Puslapio vaizdai

For defraying the expenses of the prosecution of Geo.
Stratton, esq. and others, for deposing lord Pigot,
and usurping the government of fort St. George, in
the East Indies

Ditto incurred by the Sierra Leone company for Ma-
roons which were sent there from Halifax
For defraying the expenses of the commission under
the 6th and 7th articles of the American treaty
For ditto..... incurred in printing the 54th and 55th
volumes of the Journals of the house of commons,
with the indexes thereto

For ditto. . . . likely to be incurred for printing the
Journals, Votes, Bills, and other papers of the house
of commons, including two volumes of population,


For ditto. . . . incurred under the directions of the commissioners appointed by his majesty for publishing the records of the kingdom.

For ditto. . . . of taking an account of the population
of Great Britain

Ditto. . . . incurred in the alterations and repairs of
both houses of parliament and of the house of the
speaker of the house of commons
Ditto. . . . incurred in the alterations that were neces-
sary on the change of the apartments allotted to the
office of the duchy of Cornwall in Somerset-place
Ditto. . . . incurred in the repairs of the Fleet prison
For defraying the civil contingent charges for the
service of Ireland for 1802, of which no estimate
can now be made

[blocks in formation]

£. 11,177,917 10 92


April 5, 1802.

To the bank of England, to be by them placed to the account of the commissioners for reduction of the national debt


November 14, 1801.

For paying off exchequer bills made out by virtue of act 39 and 40 Geo. III. for raising £3,500,000 thereby

200,000 0.

3,500,000 0 •

Ditto.... by virtue of an act of same session for

raising £3,000,000 Ditto.... by ditto of last session for raising the sum of £2,000,000 Ditto... by ditto of ditto for raising the sum of £ 6,500,000

March 25, 1802.

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For paying interest on sundry exchequer bills made out by virtue of several acts of the 39th, the 39th and 40th, and the 41st Geo. III.

March 25.

For paying off exchequer bills, made out by virtue of an act of the last session for raising £3,009,000

June 12.

For paying off exchequer bills, made out by virtue of an act of 39th and 40th Geo. III. for the year 1800, outstanding and unprovided for

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WAYS and MEANS for railing the SUPPLY.


December 1, 1801.


For raising the sum of £5,000,000 by exchequer $,000,000 0


February 11, 1802.

For raising £2,100,000 by exchequer bills

For raising £1,000,000 by ditto

s. d.

2,100,000 00

March 4,

[ocr errors][merged small]

April 6.

For raising £ 25,000,000 by annuities, whereof the charges of £23,000,000 are to be defrayed on the part of Great Britain, and £20,000,000 on the part of Ireland

25,000,000 00

April 26.

That the charge of the militia in England, for the year, be defrayed out of the monies arising by the land-tax.

That the allowances to certain subaltern officers of the militia in time of peace, for the year, be defrayed out of the same.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

For raising £1,500,000, sterling, to be raised by annuites or debentures for the service of Ireland

That the allowances to adjutants, &c. of the militia, disembodied in pursuance of act an 39 and 40 Geo. III. be defrayed out of the monies arising by the land-tax.

May 21.

That the allowance to certain subaltern officers of the militia of Ireland during peace, for the year, be defrayed out of the consolidated fund of Ireland.

1,500,000 0 •



June 12.

[ocr errors]

That there be issued out of the monies that shall arise
of the surplus of the consolidated fund,
To be raised by loans or exchequer bills to be charged
on the first aids to be granted in the next session
To be issued out of the exchequer, remaining there of
the sum granted for the assistance of the
queen of

June 15.

For raising the further sum of £ 5,000,000 by exchequer bills

To be issued the surplus of grants for 1801

June 15.

To be issued out of the monies that shall arise of the
surplus of the consolidated fund of Ireland
To be issued, remaining in the treasury of Ireland, of
the grants for 1795 (Irish currency)
Surplus subscription on exchequer bills funded
Estimated dutes, &c.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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39,329 IS S 180,874 0 0 9,665,737 16 3

Total ways and means

£. 56,904,828 16 6

Taxes imposed in the Year 1802.

November 21, 1801.

For granting a duty on pensions, officers, and personal estates in England, Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed.

For granting duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry.

April 15, 1802.

For granting certain additional duties on windows or lights, and on inhabited houses, and for consolidating the same with the present duties thereon.

April 30.

For granting certain additional duties on servants, carriages, horses, mules, and dogs, and for consolidating the same with the present duties


For granting additional duties on beer and ale brewed in, or imported into, Great Britain; on hops grown in, or imported into, Great Britain; and on spirits distilled in Ireland, and imported into Great Britain; and for repealing certain allowances to brewers of beer and ale.


May 7.

For granting certain duties on goods imported into, and exported from, Great Britain, and on the tonnage of ships and vessels entering outwards or inwards in any port of Great Britain, to or from foreign parts.

June 3.

For repealing certain duties on medicines, and granting others in lieu, thereof.

For repealing certain duties on paper, pasteboards, millboards, scale boards, and glazed paper, imported into, or made in Great Britain, and for grant-. ing other duties in lieu thereof.

June 13.

For repealing certain duties on polices of insurance, and granting others in lieu thereof.

June 26.

For repealing duties on spermaceti oil, bluboer, train oil, fish oil, or oil of seals, and granting other duties in lieu thereof-and for permitting merchandise, the produce of any of the colonies ceded to the French and Batavian republics, to be imported upon payment of certain duties. For repealing rates and duties of postage upon letters to and from France, and the Batavian republic, from and to London, and for granting other duties in lieu thereof.

For granting to his majesty certain additional duties on goods imported into and exported from Ireland.

[ocr errors]

A List of the Public Bills which re-
ceived the Royal Assent in the
Course of the Second Session of the
First Parliament of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and

sugar, malt, tobacco, and snuff, forthe service of the year 1802.

To revive and continue until the 25th day of March 1803, so much of an act made in the 41st year of the reign of his present majesty, as relates to permitting the use of salt, Nov. 21, 1801. duty free, in preserving of fish, and An act for continuing and granting to discontinuing the bounty payable to his majesty certain duties upon on white herrings exported; and to malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for indemnify all persons who have issuthe service of the year 1802. ed or acted under any orders for For continuing and granting to his delivering salt, duty free, for the majesty a duty on pensions, offices, purposes in the said act mentioned. and personal estates, in England, To repeal an act made in the 41st Wales, and the town of Berwick year of the reign of his present maupon Tweed, and certain duties on jesty, intituled, " An act to prohibit,

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