Puslapio vaizdai

Give me thy meek and lowly mind,
And stamp thy image on my heart.

3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free ;
I cannot rest, till pure within,
Till I am wholly lost in thee.

HYMN 17. S. M.

1 Now is the accepted time,
Now is the day of grace;
Now, sinners, come without delay,
And seek the Saviour's face.

2 Now is the accepted time,
The Saviour calls to-day;
To-morrow it may be too late,
Then why should you delay?
3 Now is the accepted time,
The gospel bids you come;
And every promise in his word
Declares there yet is room.

HYMN 18. L. M.

1 COME, weary souls, with sins distrest,
Come and accept the promis'd rest;
The Saviour's gracious call obey,
And cast your gloomy fears away.
2 Oppress'd with guilt, a painful load;
O come, and spread your woes abroad;
Divine compassion, mighty love
Will all the painful load remove.

3 Here mercy's boundless ocean flows,
To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes;
Pardon, and life, and endless peace ;
How rich the gift! how free the grace!

4 Lord, we accept with thankful heart,
The hope thy gracious words impart;
We come with trembling, yet rejoice,
And bless the kind inviting voice.

5 Dear Saviour! let thy powerful love
Confirm our faith, our fears remove ;
And sweetly influence every breast,
And guide us to eternal rest.

HYMN 19. С. М.

1 THE Saviour calls-let every ear
Attend the heavenly sound;
Ye doubting souls dismiss your fear,
Hope smiles reviving round.
2 For every thirsty longing heart,
Here streams of bounty flow;
And life, and health, and bliss impart
To banish mortal wo.

3 Here springs of sacred pleasure rise,
To ease your every pain;
(Immortal fountain! full supplies!)
Nor shall you thirst in vain.

4 Ye sinners, come, 'tis mercy's voice,

The gracious call obey;
Mercy invites to heavenly joys-
And can you yet delay ?

5 Dear Saviour draw reluctant hearts,
To thee let sinners fly,

And take the bliss thy love imparts
And drink, and never die.

[blocks in formation]

1 WITHOUT thy grace, I sink opprest
Down to the gates of hell;
O give my troubled spirit rest,
And all my fears dispel.
2 'Tis mercy, mercy, I implore,
O may thy bowels move :
Thy grace is an exhaustless store,
And thou thyself art love.
3 Should I at last in heaven appear,
To join thy saints above;
I'll shout that mercy brought me there,
And sing thy bleeding love.

HYMN 21. С. М.

1 JESUS! in thy transporting name,
What blissful glories rise!
Jesus! the angel's sweetest theme-
The wonder of the skies.

2 What glad return can I impart
For favours so divine?

O take my heart-this worthless heart,
And make it only thine.

HYMN 22. L. M.

1 LORD, at thy feet, I prostrate fall, Opprest with fears to thee I call :

Reveal thy pard'ning love to me,
And set my captive spirit free.

2 I'll seek his face with cries and tears,
With secret sighs and fervent pray'rs;
And if not heard, I'll waiting sit,
And perish at my Saviour's feet.

HYMN 23. L. M.

1 LORD, in thy presence we appear,
And bow before thy throne :
Before our lips begin to move,
Our wants to thee are known.

2 Thou know'st the language of the heart, The meaning of a sigh:

Dear Father, hear our humble pray'r,

And bring thy blessings nigh.

[blocks in formation]

1 0 THOU from whom all goodness flows, I lift my heart to thee;

In all my trials, conflicts, woes,
Dear Lord, remember me.

2 When groaning on my burden'd heart,

My sins lie heavily,

My pardon speak, new peace impart,
In love remember me.

3 The hour is near, consign'd to death,
I own the just decree ;
Saviour, with my last parting breath,
I'll cry, " remember me."

[blocks in formation]

THOU who for sinners once was slain,
Once dead, but now alive again;
Give me to know, to taste, and prove
The pow'r and sweetness of thy love.

2 Give me to feel my sins forgiven,
And know myself an heir of heav'n;
My conscience sprinkle with thy blood,
And fill me with the love of God.

HYMN 26. С. М.

1 APPROACH, my soul, the mercy-seat
Where Jesus answers pray'r;
There humbly fall before his feet.
For none can perish there.
Thy promise is my only plea,
With this I. venture nigh;
Thou callest burden'd souls to thee.
And such, O Lord, am I.

3 Bow'd down beneath a load of sin,
By satan sorely prest;
By wars without, and fears within,
I come to thee for rest.

HYMN 27. L. M.

1 WHERE two or three, with sweet accord,
Obedient to their sovereign Lord,
Meet to recount his acts of grace,
And offer solemn prayer and praise;


"There," says the Saviour, " will I be, " Amid this little company;

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