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10. Annotate four of the following passages:—

(a) No two of us are by nature altogether alike. Our capacities differ. Some are fit for one work, some for another.

(b) Is not this the greater part of temperance, that men should be subject to the rulers, and should make subject to themselves the pleasures of drink and love and food?

(c) Vice can never know virtue and herself, while virtue in a well-educated nature will in course of time attain to scientific knowledge at once of herself and of vice.

(d) The city may go on increasing so long as it can grow without losing its unity, but no further.

(e) A city is courageous in virtue of a part of itself.

(f) When we insist that what are not the same natures ought not to have the same pursuits, we cling to the verbal point most bravely and contentiously, but we have never inquired at all of what kind were the sameness and the difference. .

(g) The lovers of sights and of sounds admire beautiful sounds and colours and figures and all things fashioned out of such, but their understanding is incapable of seeing or admiring the nature of real beauty.



(Six questions are to be done).

1. Criticize the doctrine of the Relativity of Knowledge as maintained by Comte.

2. "The first principles of Geometry are generalizations from Experience." Explain and examine this doctrine of


3. "Induction is the process by which we infer that what we know to be true in a particular case or cases will be true in all cases which resemble the former in certain assignable respects." How far is Mill's account of Induction a true one?

4. Estimate the significance of the Darwinian theory in reference to knowledge and morality.

5. Discuss the relation of desire and reason. Give Kant's view.

6. "The problem of freedom is bound up with the question of motives." Examine this in relation to determinism and "liberty of indifference."

7. "To have a motive is to be free.' Explain.

8. How does Kant seek to prove the existence of God and the immortality of the soul? Criticize his view.


(Two questions in each section will constitute a full paper).


1. (a) Define the following terms: Wealth and welfare; gold points; alternative opportunity cost; cost of production; closed shop; boycott; preferred and common stock; bonds, debentures; collateral trust bonds; 7 per cent. cumulative preferred stock; malingering; public utilities; unearned increment.

(b) State concisely the relation between the division. of labor and the development of modern industry.

2. (a) What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the corporate form of enterprise?

(b) Trace briefly the legislation dealing with the regulation of combines in Canada.

3. Compare the British and the German systems of state provision for the contingencies of sickness, old age, and accident; and discuss how far either system is applicable to Canadian conditions.


4. (a) Compare Canadian and American banking with respect to (i) reserves, (ii) surplus, (iii) note issue, (iv) inspection.

(b) Comment upon the proposed plan for establishing a system of rural co-operative credit in Saskatchewan.

5. (a) Give a short sketch of the geographical position of the chief Canadian railways.

(b) What theories are advocated as a basis for determining railway rates?

6. (a) State and comment upon the Ricardian doctrine of rent.

(b) What are the factors which result in differences of wages in different occupations?


7. (a) What are the factors that determine price under monopoly conditions?

(b) Discuss the value of co-operation as a means of reducing the cost of living.

8. (a) What are the causes of panics or crises?

(b) Discuss the chief methods of dealing with unemployment.

9. Write brief notes on three of the following:

(a) International trade unionism.

(b) Syndicalism.

(c) Compulsory eight-hour day.

(d) A legal minimum wage for women.

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