Extract from the Trial of the Mutineers on board the Bantry Bay Squadron, by a Naval Court Martial, held on board the Gladiator, in Portsmouth Trial of Governor Wall, by a Special Commission, directed to the Chief Baron Macdonald, Judges Rooke and Lawrence, and the Recorder, at Particulars of the wilfully casting away of the Brig Adventure, for the 508 A List of the Public Bills which received the Royal Assent in the Course of the Second Session of the First Parliament of the United Kingdom of STATE PAPERS. The like, April 27 it. of the it. His Majesty's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, at the Close His Majesty's Speech to both Houses, on opening the Third Session of the 507 Definitive Treaty of Peace between the French Republic, his Majesty the 60s Separate Article to the Definitive Treaty, added thereto, March 27 Separate Convention between France and the Batavian Republic, explana The like, declaring the Conclusion of the War Extract of a Letter from his Excellency Lord St. Helen's to the Right Hon. it. Convention between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, touching the Difficulties arising in the Execution of the Sixth Article of the Treaty of 1794 616 Notice issued in Consequence of the Convention with the American States, on the 8th of January Letter from the Secretary of State to Colonel Hislop, April 2 617 619 Official Note delivered by the Reis Effendi to Alexander Stratton, Esq. July 29 ib. Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the Regency of Tunis ik Letter of Hamouda, Pacha Bey of Tunis, to the First Consul of the French Republic 621 ib. 623 Decree respecting Emigrants, published at Paris April 27 624 626 627 Message of the Consuls of the Republic to the Conservative Senate, July 29, Senatus Consultum, August 2 629 630 631 Departments, August 4 Project of a Senatus Consultum for organizing the Constitution 632 638 ib 640 641 Constitution of the Italian Republic 642 Proclamation of the Italian Republic, issued by a Committee of the Government, at Milan, February 6 646 648 650 651 Dispatch from the French Minister of Foreign Affairs to the French Chargé d'Affaires Bacher, at the Diet of Ratisbon, February 14 The Vice-president of the Italian Republic to his Fellow Citizens The Council of State of the Italian Republic to the First Consul of the French Republic, President of the Italian Republic, April 5 Letter to the Holy Father, from those new French Bishops who have occupied Episcopal Sees without being instituted by the Holy See ib. Decree of Absolution and Dispensation granted by the Cardinal Legáte to those of the new French Bishops who, without the Apostolic Institution. of the Holy See, have occupied Episcopal Sees Proclamation of the Government of the Bishopric of Munster on the Entrance of the Prussian Troops into that Country, July 27 ib. 652 Full Full Powers of the Empire for the Deputation, charged with the Discussion of the Points which remain yet to be regulated for the Fulfilment of the Peace 653 it. 662 Report made to the First Consul of France, in the Senate, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sitting of Saturday the 21st of August 1802, stating the Conclusum on the German Indemnities Note of Baron de Hugel, Plenipotentiary of his Imperial Majesty, addressed to C. Laforet, Minister Extraordinary of the French Republic Note addressed by the Imperial Plenipotentiary to the Deputation, informing them of his decession to the Conclusums of the 16th Definitive Conclusum adopted by the Deputation of the Diet of Ratisbon, on the 21st of October 1802, and the Opinion of Austria on the general Plan of Indemnities 664 665 Note presented at the Diet of Ratisbon, on the 25th of October, by Baron Bild, the Swedish Deputy for Anterior Pomerania 667 Royal Patent Ordinance relative to the Occupation of the Bishopric of Osnaburgh, published in that Bishopric 668 The Deputies of all the Communes in the three Cantons of Uri, Schwitz, and Underwald, to Citizen Verninac, Minister of the French Republic in Switzerland it. Representation of the Lesser Cantons of Switzerland to the First Consul, on the Subject of the Evacuation of Helvetia 669 Convention concluded between the Municipality of Zurich and the Commissary of the Helvetic Government il. Convention between the Helvetic Troops at Berne and the Insurgents besieging the Town 670 Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic, President of the Italian Re- Note verbale Dispatch from Lord Hawkesbury to Mr. Moore, October 10 672 673 674 675 Proclamation of the Council of War of the Swiss League to their Brothers in Arms, October 12 677 Dispatch from Mr. Moore to Lord Hawkesbury, Oct. 31 678 Admiral Villaret Joyeuse to the French Minister of the Marine and Colonies, March 6, 699 Copy of a Letter from Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth, Commander on the Jamaica Station, to Admiral l'illarct Joyeuse, at the Cape, Feb. 19 ib. L Proclamation Proclamation of the General in Chief, Leclerc, to the Inhabitants of St. Domingo 690 The General in Chief of the Army of St. Domingo to the Minister of the Marine and Colonies, May S 691 The Same to the Same. 692 Extract of a letter from General Leclerc, at St. Domingo, to the Minister of Marine, June 11 693 694 Speech of his Honour the Lieutenant-governor of Jamaica (General Nugent) to the General Assembly of that Island, June 17 Message from his Honour the Lieutenant-governor, sent over to the House of Assembly, on the 17th Day of June 695 Proceedings of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, Kingston, June 21 696 Message from his Honour the Lieutenant-governor, sent over to the House of Assembly, June 21 Proceedings of the House of Assembly, June 22 699 700 Message of the President of the United States of America to the Congress, Dec. 15 701 CHARACTERS. 705 Character of John Earl of Clare, late Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, by 711 718 Sketch of the Life and Character of the late Sir Eardley Wilmot Manners and Characters of the different Inhabitants of Egypt 739 742 Some Particulars of the Life and Writings of the learned James Harris NATURAL HISTORY. 743 Account of the Pearl Oyster, and Pearl Fishery, on the Island of Ceylon 749 Account of the Nile and Climate of Egypt 755 Account of the Ophthalmia in Egypt, by Witman 757 Bulley An Account of the Tea Tree, by Frederick Pigou, Esq. 761 763 USEFUL USEFUL PROJECTS. On the destructive Effects of the Aphis and Blights on Fruit Trees; with useful Observations for preventing them. By Thomas Andrew Knight, ANTIQUITIES. Account of Haddon Hall, in Derbyshire, by Britton and Brayley Description of Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre, by Witman Description of Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Alexandria, with a par- ticular Account of Cleopatra's Needle, and of Pompey's Pillar. MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. On the Atrocities of Bonaparte in Syria and Egypt. By Sir R. Wilson 807 Narrative of the March of the Indian Army destined to cooperate with the English Army in Egypt, from Cossir by the Route of Kinneh, across A true Narrative of the melancholy Situation of his Majesty's Store Ship, POETRY. |