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Answers Indiana State Board Examination Questions for 1918-1919. Price $1.00. With one year's subscription to Educator, $1.50. Order now; it will help you in your Review for examination. EDUACTOR-JOURNAL CO., 404 Newton Claypool Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.

State Board Questions for May with Answers


1. What are the characteristics of a good class recitation

2. (a) What is inductive reasoning?

(b) What is deductive reasoning?

3. How should history be taught so that the pupils will do rational thinking instead of rote remembering?

4. In teaching, what advantage may be taken of the curiostity of your pupils? 5. What principles in psychology call for variety in the opening exercises?

6. (a) Define imagination. (b) To what extent is imagination used in the study of history?

7. (a) Name the last three Indiana State Superintendents of Public Instruction. (b) How is the Superintendent chosen in Indiana?

8. Should the teacher visit the homes of her pupils? Why?

9. Suggest two games to use in the primary grades and explain the value of each. 10. What is the relation between the physical condition of the body and the mental life of the child?

11. In the primary grades would you teach drawing as an art or as a means of expression? Why?


1. A good class recitation has many characteristics. Among them are:

Attention and interest of the entire


Discussion and not lecture method. Each pupil's recitation should contribute something to the class.

Recitation should be made to the class and not to the teacher.

Discussion should be relevant to the matter in hand.

2. Inductive reasoning is reasoning from particulars to general principles. Deductive reasoning is reasoning from principles as premises to particulars.

3. In history the line of logical sequence should be observed. The idea of cause and effect should characterize the work.

4. Curiosity is the hunger of the mind. So long as this instinct is kept alive the mind is ready to assimilate new knowledge. 5. Variety is one of the objective conditions of attention. It promotes interest.

6. Imagination is the forward look of the mind. It constructs ideas not as they were but as they might be. History is a logical science. The future is determined by the past. Therefore past events project themselves in imagination.

7. Charles A. Greathouse, Horace A. Ellis, and Linneus N. Hines were the last three superintendents. This officer is elected by the people at a regular election.

8. A teacher should visit the homes of the pupils. It encourages co-operation and community interest.

9. The game of dominoes teaches observation and ability to count. Short sentences written on cards; the pupils performing the act indicated instead of saying the words. This teaches alertness, makes the idea motor, and teaches reading.

10. The nervous system functions in consciousness. Therefore the mind is just what There the physical body permits it to be. can not be a sound mind without a sound body.

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Explain: ""Talking schools' are the right kind of schools."

8. What is habit? How formed? Answers

1. Vocational education_is work. Avocational education is play. Both are essential. Play, however, is instinctive and should be looked upon as relaxation from the more serious activity of work.

2. The heuristic method leads pupils to discover truths for themselves.

3. A concept is an idea. It has only mental significance and no reality in the objective world.

4. Simon-Binet, Terman and Courtis are measuring scales more or less common among teachers.

5. An examination should organize the past experience of the learner into a system. It should also aid him in applying his knowledge. An examination which meets these two conditions will have real merit.

6. The true process of education is the direction of experience into higher life.

7. Education should be motor. The educative process is not complete unless expression follows impression. Speech is one of the most convenient forms of expression. Therefore "Talking schools are the right kind of schools."

8. Habit is a tendency toward behavior that has been acquired. Habits are learned by drill in attention until the act becomes automatic.

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1. The capactiy of a tile for carrying water depends upon the cross section of the tile. Similar surfaces are to each other as the squares of their like lines. Therefore, the relation of the capacity of a 3 inch tile to a 12 inch tile is as 32: 122 :: 9: 144 or as 1 : 16.

2. Because percentage is the basis of a large part of commercial transactions, such as loss and gain, interest, discount, etc.

3. 2,800 pounds X 5.5-15,400 pounds. 15,400 20-7.7 the number of tons. $22.25 X 7.7= $171.33.

4. (1) No individual knows what he is going to use in his life time, so it is necessary to prepare for what may come. (2) Arithmetical principles are the basis for algebra and other mathematics. (3) It broadens and strengthens the mind.

5. Discounts are allowed on each payment of bills, payment of notes and discounts before due; they are also used to adjust catalogue prices to fluctuations of the market. 14% of $1,200.14 of $1,200 $168, first discount. $1,200-$168-$1,032, value after 1st discount. 10% of $1,032 $103.20, second discount. $1,032-$103.20=$928.80 value after the two discounts.

6. "First cost" is the cost of production. "Middle man's profit" is what the agent or sales man receives for selling the goods furnished by the wholesale merchant to the retail merchant. The whole sale price is the price charged by the jobber, or whole sale merchant to the retail merchant. The "retail price" is what the consumer pays the retail merchant for small quantities of an article.

7. Such an undertaking involves lumber, brick and stone or cement material and construction, estimates on roofing and painting estimates on excavations for cellar and foundation, estimates on glass and glazing, on tinning, and other problems determined by the kind of building.

8. $55,000 at 23 mills on the dollar-$1,265. 9. The child's interests lie within his experience and understanding. If counting or number calculations are needed in the games which he plays, or in what he undertakes, he will seek to use his knowledge of number in order to carry out his purposes. In this way he will try to understand number in order to accomplish his ends and so see the needs of a knowledge of it.

10. Yes. Because the primary work is the preparation for what comes after.


11. By persistent, careful practice.

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dramatizing? Why is reading the most important branch in the common school curriculum?

Name three poems by Longfellow suitable for grade work. State grades in which you would use these poems. How and why would you use supplementary reading books?

Name some of the causes of eye strain and fatigue.

Name some evils that may result from oral reading in class work.








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11. Why should there be training in silent reading in the primary grades?



Dramatizing makes the characters of the story more realistic to the child. It is a great aid in interpreting the thought. It stimulates the child's interest in the recitation.

2. Reading is the most important branch because it is the basis of all other studies. The child must be able to read intelligently in order to understand and gain information in his other studies. If the child cannot interpret the meaning of a problem in Arithmetic, how can he solve the problem? When the pupil has finished school, his chief means of gaining knowledge is through intelligent reading.

3. "Evangeline" may be taught in the seventh grade, "The Village Blacksmith" in the fifth grade, and "The Children's Hour" in the third.


Supplementary reading books should be at hand at all times. They should be used for seat work and during the assembling periods at morning and noon. When the ordinary reading lesson becomes dull and uninteresting, a supplementary lesson may be given to bring fresh interest into the class. When studying a selection in the regular reading class, it is a good idea to have the class read about the author and several of his other works as supplementary reading. Supplementary books should be used because the reading text-book is intended only for a basic book and does not contain enough reading material.

5. Eye-strain and fatigue are caused by improper position of the book, badly lighted school-rooms, reading at dusk or in a poor light, and too continued use of the eyes.

6. Oral reading may cause the pupil to stumble over difficult words, form the habit of word-calling, and fail to interpret the thought clearly. These evils must be guarded against. All difficult words should be studied and learned and the pupil should interpret the thought silently before attempting to read orally.

7. The basic aims in reading are the mastering of mechanical difficulties, the interpretation of the thought, the proper oral expression of the thought, and the creating of a love of good literature in the child. 8. The children should be encouraged to read supplementary books and make a brief report to the class. Correlate the reading with other subjects, as history and geography, and have interesting books on these various subjects about the school-room. Encourage magazine reading and the use of the public library. Read good stories for opening exercises.

9. Drill is the quickest means of fixing sight words and letter sounds in the child's mind. In the primary grades all unphonetic words should be placed on cards and drilled upon until recognized without hesitation. The sounds of consonants, vowels, phonograms, etc., should be taught in the same way. The drill should be rapid and individual rather than in concert. Concert drill is bad because the weaker pupils depend upon the stronger.

10. The purpose of dramatizing the reading lesson is to make the child feel the story, and to provide a means of expressing his feelings in action.

11. Primary pupils should be trained in silent reading. The purpose of reading is interpretation of thought from the printed page and therefore the pupil must read silently before he can give oral expression. The first grade pupil should never be allowed to read the simplest sentence until he has read it silently, interpreted the thought, and can express it orally without looking at the printed words.

The firm of Kiger & Company, 43-47 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, has the only stock of general primary supplies in Indiana. We also keep and sell a general stock of school supplies for Grade and High Schools. Domestic Science and Manual Training equipment. Laboratory Supplies.

Write us for list of primary supplies or catalog covering all equipment.

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1. Pick out the phrases in the following sentences and tell how each is used: (a) The State University of Michigan is located in the city of Ann Arbor. (b) He lives to assist his friends. 2. Name the conjunctions in the following compound sentences and break each sentence up into its members:

(a) I was told to go else I should remain.

(b) Solomon was both learned and wise. (c) He cast off his friends as a huntsman his pack.

For he knew when he wished he could whistle them back.

3. Select the correct word in the following sentences, telling the reason for the selection.

(a) You and (I, me) are invited.

(b) Our father brought you and (I, me) a present.

(c) (Who, whom) could that be? 4. Distinguish between the following pairs of words: set and sit; can and may; teach and learn; shall and will;

5. Should the teacher guard the language of his pupils at all times? Defend your an


6. What are some of the most common mistakes which you make in the use of English? What are you doing to overcome these mistakes?

7. What is an auxiliary verb? Name three using them as auxiliaries in sentences. 8. Select some theme and write a short essay upon it.

9. What relation does story telling bear to the teaching of primary language? 10. Do you think it proper to have children memorize poetry as an aid to their expression? Why?

11. In what ways may pictures be used in the primary grades to further the language instruction?


(By Pres. Jonathan Rigdon, Central
Normal College.)

1. Of Michigan is an adjective phrase; in the city of Ann Arbor is adverbial; of Ann Arbor is adjective; to assist his friends is adverbial.

2. (a) Conjunction is else. Members are (1) I was told to go and I should remain. (b) This is not a compound sentence, it is simple. And is a conjunction connecting the two adjectives learned and wise.

Both is not a conjunction. Its only function here is to introduce the parts connected by and. (c)

This sentence is not compound, it is complex. For is the only conjunction and it is a subordinating conjunction. It connects he knew when he wished he could whistle them back to the verb cast. The sentence contains two other connectives, not conjunctions but conjunctive adverbs; when joins the sentence, when he wished, to the verb, could whistle; as joins the sentence, as a hunstman (casts off) his pack, to the verb, cast. As is a conjunctive adverb of manner modifying the unexpressed verb, casts; when is a conjunctive adverb of time modifying the verb, wished. 3. (a) The pronoun must be I, a nominative, subect of the finite verb, are invited. (b) The pronoun should be me, an objective, the object of the preposition, (to). (c) The pronoun should be who, a nominative, used as the attributive or subjective complement of a copulative verb whose subject is nominative, could be.

4. Sit is intransitive and means to rest; set is transitive and means to cause to rest. Can and may are both auxiliary verbs; can denotes power and may, permission. Teach and learn are both transitive verbs; learn means to acquire information and teach means to cause another to acquire information. Shall and will are both auxiliary verbs denoting futurity or futurity and determination. Shall in the first person and will in the second and third denote only futurity; will in the first person and shall in the second and third denote futurity plus determination.

5. Certainly the teacher should guard the language of his pupils at all times to make them careful to be correct; but he should not criticise errors at all times for this would lessen their spontaneity of expression.

6. Most teachers could say that occasionally they use wrong verb forms and wrong pronoun forms, and they should say that they are constantly on their guard to avoid such errors.

7. An auxiliary verb is one used to aid a principal verb in indicating its properties. May, shall, be. You may go. I shall remain. The work is done.

8. Compare the essay you wrote with the one written by some friend.

9. It greatly stimulates the desire to ask questions, to make statements and to understand new words.

10. Yes, for it helps them to acquire better forms and to care for better forms. 11.

Pictures are one of the best means of provoking thought and of stimulating a desire to express one's thoughts.

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