Puslapio vaizdai

To Mr. Russell, at his Quarters, Bromley by Bowe. [No date at all] ' 1644.'

SIR, I learn your Troop refuse the new Coats. Say this: Wear them, or go home. I stand no nonsense from any one. It is a needful thing we be as one in Colour; much ill having been from diversity of clothes, to slaying of friends by friends.' Sir, I pray you heed this.



Cornet or Auditor Squire, it would appear by my correspondent's recollections of the lost journal, was promoted to be lieutenant for his conduct in Naseby fight: "he afterwards got wounded in Wales or Cornwall; place named Turo, I think," -undoubtedly at Truro in Cornwall, in the ensuing autumn. Here, next spring, 1645-6, while the service is like to be lighter, he decides on quitting the army altogether.

To Lieutenant Squire at his Quarters, Tavistock:


3 March,


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In the year 1771, when, instigated by the courts of Vienna and Constantinople, the confederate lords of Poland were laying waste their country from one end to the other, and perpetrating all kinds of outrage on the loyal inhabitants, a plan was laid for surprising and taking the king's person. Forty conspirators met at Czetschokon, and in presence of their commander, Pulaski, one of the most daring of these rebels, swore with the most horrid oaths to deliver Stanislaus, alive or dead, into his hands. About a month after this meeting, these noblemen, at the head of a band of assassins, disguised themselves as peasants, and concealing their arms in wagons of hay which they drove before them, entered Warsaw unsuspected. On the 3d of September, 1771, they found an opportunity to execute their scheme. At ten o'clock at night they placed themselves in those avenues of the city through which they knew his majesty must pass in his way from Villanow, where he had been dining with me. His carriage was escorted by four of his own attendants and twelve of my guards. We had scarcely lost sight of Villanow, when the conspirators rushed out, and surrounded us, commanding the coachman to stop, and beating down the men with the butt ends of their muskets. SevNow there is between you and me some reckon- eral shots were fired into the coach; one passed ing. Now I hope to be in London, say in three through my hat, as I was getting out, sword in weeks, if God speed me in this matter. Call at the hand, the better to repel an attack, the motive of Speaker's, and I will pay you all your due. Pray which I could not divine. send me a List of the Items, for guide to me [for me to guide. Let me know what I owe your Brother for the Wines he got me out of Spain to my mind. Sir, let me once more wish you would' think over your resolution, that I may serve you. Your Friend,

[ocr errors]

SIR, In reply to the Letter I got this morning, -I am sorry you so' resolve; for I had gotten you your Commission as Captain from the Lord General, and waited only your coming to give it you. Think twice of this. For I intended your good; as I hope you knew my mind thatwise. But so if you will, I will not hinder you. For, thanks be given to God, I trust now all will be well for this Nation; and an enduring Peace be, to God his glory and our prosperity.



Squire, in his idle moments, has executed on this sheet a rude drawing of a pen and sword; very rude indeed; with these words: "Ten to one the Feather beats the Iron;" that is Squire's endorsement on this his last remaining letter from Oliver; indicating a nascent purpose, on the part of Squire, to quit the army after all.

With which nascent purpose, and last letter, we should so gladly take our leave of him and his affairs; were it not that there still remain, from the burnt journal, certain miscellaneous scraps, transitory jottings of lists and the like, copied by our correspondent-which, though generally of the character of mere opaque ashes, may contain here and there some fragment of a burnt bone, once a hero's; and claim to be included in this which may be called the Funeral Urn of the Ironsides, what is left to us of them after the fire. These scraps too, let us hastily shoot them in, therefore; and so end. [Our receptacle is full so shoot not here.-Living Age.]

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A cut across my right leg, with a sabre, soon laid me, under the wheels; and, whilst I lay there, I heard the shot pouring into the coach like hail, and felt the villains stepping over my body to finish the murder of the king. It was then that our friend Butzon, who was at that period a private in my service, stood between his sovereign and the rebels. In an instant he received several balls through his limbs, and a thrust from a bayonet in his breast, which cast him, weltering in his blood, upon me. By this time all the persons who had formed the escort were wounded or dispersed. Being now secure of their prey, one of the assassins opened the carriage door, and, with shocking imprecations, seizing the king by the hair, exclaimed, "Tyrant, we have thee now; thy hour is come!" and discharged a pistol so near his majesty's face that he felt the heat of the flash. A second villain cut him on the forehead with a sword, whilst a third, who was on horseback, laying hold of his collar between himself and another, at full gallop dragged him along the ground, all through the suburbs of the city.

During the latter part of this outrageous scene some of our frighted people returned with a detachment; and seeing Butzon and me almost lifeless, carried us to the royal palace, where all was commotion and alarm. The foot-guards immediately

followed the track that the conspirators had seemed | stantly disappointed; for in less than half an hour to take. In one of the streets they found the king's they returned in despair, showing me his majesty's hat, dyed in blood, and his pelisse, perfectly retic- coat, which they had found in the fosse. It was ulated with bullet-holes. This confirmed their rent in several places, but so wet with blood, that apprehensions of his death; and they came back, the officer who presented it to me declared it as filling all Warsaw with dismay. The assassins, his opinion that they had murdered the king there, meanwhile, got clear of the town; finding, how- and had drawn away the body; for by the light ever, that the king, by loss of blood, weakness, of the torches he could trace the drops of blood to and wounds in his feet, was not likely to exist a considerable distance. much longer in their manner of dragging him towards their employer, they set him on a horse, and redoubled their speed. When they came to the moat which surrounds Warsaw, they compelled him to leap across it. In the attempt his horse fell twice, and, at the second fall, broke its leg; they then compelled him, fainting as he was with 'pain, to mount another, and spur it over. The conspirators had no sooner passed the ditch, than they threw his majesty down, and held him, whilst Lukwaski tore from his neck the ribbon of the black eagle and its diamond cross. Lukwaski was so foolishly sure of his prisoner that he quitted his charge, and repaired with his spoils to Pulaski, meaning to show them as an incontestible proof of his success. Many of the other plunderers followed his example, leaving seven only of the party, with Kosinski at their head, to conduct the unfortunate Stanislaus.

The night was become so dark that they could not be sure of their way, and their horses stumbling at every step over stumps of trees, and hollows in the earth, increased their fears to such a degree that they obliged the king to keep up with them on foot in doing this he literally marked his path with blood, his shoes having been torn off in the struggle in the carriage. Thus they continued, wandering backwards and forwards, and round the skirts of Warsaw, without any exact knowledge of their situation. The men who guarded him became, at length, so much afraid that their prisoner would take advantage of these circumstances to escape, that they repeatedly called on Kosinski for orders to put him to death. Kosinski refused; but their demands growing more violent and imperious, the king momentarily expected to receive the points of their bayonets in his breast.

Meanwhile the king was driven before the seven conspirators so far into the wood of Biclaney, that, not knowing whither they went, they came to one of the guard-houses, and to their extreme terror were accosted by a patrol. Four of the banditti instantly disappeared, leaving only two with Kosinski; who, much alarmed, forced his prisoner to walk faster, and keep a profound stillness. Nothwithstanding all this precaution, they were challenged by a second watch; and the other two men taking flight left Kosinski alone with the king. His majesty, sinking with pain and fatigue, besought permission to rest for a moment. sinski refused, and putting his sword to his heart compelled him to proceed. The king obeyed in silence. As they walked on, the unfortunate Stanislaus, scarcely able to drag one limb after the other, observed that his conductor gradually seemed to forget his vigilance, till at last he appeared lost in thought. He took courage at this; and conceiving some hope he ventured to say,



and I

"I see that you know not how to proceed; you cannot but be aware that the enterprise in which you are engaged, end how it will, is full of danger to you. Successful conspirators are always jealous of each other: Pulaski will find it as easy to rid himself of your life as mine. Avoid this danger promise you none on my account. Suffer me to enter the convent of Biclaney-we cannot be far from it; and then do you provide for your safety." Kosinski, rendered desperate by circumstances, replied,

"No; I have sworn; and I would rather sacrifice my life than my honor."

They continued to break their way through the underwood till they arrived close to Mariemont. Here Stanislaus, unable to move another step, fell back against a tree, and again implored for one moment's rest to recover some power to move. Kosinski now consented. This unexpected act of humanity gave his majesty courage to employ the minutes during which they sat together in another attempt to soften his heart, and to convince him that the oath he had taken was atrocious, and by no means binding to a brave and virtuous man. Kosinski heard him with attention, and exhibited strong symptoms of being affected.

As for myself, when I recovered from my swoon, and my leg was bound up, I felt myself able to stir; and questioning the officers who stood about my couch, I found that a general panic had seized them. They knew not how to proceed; they shuddered at leaving the king to the mercy of the confederates, and yet were fearful by pursuing them further to incense them. I tried what I could to dispel this last dread. Anxious, at any rate, to make another attempt to preserve him, though I could not ride myself, I strenuously advised an immediate pursuit on horseback; and that neither darkness nor danger should be permitted to impede their course. A little spirit on the part of the nobles soon brought back hope and anima- "I give you my word," answered the king, tion to the terrified soldiers, and my orders were "that you shall not suffer any injury. But, if instantly obeyed; but, I must add, almost as in-you doubt my honor, escape while you can. I

"But," said he, "if I should assent to what you propose, and reconduct you back to Warsaw, what will be the consequence to me? I shall be taken and executed."

shall find my way to some place of shelter, and will direct your pursuers to take the opposite road to that which you may choose. Kosinski, entirely overcome, threw himself on his knees before his majesty; and, imploring pardon for what he had done, swore that from that hour he would defend his king against all the conspirators, and would trust to his word for future preservation. The king then directed him to seek refuge for them both in the mill, near which they were discoursing. Kosinski obeyed and knocked, but no one gave answer. He then broke a pane of glass in the window, and through the aperture begged succor for a nobleman, who had been waylaid by robbers. The miller refused to come out, or to let them in, telling them that it was his belief they were robbers too, and if they did not go away he would fire on them.

This dispute had not long continued, when the king contrived to crawl close up to the window, and say,

the people, "The king is alive." Never, whilst I live, shall I again behold such a scene. The great gate was ordered to be left open. Every soul in Warsaw, from the highest to the lowest, came to catch a glimpse of their rescued king.

The reader may perhaps like to know what became of Kosinski. The king presented him to the people as his preserver; they loaded him with demonstrations of gratitude, calling him the " savior of their good king," but in a day or two, when the facts became known, he felt he might meet with different treatment, and therefore petitioned his majesty for leave to depart. The king consented, and he retired to Senigaglia, in the Papal territories.

"My good friend, if we were banditti, as you 2. suppose, it would be as easy for us, without all this parley, to break into your house, as to break this pane of glass; therefore, if you would not incur the shame of suffering a fellow-creature to perish for want of assistance, let us in."

From the North British Review.

1. Micrographia, containing Practical Essays on Reflecting, Solar, Oxyhydrogen Gas Microscopes, Micrometers, Eye-pieces, &c. By C. R. GORING, M. D., and ANDREW PRITCHARD, Esq., M. R. I. 8vo, pp. 231. London, 1837. Microscopic Illustrations of Living Objects, and Researches concerning the Methods of constructing Microscopes, and instructions for using them. 3d Edition. By ANDREW PRITCHARD, M. R. I. With a Supplement on the Verification of Microscopic Phenomena, and an eract method of testing Microscopes. By C. R. GORING, M. D. 8vo, pp. 296. London, 1845. Des Microscopes, et de leur usage, &c. &c. Manuel complète de Micrographie. Par CHARLES CHEVALIER, Ingénieur-Opticien. 8vo, pp. 284. Paris, 1839.


This argument prevailed, and the man admitted them. After some trouble, his majesty obtained writing materials, and addressed a few lines to me at the palace, which he prevailed upon one of the miller's sons to carry. The joy experienced at the receipt of this note I cannot describe. The words 4. it contained were literally these :—

"By the miraculous hand of Providence, I have escaped from the hands of assassins. I am now at the mill of Mariemont. Send as soon as possible and take me away. I am wounded, but not dangerously."

Le Microscope Pancratique. Par le PROFESSEUR
A. FISCHER. 8vo, pp. 228. Moscou, 1841.

THE three first works which we have placed at the head of this notice, are the productions of eminent individuals, who are not only well acquainted with the principles and construction of microscopes, but who have rightly appreciated and eagerly adopted all the suggestions and improvements which have from time to time been made by natural and experimental philosophers. The deductions of theory, and the results of experiment, have been happily combined in all the variety of forms in which the simple and compound microscope are

tions which they contain for using the microscope, and for testing its powers, and for preparing and illuminating the objects to which it is to be applied, will be found of inestimable value to the amateur who is in search only of instruction and amusement, and to the anatomist, the physiologist, and the naturalist, who now find that the microscope is an instrument indispensable for the purposes of original research.

Regardless of my condition, I instantly got into a carriage, and followed by a detachment of horse, arrived at the mill. I met Kosinski at the door, keeping guard with his sword drawn. As he knew my person he admitted me directly. The king had fallen into a sleep, and lay in one corner of the hovel on the ground, covered with the mil-presented to us in these volumes; and the instrucler's cloak. To see the most virtuous monarch in the world thus abused by his ungrateful subjects pierced me to the heart, and kneeling down by his side, I took hold of his hand, and, in a paroxysm of tears, which I am not ashamed to confess, I exclaimed, "I thank Almighty God that I again see my sovereign alive!" These words struck the simple family with amazement; they instantly dropped on their knees before the king, whom my voice had awakened. The good Stan- The Micrographia contains in its first chapter a islaus, graciously thanking them for their kindness, history and minute description of the reflecting told the miller to come to the palace the next day, microscope, (or engiscope, as Dr. Goring calls it.) when he would show him substantial proofs of his invented by Professor Amici of Modena. In this gratitude. Soon after the officers of the detach- instrument the object to be examined is placed at ment assisted his majesty and myself into the car- the side of the tube, and reflected into a small riage; and, accompanied by Kosinski, we reached concave spherical or ellipsoidal speculum, which Warsaw about six in the morning. His majesty forms a magnified image of it in the axis of the alighted at the palace, amidst the joyous shouts of tube, and this image is magnified by a single or


double eye-piece, as in other compound micro- | their whole surface. One of these, with the lines scopes. This microscope was greatly improved by sharply engraven on a thin and clear plate of Dr. Goring and Mr. Cuthbert, an ingenious opti- glass, is placed in the focus of the eye-glass of the cian who succeeded in executing small ellipsoidal microscope, while the other is placed on the stage, specula, whose solar foci were 3, 4, 5, and 6 having its lines strongly engraven and well blacktenths of an inch, with angles of aperture of 55°, ened, that they may be distinctly seen when 41°, 36°, and 27°, respectively. There can be viewed through the micrometer in the eye-piece. no doubt of the excellence of this instrument The two micrometers being thus placed, Mr. Bauer when used by a skilful and practised observer observes how many divisions in the eye-piece like Dr. Goring; but it has many disadvantages, micrometer are contained in one division, or the which will prevent it from coming into general 40th part of an inch, in the stage micrometer. The risk of the specula being tarnished, is Suppose that 10 divisions are contained in it, then an objection which cannot be remedied. one division of the eye lens micrometer will be the Dr. Goring treats in his second chapter of 10th part of the 40th of an inch, or the 400th part micrometers and their use in measuring foci, and of an inch, and consequently one square inch will in his third chapter of monochromatic illumination. thus be divided into 160,000 squares. The miIn 1831 Dr. Goring had printed in the Edinburgh crometer on the stage is now no longer required. Journal of Science, a paper on monochromatic When a magnified drawing, therefore, of a small illumination, in which he took a very incorrect object is to be made, M. Bauer traces on his drawview of the nature and homogeneity of the mono-ing-paper a number of squares similar to those on chromatic light, which can be produced both by the micrometer, so that the size of each square is absorptive media and by the combustion of muriate an inch. He then places the minute object on the of soda dissolved in diluted alcohol. The misap-stage, and viewing it through the squares of the prehensions under which he labored were pointed micrometer in the eye-piece, he moves the object out by the editor of that Journal in a subsequent till one extremity of it touches one of the lines of paper,† and the chapter now before us contains a a square in the eye lens micrometer, and he then correction and modification of his former views. Still, however, our author labors under the mistake of not believing in the value of monochromatic illumination. His want of faith, however, is entirely owing to the imperfection of his experiments with it, for he has obviously never procured the fine yellow homogeneous light, which the proper combustion of the salts of soda never fails to yield.

proceeds to draw the object on his square-ruled paper. Having obtained correct outlines of the object, he subjects it to a microscope of higher power, in order to insert correctly all the minuter parts of the object which were imperfectly seen in the other microscope. In drawings thus executed all the objects are magnified 400 times in linear measure, and 160,000 times in superficial measure.

In his fourth chapter, Dr. Goring describes a Mr. Reade's method of illuminating microscopic very complete solar microscope, of a very novel objects consists in using oblique refracted light, the and interesting kind. It possesses the property of field of view being kept wholly darkened. We displaying a picture of the object on a curved sur- have frequently had occasion to use this method face lying horizontally, and so placed in a large of illumination long before Mr. Reade published darkened camera, that two or more persons can his account of it, and indeed could not avoid using observe it at the same time. It can also be used it in experiments for measuring the size of partilike the common solar microscope, so as to throw cles or lines which produce the colors of striated or the image of the object upon the wall of a dark-grooved surfaces, the obliquity of the ray which ened room. exhibits any color affording a measure of the size of the particles or lines by which these colors are produced, as in Dr. Young's observations with the eriometer.

The reader will find much interesting and useful information, and the practical philosopher many valuable suggestions, in the remaining chapters of the Micrographia—on the comparative merits of The Microscopic Illustrations of Living Objects, different microscopes, with rules for trying them- by Mr. Pritchard, was first published in 1829; a on the spherical and chromatic aberration of eye- second edition appeared in 1838, and it has now pieces on the effects of using microscopes with a reached a third edition. After an introduction of fixed power, and with various angles of aperture 30 pages, forming chapter I., on the application -on the construction and management of solar and of the microscope to the sciences, with an account oxy-hydrogen gas microscopes, and on the methods of its recent improvements, in which our author of dissecting microscopic objects under fluids. In makes honorable mention of the labors of his cona short appendix our authors have given Mr. temporaries, he proceeds, in the 2d, 3d, and 4th Bauer's method of "making drawings of micro-chapters, to describe in succession, and represent scopic objects, and the Rev. J. B. Reade's method in three beautifully colored plates, 1st, the larva of illuminating microscopic objects." Dr. Bauer employs two glass micrometers, each having 40 divisions in an inch, and crossed or squared over

* Vol. v. New Series, p. 5%.

+ Id. Id., p. 143. See also Encyclopædia Britannica. Art. "Microscope." Vol. xv., p. 51, chap. v.

of a straw-colored plumed culex or gnat, the Tipula crystallina of De Geer; 2dly, the larva and chrysalis of a day fly, the Ephemera marginata of Stephens; and 3dly, the larva of a species of British Hydrophilus, the Hydrophilus caraboides. The transformation of the Tipula from the larva


to the pupa exhibits a most wonderful phenome- | of chromium and potash dissolved in a solution of non. Although the whole operation is under gum-arabic, and nitre dissolved in a similar solution, the immediate inspection of the observer yet so all give analytic crystals. The property of these complete is the change that its former organization crystals is finely seen by placing them upon a can scarcely be recognized in its new state of thin film of sulphate of lime under a polarizing existence." The tail, consisting of 22 beautifully microscope. Mr. Talbot has accurately explained plumed branches, is converted into two fine mem- the theory of these phenomena, but our limits will branous tissues, rainified with numerous vessels. not allow us to enter upon the subject. When the Ephemera marginata is young it is a fine subject for the solar achromatic microscope. The circulation of the blood, the peristaltic motion of the intestines, and the pulsation of the dorsal vessel, may be observed by any number of persons. When the ephemera is perfect it hovers about in the air. "The male and female generate. The latter drops its eggs in the water, and both die, existing only a few short hours to perform all the offices destined for them to fulfil in the economy of nature." If these insects are kept from sexual intercourse they may live for several days. The Hydrophilus caraboides, or Water Devil, is a ferocious and savage creature, and is provided with numerous and powerful weapons of destruction, with which it attacks small fish and other animals

larger than itself. It procures its crustaceous prey with its mandible-it shakes it as a dog does a rat, and it sucks, tears, and masticates it.

Notwithstanding the great value of the works which we have thus briefly analyzed, yet none of them contain a sufficiently systematic account of the principles, the construction, and the use of microscopes and micrometers. They are better fitted to assist the skilful than to instruct the ignorant; and the mere amateur or the naturalist, without optical knowledge and experience, will often find himself perplexed amid the rich disorder and superfluity of methods in which he cannot fail to be entangled. The treatise of Charles Chevalier, illustrated with four large folding plates, is particularly exempt from this criticism. It is elementary, systematic, and perspicuously written, and we warmly recommend it to the attention of the general as well as the scientific reader. M. Charles Chevalier is well known throughout Europe as an eminent optician. It was by means of one of his achromatic microscopes that the celebrated PrusIn the two following chapters Mr. Pritchard sian naturalist, M. Ehrenberg, completed, in 1829 treats of the terms used in microscopic science, and 1830, his discovery of the perfect organization and gives an excellent description of an achromatic of the Infusoria, which the microscopes he had microscope, together with its apparatus and the previously used had but imperfectly displayed, and mode of using it in the examination of objects of we have occasion to know that his instruments various kinds; and in the four next and last chap-have been used and greatly admired by several of ters Dr. Goring makes some practical remarks on our most distinguished observers. microscopes for viewing and drawing aquatic larvæ, The treatise now before us commences with and discusses the merits of different stands and "Historical researches on the origin and progress mountings for microscopes-describes his operative of the microscope," and consists of thirteen chapaplanatic engiscope, and explains his methods of ters. In the first chapter he treats of the Single mounting and viewing various kinds of microscopic Microscope, including lenses of fluids, and melted objects. The appendix to the volume contains glass, lenses of gems, Wollaston's Doublets, the two papers by Mr. Fox Talbot on the optical phe-grooved spheres of Brewster, and other improvenomena of certain crystals, an exordium by Dr. Goring, and Swammerdam's method of dissecting and preparing objects for the microscope. The papers by Mr. Talbot are exceedingly interesting, and describe phenomena, as seen by the polarizing microscope, which are among the most splendid in optics. In his first paper Mr. Talbot describes what have been called circular crystals, which are formed by crystallizing borax from a solution in phosphoric acid. These crystals exhibit a black cross forming the diameter of a great number of colored rings like the uniaxal system of rings in calcareous spar and other crystals. In his second paper Mr. Talbot describes a variety of these circular crystals of a larger size, in which there are no colored rings, but merely a black cross. Mr. Talbot likewise describes what he calls analytic crystals, or those which analyze polarized light, The highly important subject of the Illuminalike the agate and tourmaline. These crystals tion of Microscopic Objects, whether opaque or may be obtained by dissolving sulphate of chro-transparent, is fully treated in chapter 5th, but not mium and potash in tartaric acid by the aid of heat, so successfully as the other topics of which he and crystallizing a drop of the solution on a plate treats. In 1829, Dr. Wollaston described a new of glass. Boracic acid dissolved in water, oxalate method of illumination, which is published in the

ments on the single Microscope. In the second chapter he describes the different Solar Microscopes of Lieberkhun, Æpinus, Ziehr, Martin, Adams, Lucernal Microscope;-the solar apparatuses of Gleichen and Goring;-the microscope for drawing outlines, by Vincent and himself;-the oxyhydrogen microscope, with the improvements of GalyCazalat and himself, and the Megagraph. The third chapter contains an account of the Compound Microscope in its various forms, both simple and achromatic, and a particular description of his own Universal Microscope, which has been so extensively used by naturalists. The Reflecting Microscopes of Sinith, Amici, and Goring, are briefly described in the fourth chapter, and viewed, as we have always viewed them, as difficult to construct, difficult to use, and difficult to preserve.

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