

Commerce and navigation of the United States with Belgium............
Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Do-
minions of the Netherlands....

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Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Hanse


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Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Danish

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Commerce and navigation of the United States with Sweden and

Commerce and navigation of the United States with Russia..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Austria..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Sardinia..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Tuscany.........
Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Two

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Commerce and navigation of the United States with Turkey.
Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Ionian





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Commerce and navigation of the United States with Liberia..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Brazil.
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Peru..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Chili.
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Bolivia..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Argen-
tine Confederation


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Commerce and navigation of the United States with Uruguay.. 4
Commerce and navigation of the United States. Recapitulation
of, with each consulate in each foreign country during each
quarter of the year ending September 30, 1861.
Commercial relations with Ireland. Amount of trade with, of
various ports for the year ending September 30, 1861...
Commercial relations with Canada. Letter from cousul general
in relation to.

Commercial relations with the French dominions

Commerce with the port of Marseilles from the United States
during the year 1860

Commercial statistics showing the imports and sales of American
staples at Havre, France, during the quarter ending Decem-
ber 31, 1860..........

Commercial relations with the Spanish dominions

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Vol. Part. No. Page.


Commercial relations with the Portuguese dominions.


ment of the imports and exports at the island of Fayal
during the quarter ending December 31, 1860....
Commercial relations with Belgium. Letter from A. W. Craw

ford, consul, in relation to the.
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Muscat....
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Siam........
Commerce and navigation of the United States with China
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Japan
Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Hawaiian

Commerce and navigation of the United States with the Domini-
can Republic...

Commerce and navigation of the United States with Hayti....
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Mexico.
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Honduras...
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Nicaragua..
Commerce and navigation of the United States with New Granada.
Commerce and navigation of the United States with Venezuela...
Commercial relations with the Danish dominions. Letter from

Consul Eping in relation to the.

Commercial relations with Sweden and Norway. Letter from A.

[merged small][ocr errors]

W Frestadius, consul, in relation to..

Commercial relations with Russia....

Commercial relations with the Austrian dominions.

Commercial relations with Prussia.

Commercial relations with Bavaria and Saxony--

Commercial relations with Hanover....

Commercial relations with Frankfort-on-the-Main

Commercial relations with Bremen

Commercial relations with Switzerland..

ping of all nations at the port of Ancona in 1860

Commercial relations with Italy....

Commercial relations with the Pontifical States. Returns of ship-

Commercial relations with the Turkish dominions

Commercial relations with Japan and Siam...

Treaty of peace, amity, and

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4 2

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Commercial relations with China.

commerce between the United States of America and China. 4

Commerce and navigation. Report of the Secretary of the Treas-
ury, transmitting a report of the Register of the Treasury of
the, of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1861. 12 1
Contents of the report of Commerce and Navigation
for 1861:

No. 1. A general statement of the exports of domestic pro-
duce, the quantity and value shipped to each country, the
amount in American vessels, in foreign vessels, and the
aggregate value.....

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No. 2. A summary of the same, with the articles and their
values classified under the several heads of production........ 12
No 3. A general statement of articles of foreign merchandise
exported, and the quantity and value shipped to each
country, under the act of March 3, 1857

No. 4. A summary of the value of foreign merchandise ex-
ported, with the amount in American vessels and the
aggregate value, under the act of March 3, 1857 ....
No. 5. A general statement of articles of foreign merchandise
exported, and the quantity and value shipped to each
country, under the act of March 2, 1861

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No 6 A summary of the value of foreign merchandise ex-
ported, with the amount in American vessels, in foreign
vessels, and the aggregate value, under the act of March
3, 1861....

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