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Whenever an Act is repealed, which repealed a former Act, such former Act shall not thereby be revived unless it shall be expressly so provided. (R. S. 12.)

The repeal of any statute shall not have the effect to release or extinguish any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred under such statute, unless the repealing Act shall so expressly provide, and such statute shall be treated as still remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any proper action or prosecution for the enforcement of such penalty, forfeiture, or liability. (R. S. 13.)

Life-saving Medals.

The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to cause to be prepared medals of honor, with suitable devices, to be distinguished as life-saving medals of the first and second class, which shall be bestowed upon any persons who shall hereafter endanger their own lives in saving, or endeavouring to save lives from perils of the sea, within the United States, or upon any American vessel: Provided, That the medal of the first class shall be confined to cases of extreme and heroic daring; and that the medal of the second class shall be given in cases not sufficiently distinguished to deserve the medal of the first class: Provided, also, That no award of either medal shall be made to any person until sufficient evidence of his deserving shall have been filed with the Secretary of the Treasury and entered upon the records of the Department. (June 20, 1874, sec. 7.)

The life-saving medals of the first and second class authorized by the provisions of the seventh section of the Act of July twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, shall be hereafter designated as the gold and silver life-saving medal, respectively, and any person who has received or may hereafter receive either of said medals under the provisions of said section, or the twelfth section of the Act of June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and who shall again perform an Act which would entitle him to a medal of the same class under said provisions, shall receive, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to award, in lieu of a second medal, a bar, suitably inscribed, of the same metal as the medal to which said person would be entitled, to be attached to a ribbon of such description as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. which may be fastened to the medal already bestowed upon said person; and for every such additional Act an additional bar may be added. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, whenever any person becomes entitled to a bar representing a gold medal, to award him, in addition to said bar, such token as it is customary to award in acknowledgment of the services of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American citizens from shipwreck. (May 4, 1882, sec. 9.)

The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to bestow the life-saving medal of the second class upon persons making such signal exertions in rescuing and succoring the shipwrecked and saving persons from drowning, as, in his opinion, shall merit such recognition. (June 18, 1878, sec. 12.)

So much of the Acts relating to the Life Saving Service approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and May fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, as provide for the award of life-saving medals shall be construed so as to empower the Secretary of the Treasury to bestow such medals upon persons making signal exertions in rescuing and succoring the shipwrecked and saving persons from drowning in the waters over which the United States has jurisdiction, whether the said persons making such exertions were or were not members of a life-saving crew; or whether or not such exertions were made in the vicinity of a life-saving station. (Jan. 21, 1897.) Rescuing Shipwrecked American Seamen or Citizens.

Expenses which may be incurred in the acknowledgment of the services of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American seamen or citizens from shipwreck or other catastrophe at sea, $2,000. (Apr. 29, 1926.)

School Ships.

The Secretary of the Navy, to promote nautical education, is hereby authorized and empowered to furnish, upon the application in writing of the governor of a State, a suitable vessel of the Navy, with all her apparel, charts, books, and instruments of navigation, provided the same can be spared without detriment to the naval service, to be used for the benefit of any nautical school, or school or college having a nautical branch, established at each of the following ports of the United States: Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Seattle, San Francisco, Baltimore, Detroit, Saginaw, Michigan, Norfolk, and Corpus Christi, upon the condition that there shall be maintained at such port a school or branch of a school for the instruction of youths in navigation, steamship-marine engineering, and all matters per

taining to the proper construction, equipment, and sailing of vessels or any particular branch thereof. (Sea. 1.)

A sum not exceeding the amount annually appropriated by any State or municipality for the purpose of maintaining such a marine school or schools or the nautical branch thereof is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of aiding in the maintenance and support of such school or schools: Provided, however, That appropriations shall be made for one school in any port heretofore named in section one and that the appropriation for any one year shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for any one school. (Sec. 2.)

The President of the United States is hereby authorized, when in his opinion the same can be done without detriment to the public service, to detail proper officers of the Navy as superintendents of or instructors in such schools: Provided, That if any such school shall be discontinued, or the good of the naval service shall require, such vessel shall be immediately restored to the Secretary of the Navy and the officers so detailed recalled: And provided further, That no person shall be sentenced to or received at such schools as a punishment or commutation of punishment for crime. (Mar. 4, 1911, с. 265, sec. 3.)

STATE MARINE SCHOOLS: To reimburse the State of New York $25,000, the State of Massachusetts $25,000, and the State of Washington $25,000 for expenses incurred in the maintenance and support of marine schools in those States in accordance with section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act for the establishment of marine schools, and for other purposes," approved March 4, 1911; in all, $75,000. (May 21, 1926.)

Instruction at Military Schools.

The President be, and he is hereby, authorized, upon the application of the governor of any State having seacoast line or bordering on one or more of the Great Lakes, to direct the Secretary of the Navy to furnish to one well-established military school in that State desiring to afford its cadets instruction in elementary seamanship one fully equipped man-of-war's cutter for every twenty-five cadets in actual attendance, and such other equipment as may be spared and be deemed adequate for instruction in elementary seamanship: Provided, That the said school shall have adequate facilities for cutter drill and shall have in actual attendance at least seventy-five cadets over fifteen years of age in uniform receiving military instruction and quartered in barracks under military regulation, and shall have the capacity to quarter and educate at the same time one hundred and fifty cadets: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy shall require a bond in each case, in double the value of the property, for the care and safe-keeping thereof and for the return of the same when required. (Mar. 3, 1901; June 29, 1906; June 24, 1910.)

The Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to loan, temporarily, to the government of the Philippine Islands, upon the written application of the Secretary of War, a vessel of the United States Navy, to be selected from such vessels as are not suitable or required for general service, together with such of her apparel, charts, books, and instruments of navigation as he


may deem proper, said vessel to be used only by such nautical schools as are or may hereafter be maintained by said government of the Philippine Islands: Provided, That when such schools shall be abandoned, or when the interests of the naval service shall so require such vessel, together with her apparel, charts, books, and instruments of navigation, shall be immediately restored to the custody of the Secretary of the Navy: And provided further, That when such loan is made to the government of the Philippine Islands, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to detail from the enlisted force of the Navy a sufficient number of men, not exceeding six for any vessel, as ship keepers, the men so detailed to be additional to the number of enlisted men allowed by law for the naval establishment, and in making details for this service preference shall be given to those men who have served twenty years or more in the Navy. (June 30, 1906.) Instruction in Shipbuilding.

For the purpose of promoting a knowledge of steam engineering and iron-ship building among the young men of the United States, the President may, upon the application of an established scientific school or college within the United States, detail an officer from the Engineer Corps of the Navy as professor in such school or college:

Provided, That the number of officers so detailed shall not at any time exceed twenty-five, and such details shall be governed by rules to be prescribed from time to time by the President:

And provided further, That such details may be withheld or withdrawn whenever, in the judgment of the President, the interests of the public service shall so require. (Feb. 26, 1879.)

Naval Reserve.

The Naval Reserve Force, established under the Act of August 29, 1916, is hereby abolished, and in lieu thereof there is hereby created and established, as a component part of the United States Navy, a Naval Reserve which shall consist of three classes, namely: The Fleet Naval Reserve, the Merchant Marine Naval Reserve, and the Volunteer Naval Reserve: Provided, That all officers and men who on the date of this Act are members of the Fleet Naval Reserve, the Naval Reserve, or the Naval Reserve Flying Corps of the Naval Reserve Force are hereby transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve created by this Act, and all officers and men who on the date of this Act are members of the Naval Auxiliary Reserve of the Naval Reserve Force are hereby transferred to the Merchant Marine Naval Reserve created by this Act: Provided further, That members of the Naval Reserve Force on the date of the approval of this Act whose status in the Naval Reserve thus created is not otherwise specifically established by this Act are hereby transferred to the Volunteer Naval Reserve: And provided further, That nothing contained in this Act shall affect the status or pay of members of the Naval Reserve Force heretofore retired with or without pay. (Sec. 1.)

The Naval Reserve shall be composed of male citizens of the United States and of the insular possessions of the United States of eighteen years of age or over who by appointment or enlistment therein, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, or by transfer or assignment thereto as in this Act provided, obligate themselves to serve in the Navy in time of war or during the existence of a na

tional emergency declared by the President: Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall render ineligible for transfer to the Naval Reserve created by this Act, as provided in section 1 hereof, any person now serving in the Naval Reserve Force: Provided further, That any enlisted man now serving in the regular Navy who is not a citizen of the United States and who on the date of this Act has completed not less than eight years' naval service shall be deemed eligible for transfer to the Fleet Naval Reserve of the Naval Reserve created by this Act upon completion of the minimum amount of service required for such transfer: Provided further, That no officer or man of the Naval Reserve shall be a member of any other naval or military organization except the Naval Militia: And provided further, That no existing law shall be construed to prevent any member of the Naval Reserve from accepting employment in any civil branch of the public service, nor from receiving the pay and allowances incident to such employment in addition to any pay or allowances to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this Act. (Sec. 4.)

Fleet Naval Reserve.

In time of peace, except as herein otherwise provided, officers and enrolled and enlisted men of the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be required to perform such training duty, not to exceed fifteen days annually, as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, unless excused therefrom for good and sufficient reasons by direction of the Secretary of the Navy: Provided, That they may be given additional training or other duty, either with or without pay, as may be authorized, with their consent, by the Secretary of the Navy: Provided further, That when authorized training or other duty without pay is performed by officers or men they may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be furnished subsistence in kind or commutation thereof at a rate to be fixed from time to time by the Secretary of the Navy: And provided further, That officers and men while detailed for training or other duty in aviation which involves actual flying in aircraft, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, shall receive the same increase of the pay of their grades, ranks, or ratings as may be received by officers and enlisted men in similar grades, ranks, and ratings in the regular Navy for the performance of similar duty. (Sec. 20.)

Naval Militia.

Of the Organized Militia, as provided by law, such part as may be duly prescribed in any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia shall constitute a Naval Militia. Any officer or enlisted man of such Naval Militia may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be appointed or enlisted in the Fleet Naval Reserve in the grade, rank, or rating not above the rank of lieutenant for which he may be found qualified in accordance with such special regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy: Provided, That each officer and enlisted man of the Naval Militia appointed or enlisted in the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be required within one wear after the date of his appointment or enlistment in the Fleet Naval Reserve to qualify for the rank or rating he may hold in accordance with the general regulations governing the Fleet Naval

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