Puslapio vaizdai

SENTENCE (in law). In its broadest legal sense, a judgment or decree of a court or judge; specifically and technically, a decision in a criminal case, which is called final when it determines the entire case, and interlocutory when it determines only some point incidental to the progress of the case.

When a sentence is finally rendered according to law the power of the court to punish the prisoner is at an end, but the sentence in many cases may be in the alternative, as where the prisoner is sentenced to pay a fine or in default of that to be imprisoned for a certain period. When the sentence by its terms imposes a greater penalty than the law allows, that part of it which is within the law will stand as a valid sentence; and, if it be void for such excess or for other formal defect, the court may resentence the criminal because the previous judgment was not a valid one, and therefore in law did not constitute a sentence. In this respect the sentence is nota bly distinct from the verdict, a defect in which cannot be remedied by again subjecting the prisoner to trial. See JEOPARDY.


When the sentence is for imprisonment for two or more successive terms, or to the payment of a fine and to imprisonment for conviction more than one crime, as where the indictment contains counts, or specifications, charging the commission of separate though connected crimes, and the sentence is made up by adding together the legal penalties for the several crimes committed, it is called an accumulative, or, more commonly, cumulative sentence. Where the same offense involves a double penalty, as both fine and imprisonment, and both are imposed, the sentence is not therefore cumulative.


The indeterminate sentence has arisen from the endeavor to shape the law so as to furnish an incentive to convicted criminals to reform. has been defined as a sentence which is "imposed by the court without fixing a definite period of limitation or term of imprisonment, but which simply directs that the convict be imprisoned or placed in the custody of the prison authorities

to be held for not less than the minimum nor longer than the maximum fixed by law for the offense for which the prisoner stands convicted." Provisions have been made by statute in many of the States for the imposition of such sentences, and they have been found to work well in practice, although the merits of the indeterminate sentence are not fully conceded by all. Such sentences, as above defined, have been upheld as constitutional in some States, as Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Massachusetts, but were held unconstitutional in the State of Michigan.

See for further information, such titles as JURY; PUNISHMENT; and consult the report of J.

Franklin Fort to the American Bar Association (1898).

SENTIMENT (ML. sentimentum, from Lat. sentire, to perceive). In psychology, a term sometimes given as a sub-heading under emotion (q.v.) and sometimes set off as a distinctive mental complex. There is a substantial agreement among psychologists that sentiment is closely related to emotion, that it is, however, less abrupt, and contains, at least usually, a larger intellectual element.

The chief classes or groups of sentiment are logical, social, moral, religious, and aesthetic. (1) Logical sentiments are the feelings which

come from intellectual processes as such: judg ment, thought, reasoning, argument. (2) The social sentiments are those that are aroused directly by the interaction of individuals in a community. They include pride, innocence, vanity, trust, security, forgiveness, compassion, etc. (3) The moral or ethical sentiments attach themselves to the ideas of right and duty, of moral approbation and disapprobation, and of conscience. They are closely allied to some of the social sentiments. (4) The religious sentiments combine in various ways sentiments from all the other classes. They include awe, humility, reverence, faith, sinfulness, exaltation, and repentance. (5) The æsthetic sentiments centre about judgments of beauty and ugliness. Consult the authorities mentioned under EMOTION.

SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY, A. A series of sketches by Sterne (1768). The work is based upon some of Sterne's experiences in Southern France, where he spent a year, owing to failing health. Sentimentalism is the theme of the sketches, which are also characterized by their admirable depiction of every-day life.

SENTINEL (OF., Fr. sentinelle, sentinel, watch, little path, diminutive of OF. sente, path), SENTRY. A soldier posted in some responsible position to guard or protect the place, persons, or property. The duty of a sentinel is one of the most important responsibilities of military life. In time of peace, the faithful carrying out of sentinel duty is an effective aid to the maintenance of good order and military discipline; while, in active service, the safety and security of the camp or post, and frequently the lives of comrades, will depend on his vigilance. In the United States Army, post and camp guards are relieved every twenty-four hours, and, except in emergencies, privates are not detailed for guard tour of duty, each sentinel is subject to the orders duty more than once in five days. During their of the commanding officer, the officer of the day,

and the officers and non-commissioned officers of rank, are required to observe respect toward him. the guard only, and all persons, of whatever He must not permit more than one of any party to approach him for the purpose of giving the countersign. The punishment for any dereliction of sentry duty is very severe, and in actual war may involve the death penalty. See GUARD.

SENUSSI, se-noo'sē, MOHAMMED IBN ALI ESSENUSSI. A North-African Moslem, who, under the influence of Wahabism (See WAHABIS), founded at Mecca in 1837 a brotherhood for the purification and propagation of Islam. The founder died in 1859, and his son established a Church-State at Jerabub, in the Sahara, between Egypt and Tripoli. He gave himself out as the Mahdi (q.v.), and undertook by the collection of arms to prepare for a jihad or holy war. The Brotherhood of es-Senussi is a puritanic order of the dervish type, secret in its organization. It has some 120 centres in North Africa and Arabia, including a strong one at Mecca, where many pilgrims from all parts of the world are initiated. The Senussi movement has resulted in the rapid tribes, and has not failed to take on a political spread of Mohammedanism among the Sudanese aspect. Consult: Dupont and Cappolani, Les confréries religieuses musulmanes (Algiers, 1887).

SEOUL, sě-ool', or SOUL, more properly HANYANG. The capital of Korea, about 3 miles from

the north bank of the river Han, and about 19 miles in a direct line east-northeast of Chemulpo, its port on the Yellow Sea (Map: Korea, G 4). It lies in a basin surrounded by rugged hills, and several lofty rocky crags rise within the city. The city proper is enclosed by a high wall, having a circuit of about 10 miles and pierced by eight gate-ways. It is divided into four sections by two broad avenues, intersecting at right angles. The remaining streets are mostly narrow and crooked lanes. The houses are as a rule low mean dwellings, a large proportion of them mere hovels. The principal edifices are the old and the new royal palaces, the former of which is an extensive group of well built granite structures surrounded by beautiful parks. Other notable buildings are a temple of Confucius, the temple of royal ancestors, and a Roman Catholic cathedral. Seoul has an electric light plant, and an electric street-railway runs to the river port, Riong-san. The Han has not sufficient depth to give access to large vessels, but a railway connects the city with Chemulpo. Other railway lines are under construction to Fusan and Wiju. There is telegraphic communication with the principal cities of the country and with the outside world. Seoul is the social and educational centre of Korea. Two daily newspapers are published. There are several schools for the teaching of foreign languages. Seoul was made the capital of the kingdom in 1392, and was opened to foreigners in 1883. Population, in 1902, 193,606. SEPARATE ESTATE (Lat. separatus, p.p. of separare, to separate, from se-, apart parare, to prepare). A legal term commonly employed to denote that property of a married woman held by her independently of her husband's interference and control. In England and in most of the United States the common-law rule (see HUSBAND AND WIFE) have been modified, and in some respects entirely abrogated, by statutes. The tendency is to give a married woman the complete control of all her property as if she were single. In probably all of the United States, by statutes, the real property of a married woman is now free from all claims of her husband, except his inchoate right to curtesy, and in most States the same rule applies to personal property. In most of the United States the savings of a wife out of money given to her by her husband for household expenses do not become her separate property, but are the property of her husband. Where, however, property is conveyed to a married woman by an instrument containing conditions and limitations as to the possession and disposition, the latter will govern, as the statutes are intended to cover only cases where there is no express limita

tion of ownership, or where property is owned before marriage or acquired by descent. DOWER; CURTESY; MARRIAGE.


SEPARATION (Lat. separatio, from separare, to separate). A technical legal term, employed to denote a cessation of cohabitation of husband and wife by mutual agreement, and without the intervention of a court of law. This is commonly done where husband and wife believe themselves unable to agree from incompatibility of temper, but where there is no cause for an absolute divorce, and often no cause for a judicial separation. The parties usually sign a separation agreement, which generally contains

provisions for the wife's maintenance by the husband, the disposition and custody of the children, and so on. The law does not favor the separation of husband and wife, and, therefore, if the agreement is deliberately drawn up with an intention to live apart at a future time, it will be null and void. However, if the parties are living apart, and desire to take this means to avoid disputes as to the amount to be paid for the wife's maintenance and as to the custody of children, the agreement will be enforced by the courts. Such an agreement does not prevent the parties, at any time, from resuming cohabitation, upon which it becomes void. While a husband and wife are living apart under a separation agreement, the wife cannot bind the husband for her necessaries, if he pays the amount stipulated in the agreement; but if that amount be grossly inadequate the courts may compel him to support her to the best of his ability. As the marriage is not dissolved by such separation, adultery on the part of either is ground for divorce; and, by the weight of authority, the husband may have an action for criminal conversation with the wife, although the damages may be nominal. statutes of several States prescribe the details to be observed in executing articles of separation. See ALIMONY and DIVORCE.


A re

SEPARATISTS (Ger. Separatisten). ligious social organization which originated in Württemberg, Germany, about the beginning of the nineteenth century. Its members, seeking a deeper religious life than prevailed in the Church, and freedom from military service, to which they were conscientiously opposed, and refusing to send their children to the clerical schools, where principles contrary to theirs were taught, were severely dealt with. Aided by members of the Society of Friends in England and led by Joseph Bäumeler (q.v.), they came to America in 1817, and were received by Friends in Philadelphia. In the same year they bought a tract of land in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and founded their settlement of Zoar. ciples they avow belief in the ordinary doctrines of evangelical Christianity; all ceremonies are banished and declared useless and injurious; honors due to God, such as uncovering the head or bending the knee, are refused to mortals; separation is declared from all ecclesiastical connections and constitutions; the necessity of the political government is recognized; and fidelity to the constituted authorities is professed. Although a rule of marriage was laid down, complete sexual abstinence was held to be more commendable; and marriage was not practiced till about 1830, after which time it became common. Articles establishing a community of goods and corporation for the Separatist Society of Zoar' interests were adopted in 1819. An act of inwas obtained from the Legislature of Ohio in 1832. Joseph Bäumeler was chosen the principal executive officer, or 'general agent,' and continued its spiritual as well as temporal leader till his death in 1853. The members of the society were of two classes, novices and full members. The novices or probationers served for one year before being admitted to membership of the second class. Their obligations were renewed on entering into full membership, and in addition the candidate made a full and final surrender of all his possessions, and of all that he might acquire. Religious services were held on Sun

In their Code of Prin

days, with singing, reading of the Bible, and at the principal meeting a discourse by Bäumeler, or, after his death, the reading of one of his printed discourses, but no audible prayer. Baptism and the Lord's Supper were not recognized. Marriage was not permitted outside of the society. Disputes were settled by arbitration. (See ZOAR COMMUNITY.) Consult Nordhoff Communistic Societies (New York, 1874); Randall, History of the Zoar Society (Columbus, 1900), with a full account of the dissolution of the society; Hinds, American Communities (Chicago, 1902); Bäumeler, Die wahre Separation, etc. (Zoar, 1856).

Separators vary in size and in detail of construction. The small separators run by hand separate from 175 to 350 pounds of milk an hour, and the larger power machines up to 3000 pounds. When properly run the better makes of both hand and power separators leave only about 0.1 per cent. of fat or less in the skim milk. The perfection of the separator has been one of the greatest factors in the development and improvement of dairying (q.v.).

[blocks in formation]


SEPHAR/VAIM (Heb. Sepharvěim). According to II. Kings xix. 13, Isaiah xxxvi. 19, xxxvii. 13, a city in Syria captured by the Assyrians. It has been identified with Sibraim of Ezek. xlvii. 16, lying between Damascus and Hamath. It seems to be mentioned also in the Babylonian Chronicle, i. 28. The same name occurs also in II. Kings xvii. 24, xviii. 34, as one of the places from which colonies were brought into Samaria. Here views differ. Some scholars identify this locality with the one first mentioned; others hold that the reading here should be Sippar, the famous North Babylonian city, the present form arising from confusion of the whole text with xix. 13. According to II. Kings xvii. 31, the Sepharvites introduced the worship of Adrammelech and Anammelech, obscure deities, whose names point, however, rather to the Syrian than to the Babylonian city.


shaft. When the shaft revolved rapidly the buckets swung out in a nearly horizontal position and the milk in them was separated into layers of cream and skim milk. The modern form consists

of a bowl or drum capable of being revolved at a high rate of speed, and with arrangements for admitting the milk and removing the cream and skim milk. The process of separation is continuous, a steady stream of milk run

sticks. In this state it is called 'India ink.'


SEPIA (Lat., from Gk. onía, cuttlefish, sepia). A brown pigment now little used, but formerly much valued as a water-color. It is prepared from the secretion in the 'ink-bag' of cuttle-fishes. This substance is agitated in water to wash it, and then allowed slowly to subside, after which the water is poured off, and the sediment, when dry enough, is formed into cakes or however, it is dissolved in a solution of caustic potash, it becames brown, and is then boiled and filtered, after which the alkali is neutralized with an acid, and the brown pigment is precipitated and dried: this constitutes the proper sepia. It is usually prepared in Italy, great numbers of the species which yields it most abundantly (Sepia officinalis) being found in the Mediterranean. India ink is prepared in China, Japan, and India, where it is used both as an ink and as a pigment:

[graphic][merged small]

SEPOY (Hind., Pers. sipahi, soldier, horseman, from Pers. sipah, supah, army). A native British Indian soldier. They have been a part of the British forces, irregular and regular, since the middle of the eighteenth century, and with the exception of the rebellion, have ever been loyal to Great Britain. (For Sepoy Rebellion, see INDIA.) They consist of practically every race and tribe in India, and are officered by both natives and Europeans. The higher grades are all held by Europeans. See ARMIES, paragraph devoted to India under British Empire.

ning into the bowl, and skim milk and cream pouring out through the respective tubes. The rapidity of separation and the richness of the cream are under the control of the operator.

SEPP, zěp, JOHANN NEPOMUK (1816-). A German Catholic Church historian, born at Tölz, Bavaria. After studying philosophy and theology in Munich and visiting the East (1845-46), he became professor of history at the University of Munich, was deposed in 1847, reinstated in 1850, and, for personal reasons, retired in 1867. He was elected to the Frankfort

Parliament in 1848, to the German Customs Parliament in 1868, and to the Bavarian Chamber in 1849 and 1869. He was an enthusiastic advocate of a united Germany. His principal writings include: Das Leben Jesu Christi (2d ed., 1853-62); Thaten und Lehren Jesu in ihrer weltgeschichtlichen Beglaubigung (1864) ; Geschichte der Apostel vom Tode Jesu bis zur Zerstörung Jerusalems (2d ed. 1866); Das Heidentum und dessen Bedeutung für das Christentum (1853); Jerusalem und das Heilige Land (2d ed. 1878); a biography of Görres (1896); and numerous contributions to the local history of Bavaria. SEPPHOR'IS (Heb. Sippōri or Sippōrin). A city of Galilee, famous in later Jewish history, the modern Saffuriye. It lies on the slope of a high hill three miles west of Cana of Galilee, in the midst of a region once famed for fertility. The place is not named in the Old Testament, but is identified by the Talmud with Kitron (Judges i., 30). It is first mentioned by Josephus for the date B.C. 104. He speaks of it as "the greatest city in Galilee and built in a very strong place." Gabinius made it the capital of Galilee (about B.C. 57). Originally a strong Jewish centre, Varus expelled the Jewish element (B.C. 4), and it became for a time predominantly Gentile. Herod Antipas handsomely rebuilt it, and it alternated with his other creation of Tiberias as the Galilean capital. In the Jewish revolt it was plundered by Josephus. Under Antoninus Pius it was called Diocæsarea and had the right of coinage. It is famous in the history of the Talmud as the residence for 17 years of Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi, the compiler of the Mishna (died A.D. 217), who made it the great school of Galilee until the rise of that of Tiberias. It thus became again a centre of Jewish life, and was the scene of a Jewish insurrection in 339, which caused its destruction by the Romans. It was early regarded as the scene of the annunciation to the Virgin Mary and the home of her parents. Considerable remains of a large Crusader church exist. Consult the Survey of Western Palestine, vol. i. (London, 1881), and Baedeker's Palestine and Syria; for the Greek references, consult Schürer. History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (Eng. trans., Edinburgh, 1890); for Talmudic references, Neubauer, Géographie du Talmud (Paris, 1868). SEPTARIA (Neo-Lat. nom. pl., from Lat. septum, sæptum, inclosure, hedge, fence, from sepire, sæpire, to hedge in, from sepes, sæpes, hedge, fence). Ovate nodules of argillaceous limestone or clay ironstone, usually divided into angular fragments by reticulating fissures that have been filled with calcite or barytes. The fissures are due to cracking of the nodule while drying. Some organic substance, such as a plant or shell, is frequently found in the interior of septaria and evidently formed the nucleus about which the mineral materials were deposited from solu


SEPTEMBER. See CALENDAR. SEPTEMBRISTS (Fr. Septembriseurs). The name given to the perpetrators of the September massacres' in the prisons of Paris from September 2 to 7, 1792. See FRENCH REVOLU


SEPTENNIAL ACT (from Lat. septennium, space of seven years, from septennis, of seven

years, from septem, seven + annus, year). An act of the English Parliament passed in 1716 fixing the Parliamentary term at seven years. Since 1694 the term had been three years, but on account of the inconvenience of general elections at such short intervals and the desire of the Whigs to secure steadiness and fixity of political action by maintaining themselves in power the longer term was substituted. Moreover, the fear on account of the Jacobite revolt rendered it unsafe for the Whig Ministry to run the risk of a general election. The right of a Parliament to perpetuate its own existence beyond the legal term was the subject of general opposition and still in force, although by usage the length of a was violently contested. The Septennial law is Parliament seldom exceeds six years.

SEPTET (from Lat. septem, seven). In music, a composition for seven voices or instruments. Instrumental septets are almost invariably cyclical works in sonata form. Beethoven's famous septet (op. 20) is written for violin, viola, horn, clarinet, bassoon, 'cello, and double bass; but there is no general specification as to what instruments shall be used in the septet.

SEPTICEMIA (Neo-Lat., from Gk. σnaTIKÓS, septikos, putrefying + alua, haima, blood), SEPSIS, or SEPTIC INFECTION. A diseased condition of the body due to absorption of bacteria and their circulation in the blood. It is commonly termed blood-poisoning, and was thought to be due to entrance of decomposed tissue into the blood. It is now definitely known to be produced by the bacteria streptococcus and staphy lococcus. It is to be differentiated from toxæmia on the one hand and pyæmia (q.v.) on the other. Toxæmia is properly used to designate a systemic condition in which the poisons or toxins alone of pathogenic bacteria present in the body are absorbed and diffused throughout the body by means of the blood and lymph. In septicemia not only the poison, but also some of the bacteria themselves are distributed through the body through the same channels. In pyæmia not only are both toxins and bacteria present in the blood, but the latter find lodgment in different parts of the body, there to set up new foci of infection. The micro-organisms responsible for septicæmia are the same as those concerned in the production of pyæmia. The bacteria may usually be found in the blood. The changes in the internal organs may be slight or there may be the usual evidences of infection in albuminoid degeneration of the liver, kidneys, and other organs. The lymph glands are usually swollen and the spleen congested and enlarged. mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines



commonly shows an acute catarrhal condition. The blood is apt to be thin, somewhat tarry in color, and its coagulability is lessened. septic infection results from an external wound, the wound itself may appear healthy, or may

show evidences of more or less infection. In such an infection as medical students incur by cutting themselves while dissecting, the wound usually shows marked evidence of the condition, while red streaks running up the arm along the course of the veins and lymphatics show the course which the infection has followed. In very severe cases oedema of the tissue surrounding the wound may develop.

Septicemia is a surgical disease. It was fre

quent in surgical wards of hospitals before the advent of listerism and subsequent precautionary aseptic measures. It always follows infection of an open wound.

Puerperal septicemia, or 'child-bed fever,' owes its origin to infection with streptococcus through the bleeding surfaces of the newly emptied uterus. The symptoms of septicæmia are a chill or a succession of chills, followed by a continued high fever, with delirium, prostration, and rapid emaciation. Abscesses may form in the internal organs or in lymphatic glands. In the treatment of the condition tonics and tissue-builders and local disinfectants are necessary. The antistrep tococcal serum has proved efficacious in many cases. (See SERUM THERAPY.) Sepsis may cccur during pneumonia, tuberculosis, Malta fever, and many other diseases, in which ulceration or an open wound offers entrance to bacteria. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, ARCH OF. A wellpreserved triumphal arch on the Roman Forum, at the end of the Sacred Way, erected in A.D. 203 by the senate to commemorate the conquest of the Parthians and Arabians, and dedicated to the Emperor Septimius Severus and his sons Caracalla and Geta. The arch is 75 feet high and 82 feet broad, with three passageways connected by a cross passage. On each face of the arch are four composite columns on pedestals bearing groups of prisoners taken in battle. Above the outer arches are panels representing in low relief the eastern campaigns of Severus. The name of Geta was removed from the inscription on the arch after his murder in 212, and the space filled by a laudatory addition to the name of Severus and Caracalla. The arch during a part of the Middle Ages served as a stronghold, and in the seventeenth century the side passages were rented as shops. The surrounding rubbish was partially removed in 1803 by Pius VII.

SEPTIMOLE. In music, the same as septuplet (q.v.).

SEPTUAGINT (from Lat. septuaginta, sevThe common designation of the most enty). ancient Greek version of the Old Testament. The tradition that it was made by seventy-two translators in seventy-two days at the order of Ptolemy II. Philadelphus (B.c. 285-247) is worthless. An examination of the work shows that it is by different hands, and that different portions date from different times. It was doubtless made for the use of Alexandrian Jews who had gradually lost familiarity with the Hebrew language. The law was probably translated first, and the tradition which ascribes this portion to the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus is thought by some scholars to be correct. The concluding portion may be as late as the last century before the Christian Era. The language is the Hellenistic Greek, and the apocryphal as well the canonical books are included. The LXX. was held in the very highest repute by the Alexandrian Jews and gradually it found its way into Palestine. It is the version of the Old Testament cited by Philo, Josephus, and the New Testament writers. It was read and interpreted in the synagogues of Egypt for some centuries after the Christian Era, was highly esteemed by the early Church, and many of the versions for use in different Christian communities were made from it. It is still in use in the Greek Church. Its greatest value at present is for the


textual criticism of the Old Testament. For manuscript and editions, and further details, see BIBLE, heading Versions.

SEPTUPLET (from Lat. septuplum, septuple, from septem, seven-plus, -fold). A group of seven equal notes, which are to be performed in the time usually given to four notes of the same kind (in common time), or to six notes (in sixeighth time). It is called for by the sign 7 placed above the group.


SEPULCHRAL MOUND (Lat. sepulcralis, relating to a tomb, from sepulcrum, sepulchrum, mound erected as a memorial for the dead. The tomb, sepulchre, from sepelire, to bury). practice of rearing mounds of earth and stone over the dead may be traced to remotest antiquity and the lowest grades of human culture. The first and earliest type was merely a heap, without a central cavity or much attention to outward form. Here a single corpse is covered with a pile of rocks or a heap of dirt scraped up and carried in baskets. In the better forms the materials are selected and the surface covered with sods or trees. The original mound was conoid or the form of the body; but in later times geometric structures of exact outline were erected. Then came the log pen, the cyst of rough slabs, the laid up inclosure, the megalithic cell, the tomb of masonry, and the mausoleum covered with earth. In these various inclosures the dead were doubled up, laid out, heaped in ossuaries, or incinerated, the ashes being mingled with the soil or inurned. The mounds of America furnish a great variety of these sepulchral remains ranging from the mere heap to the squared pyramid. Great tumuli and barrows (q.v.) are found throughout Northern Europe from the British Isles to Ukraine, and they are to be seen in Northern Africa and in Asia. See




SEPULVEDA, sa'pool-vand, JUAN GINEZ DE (c.1490-1574). A Spanish historian, born near Cordova. He studied at Alcalá, and after living in Italy until 1536 returned to Spain as and chaplain and historiographer to Charles V., preceptor to his son, afterwards Philip II. His early polemical writings against Luther, and against Las Casas on slavery, brought him into prominence. He wrote, in addition to a Life of toris Libri XXX., and De Rebus Hispanorum Cardinal_Albornoz, Historice Caroli V. ImperaGestes ad Norum Orbem Mexicumque. His works were published in 1780 in four volumes by the Royal Academy of Madrid.

SEQUANI. A tribe of ancient Gaul, described by Cæsar in the first book of his Bellum Gallicum. They seem to have been of Celtic stock, and to have inhabited the district later known as Franche-Comté and Burgundy. Their chief town was Vesontio (the later Besançon). They took their name from the river Sequana (now the Seine), which had its source within their territory. This district formed a separate province, called Maxima Sequanorum, under the Empire.

SEQUENCE (OF. sequence, Fr. séquence, from Lat. sequentia, sequence, from sequi, to follow; connected with Gk. Teo@ai, hepesthai, Skt. sac, to follow, Goth. saihwan, OHG. sehan, Ger. sehen, AS. seon, Eng. see). In liturgics, a hymn intro

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