Puslapio vaizdai

found in this volume, which will have the good effect to rid the truly loyal possessor of the insults of that reptile tribe of arrogant, self

use at the case. Still, I am quite sure I have done no injustice to the authors of the extracts, except, perhaps, in some unimportant typographical errors, that readily suggest them-righteous bores, who breed in the sunshine of


While I have endeavored to link together the various extracts in argumentative arrangement, I have, with but few exceptional cases, employed no more of my own language and sentiments than were necessary to a proper application and introduction of the sentiment or fact quoted.

power-fatten on the sweat of honest toil, and parrot-like chatter virtues they never possessed. To those who have known me for years, it is unnecessary to offer assurances that I am, as I have been from the start, in favor of the most "vigorous" prosecution of the war to crush the rebellion. I believe this can be done under the Constitution, and in the mean time preserve personal and civil liberty. I am, as I ever have been, opposed to secession, disunion, and treason-especially Abolitionism, believing that the latter combines the trinity of the former. I have no apology to offer for the rebellion, and am in favor of punishing all traitors-am opposed to any peace purchased at the expense of the honor and inalienable rights of loyal people, and am in favor of any peace-the sooner it comes the

Another reason for presenting this work, is, that during the canvass of 1863, I printed the first edition of 10,000 copies in pamphlet form, which were soon disposed of in all parts of the North, with no effort on my part, save a notice that a work of that character was for sale, and even after the last copy was sent as per order, I continued to receive orders from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana, New York and other States, until calls for more than 6,000 accumulated on my table, be-better-that shall secure the Union of our yond my power to fill. I commenced this edition in November last, to meet this demand, and already, before the first copy is bound, I have orders for more than two-thirds of my entire edition. I am making arrangements for issuing a 3d edition to supply the general demand, which I am in hopes to issue some time in June or July next.

To the conservatives of the country this work is especially dedicated, as the aggregation of guilt and treason of seventy years accumulation-to be by them exhibited as a living panorama of "disloyal practices" by the opponents of Democracy-lest the treason of these marplots may be overlooked, amid the din of their pharisaical protestations of "weare-holier-than-thou" loyalty. These martinets of power must not be permitted to deceive the people with their "stop thief” cry of "we are loyal"-"you are disloyal"-when the evidences of their own guilt are so overwhelming. A sure antidote to their poison is to be

fathers, and be honorable in its terms, and believe that any sensible, conservative man would be an improvement on Mr. LINCOLN for President.

The "Shakesperean Irrepressible Conflict," which follows the general order of this work, I offer gratis-not as a specimen of literary genius, but in accordance with a promise made at the repeated requests of many of my friends. I attach no particular importance to it, for it was all prepared during the three last evenings of 1862, as a "message" for the car riers of my paper. It was only intended as a humorous salmagundi, to represent the "rise, progress and decline of the one idea." I may, without arrogance, however, claim for it this merit—a truthful, even though crude, reflex of transpiring facts.

With the foregoing "explanations," I offer the work to all those who would study the great cause of all the evils that now afflict this sorely oppressed people. S. D. CARPENTER. MADISON, WIS., February, 1864.




Application of the "Logic of History "-Effect of Early

Slavery Agitation-Slavery in Ancient Times-Slavery

Agitation in Rome-Its Terrible Effects: Agitation the

Cause of the Downfall of the Roman Empire-Greece

and her Dependencies Destroyed by Slavery Agitation-

The Agitation in France-Bloody Effects of, in St. Do-

mingo-BRISSOT, and other French Abolitionists, stir up
the "Irrepressible Conflict"-A Servile Insurrection
Ensues-Napoleon Issues a "Proclamation of Freedom"
-Terrible Disasters follow the same-A French Army
Destroyed-Servile Insurrection in St. Domingo-GIB-
BON, the Historian, on the Character of the Negro: their
Fall from Ancient Superiority-MCKENZIE, the Histori-
an, on the "Cause" in the West Indies-Statistics of
St. Domingo-The Sublime Teachings of History.

ers... Numerous Extracts in Proof...Treason of the Clergy
in 181..Treason of the Federals in 1814... Sapport of the
Government "Reprobated" by Federal Reprobatos, &c.

Early Clamors for a Northern Confederacy...the Pelham
Publication...Crusade Against Slavery in 1796...Its
Baseness and Untruthfulness exhibited by CAREY, in
1814... The Federal Argument to show that Dissolution
was close at hand...Early Caricatures of the North to
stimulate Sectional Hatred... Falsity of the Agitators'
statements...Comparison of Northern and Southern
support of Government... The odious comparisons con-
tinued...Republican papers and the President's Message
...Section arrayed against Section.

Slavery not the Cause of the War... Illustrations showing

the Absurdity of the Claim that it is... Henry Ward
Beecher declares the Constitution to be the Cause...Sen-
ator Douglas' Testimony...Alex. Stevens' View.... The
Rebel Iverson on the "Cause"...Gov. Rhett on ditto
...The Rebel Benjamin, with Republican aid, creates a
"Cause"... The Constitution the "Cause"... Early Times
...The Three Parties in 1786...Alex. Hamilton's "Strong
Government"... Early Opposition to the Constitution...
Vote close in some of the State Conventions... The Four
Rebellions...Shays' Rebellion...South Carolina Rebellion
in 1832-The great Abolition Rebellion... The great South-
ern Rebellion of 1861... What the Cause of the War...
Abolition, Pettions for Dissolution...A Public Debt a
Public Blessing... The object to Destroy the Government
...Know-Nothingism as an Element to Wreck the Gov-
ernment by placing Power in the hands of its Destroy-


Tone of the Federals when in Power... Similar to the Tone

of Those now in Power...Congregational Ministers' Ad-
dress to President ADAMS...Extract from Sermon of Rev.

JEDIDAH MORSE... Extracts from Sermon by Rev. F. S.

F. GARDNER, 1812...Extracts from Discourses of Rev.

Dr. OSGOOD, 1810... The Clamors of New England for Sep-
aration and Dissolution..."Extracts of Treason"..
Boston Centinel, Dec. 10, 1814...From same Dec. 14,
1814... Sundry other extracts from same...Ipswich Me-
morial...Deerfield, (Mass.) Petition...From the Crisis,
No. 3...From the Federal Republican, 1814... Extract
from Address to the Hartford Convention, &c... From
Boston Daily Advertiser, 1814... From Federal Republi-
can, 1814...Extracts from proceedings of a Treasonable
Meeting in Reading, Mass...Also from Memorial of citi-
zens of Newburyport to the Legislature-From Federal
Republican, Nov. 7, 1814... From Boston Gazette... From
Sermon of Rev. DAVID OSGOOD... Also from his Address
before the Legislarure... Extracts from a treasonable let-
ter from Federals to JAMES MADISON... From Boston Re-
pertory...From New York Commercial Advertiser.

States... Wisconsin Bids "Positive Defiance" to the

General Government...Constitutional Provisions Rela-

tive to Judicial Dicisions... A Premeditated Conspiracy

to take Wisconsin Out of the Union...Complete Chrono-

logical History of the Booth Case, and Judicial Action

thereon...The Federal Supreme Court declare that Wis-

consin was the First to Set Up the Supremacy of the

State over the Federal Court...Republicans Break Open

Arsenal, and Seize Arms to Defy the Power of the

Government...Judge Paine's "Eloquent Extract "...Op-

position to Law Placed Judge P. on the Bench... The

Rescue Leaguers... Republican Meeting to Denounce

Law...Judge Crawford Opposed solely because he felt

Bound by the Decision of the Federal Court... The Con-

stitution Quoted...Lloyd Garrison declares Fugitive Law

Constitutional, but Defies It..." Milwaukee Sentinel"

on Habeas Corpus and Jury Trial for Negroes...Opposi

tion to the General Government a Political Test... The

"Wisconsin State Journal" on said Test... Various Re-

publican Papers on the Test...Judge Smith's Opinion...

No Precedent to Sustain It... What Senator Howe said...

Judge Smith Scouts the Consequences of His Own Acts

...The Seven Points as Proof...The "State Journal "

declares "Dissolution no Misfortune "...Republicans

Resolve to "Revolutionize the Government "... Repub-

lican Papers for Dissolution...To Sustain the Decision of

the Federal Court declared a Crime...Republicans claim

that Judge Paine was elected expressly to Defy the Fed-

eral Court... Disunionists in Mass Convention...General

Government again Defied... Republicans endorse South-

ern Nullification... Wisconsin Legislature "Positively

Defies" the Federal Government... Substitute to Sustain

the Government Voted Down... Doolittle's Views...North-
ern Nullification a Twin of Southern Nullification...
Wisconsin endorses South Carolina and South Carolina
endorses Wisconsin.

Extracts from Speeches and Sayings: by John A. Bing-
ham...A. G. Riddle...Owen Lovejoy...Wm. Davis... F. A.
Pike... W. P. Cutler...J. M. Ashlay...J. P. C. Shanks
...John Huchings...F. A. Conway...C. F. Sedgwick...
Benj. Wade...J. H. Rice...G. W. Julian...Thad. Stevens
...J. P. Hale (Petitions for Dissolution)... David Wilmot
...Horace Mann... Wendell Phillips...Lowell Republi-
cans... Boston Liberator "...J. Watson Webb... Boston
Free Soilers... Charles Sumner..." True American '...
Hampshire Gazette"...Programme of Revolution...
Senator Wilson... R. P. Spaulding... Erastus Hopkins...
H. M. Addison... Abolitionists of Massachusetts... R. W.
Emerson...Horace Greeley...H. Ward Beecher...S. P.
Chase... Fred Douglas... Redpath... Rev. Chas. E. Hodges
...Lloyd Garrison..." N. Y. Tribune "...Wm. O. Duvall
...Gen. Banks... Anson Burlingame... Rev. Dr. Bellows...
Ingersoll, of Ill.... Defeat of the Crittenden Compromise
Vote in the Senate... Policy of Won't-Yield-an-Inch...
Treasonable Correspondence between M. D. Conway
and J. M. Mason...F. A. Conway's Treasonable Speech
in Congress...Also, his Treasonable Letter to the "N.
Y. Tribune"...Garrison's Speech in Philadelphia... Ex-
tract from "Wisconsin Puritan."

Power and Influence of the Abolitionists over the Admin-
istration...The Leading Abolitionists Feted and Provided
with Place and Power... Superstition and Intolerance...
1796, 1800, 1814 and 1864 Compared... The Bigotry and
Intolerance of To-Day Borrowed from the Pilgrims-A
Chapter from the Puritans... Blue Lights and Blue Laws
...The Act Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus, in

full... Ayes and Noes on said Bill, Politically Classified...
"New York Tribune" on Peace...Old Abe and the

"Union as it was," &c.



Threats to Force Mr. Lincoln to Issue the Proclamation...

From "New York Independent ". Chicago Tribune"

Against the "Union as It Was"; also, its Threat to

use Bayonets in Defiance of the People...The Radical
Conspiracy of 1862... Disclosures of the Round-Head

Plot... Suggestions of the " Boston Courier"; also, from

an Albany Paper... The "St. Louis Anzeiger" Reveals

the Plot... The "N. Y. Observer" Gives a Clue to It...

Gov. Ramsey, of Minnesota, on "Machinations of Home

Governments," &c......" Legalized Treason ".....From

"Boston Courier"...The Second Hartford Convention

Toasted...Chas, Sumner Teaches Revolution... Mr. Sew-

ard Boasts of More Despotic Power than the Queen of

England dare Exercise...Thad. Stevens declares the Con-

stitution an "Absurdity "...Republicans Cheering for
Dissolution.....Republicans for "Extermination and
Damnation"...The "Boston Commonwealth" Denoun-
ces Restoration a Crime...The "South Not Worth a
Copper"..." Boston Commonwealth" Curses the "Union
as It Was "...Bingham Don't Want the Cotton States...
The Constitution Committed to the Flames by Garrison
Senator Henkle and Vallandigham... Destruction of the
Constitution a Test of Loyalty...God and the Negro...
Beecher Declares that the Negro is our "Forlorn Hope"
Republican Bloodthirstiness...Jim Lane would send all
the White Men to "Hell"..." Chicago Tribune" Down
on the "Union as It Was "...Amalgamation and Negro
Equality...Fred. Douglas and White Women... Wendell
Phillips Thanks God for Defeat..." N. Y. Tribune" De-
fies the National Government-Ben. Wade on Dissolu-
tion... The Seceding States follow Ben.'s Advice...C.
M. Clay "Spots the Union as It Was "... Beecher Ridi-
cules the "Sheepskin Parchment"...Daniel Webster
on the "Grasp of Executive Power "..." Democrats
Must Not Clamor for the Union as It Was "...Moulding
Public Opinion... Mr. Lincoln in 1854... Mr. Seward and
Violence... Mr. Seward on the Last Stage of Conflict "

[blocks in formation]


How the Radicals "Opposed the Government" before the

Proclamation... Parker Pilisbury..."New York Times"

Before and After the Election..."New York Post" "Op-

poses the Government"... "New York Times" Again...

"Chicago Tribune" Denounces the President... Wiscon-

siu Home League on "Imbecility and Cowardice"... Pre-

... Democratic Predict-

dictions of New York Tribune"

ions...Gov. Stone admits this an "Abolition War"... A

Short Tack after the Gale of 1862..."New York Tribune"

... More Prophesies by False Prophets... Wendell Phillips

as a Prophet... "New York Post" as a Prophet... "Nation-

al Intelligencer" a True Prophet...Gov. Andrew's Proph

esies..."New York Tribune's" Prophesies... The 900,-

000," &c...Remarks of "National Intelligencer" on

Same...The Proclamation in a Nut Shell... Belief in the

Proclamation a Test of Loyalty... Forney Thereon...Sen-

ator Wilson's Address..."Disloyalty" of "Janesville,

(Wis.) Gazette"... "Waukesha, (Wis.) Freeman"..."New

York Tribune" on "Blunders"... Wendell Phillips on the

"Lickspittle Administration"..."Milwaukee Sentinel"

Disloyal to the "Government"..."Slate Journal' Ditto

... Phillips Again... Beecher on the "Government"....Tes-

timony of Senator Browning..."Milwaukee Wisconsin"

Throws a Javelin at Seward..."Chicago Tribune" Cor-

rects Old Abe..."New York Independent" on the Ad-

ministration..."New York Times" Scores the "Govern-

ment"..."Chicago Tribune" Ditto... "Milwaukee Senti-

nel" Ditto...."Buffalo Express " Ditto..." Pittsburgh

Chronicle" Ditto..."Anti-Slavery Standard" Ditto...

"New York Post" on "Mistakes," &c... The Loyal Sia-

mese Twins..."New York Tribune" on "Cabbage Head"



TION, &c.

The Confiscation Scheme...The Constitution Ignored...
Testimony of Senator Cov an... Political Extremes Com

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