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1 THE Lord will happiness divine
On contrite hearts bestow :

Then tell me, gracious God, is mine.
A contrite heart, or no ?

2 I hear, but seem to hear in vain,
Insensible as steel;

If aught is felt, 'tis only pain
To find I cannot feel.

3 I sometimes think myself inclin'd
To love thee, if I could;
But often feel another mind,
Averse to all that's good.

4 My best desires are faint and few,
I fain would strive for more;
But when I cry, " My strength renew,"
Seem weaker than before.

5 I see thy saints with comfort fill'd,
When in thy house of pray'r;
But still in bondage I am held,
And find no comfort there.

6 Oh, make this heart rejoice or acheDecide this doubt for me;

And if it be not broken, break,
And heal it if it be.

HYMN 53. P. M.

1 DAY of judgment, day of wonders ! Hark! the trumpet's awful sound,

Louder than a thousand thunders.
Shakes the vast creation round!
How the summons

Will the sinners heart confound!

2 See the Judge, our nature wearing,
Cloth'd in majesty divine!
You, who long for his appearing,
Then shall say, "This God is mine!"
Gracious Saviour,

Own me in that day for thine !

3 At his call the dead awaken,

Rise to life, from earth and sea : All the powers of nature, shaken By his looks, prepare to flee : Careless sinner,

What will then become of thee?

4 But to those who have confessed,

Lov'd and serv'd the Lord below, He will say, " Come near, ye blessed, See the kingdom I bestow! You, for ever,

Shall my love and glory know." 5 Under sorrows and reproaches, May this thought our courage raise! Swiftly God's great day approaches, Sighs shall then be chang'd to praise: We shall triumph,

When the world is in a blaze.

HYMN 54. L. M.
10 THOU that hear'st when sinners cry,
Though all my crimes before thee lie,
Behold them not with angry look,
But blot their mem'ry from thy book.

2 Create my nature pure within,
And form my soul averse to sin :
Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart,
Nor hide thy presence from my heart.

3 I cannot live without thy light,

Cast out and banish'd from thy sight:
Thine holy joys, my God, restore,
And guard me that I fall no more.

4 Though I have griev'd thy Spirit, Lord,
Thy help and comfort still afford :
And let a wretch come near thy throne,
To plead the merits of thy Son.

5 A broken heart, my God, my King,
Is all the sacrifice I bring;
The God of Grace will ne'er despise
A broken heart for sacrifice.

6 My soul lies humbled in the dust,
And owns thy dreadful sentence just;
Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye,
And save the soul condemn'd to die.

7 Then will I teach the world thy ways;
Sinners shall learn thy sov'reign grace;
I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood,
And they shall praise a pard'ning God..

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1 O FOR a glance of heav'nly day,
To melt this stubborn stone away;
And thaw, with beams of love divine,
This heart, this frozen heart of mine.

2 The rocks can rend, the earth can quake,
The seas can roar, the mountains shake ;
Of feeling, all things shew some sign
But this unfeeling heart of mine.

3 To hear the sorrows thou hast felt,
What but an adamant would melt?
But I can read each moving line,
- And nothing moves this heart of mine.

4 Eternal Spirit, mighty God,

Apply within the Saviour's blood;
'Tis his rich blood, and his alone,
Can move and melt this heart of stone

HYMN 56. L. M.

1 PILGRIMS, We are to Canaan bound,
Our journey lies along this road;
This wilderness we travel round,
To reach the city of our God.
2 A few more days, or weeks, or years
In this dark desert to complain ;
A few more sighs, a few more tears,
And we shall bid adieu to pain.

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1 How long shall earth's alluring toys
Detain our hearts and eyes,
Regardless of immortal joys,
And strangers to the skies!

These transient scenes will soon decay,
They fade upon the sight;
And quickly will their brightest day
Be lost in endless night.

3 Lord, send a beam of light divine,
To guide our upward aim!
With one reviving touch of thine
Our languid hearts inflame.

4 Then shall, on faith's sublimest wing,

Our ardent wishes rise


To those bright scenes, where pleasures

Immortal in the skies.

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1 SUBMISSIVE to thy will, my God,
I all to thee resign,

And bow before thy chast'ning rod,
I mourn, but not repine.

2 Why should my foolish heart complain,
Where wisdom, truth, and love,
Direct the stroke, inflict the pain,
And point to rest above?

3 How short are all my suff'rings here,
How needful every cross!
Avaunt thou unbelieving fear,
Nor call my gain, my loss.
4 Then give, dear Lord, or take away,
I'll bless thy sacred name ;
My Jesus, yesterday, to-day,
For ever is the same,

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