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1. How would you recognize sections of isometric crystals, using the petrographical microscope?

2. Explain what is meant by (a) Parallel extinction.

(b) Show what oriented sections of crystals of the orthorhombic system will show parallel extinction.

3. Give three methods for securing polarized light.




1. Select one of the following subjects for a theme and write on it at length:

(a) The sulphosalts.

(b) The anhydrous oxides.

(c) The composition of the silicates.

(d) The garnet group.

(e) The feldspar group.

(f) The nickeliferous minerals of the Sudbury district.

2. Write descriptions of the members of the mica group.

3. Mention, with chemical composition, ten minerals with hardness below three.

4. Give the cleavage of five minerals, and also the chemical composition of these minerals.

5. Write notes on the minerals that may show radioactivity.


Preliminary Mineralogy.

1. Describe the following mineral species:

(a) Serpentine.

(b) Talc.

(c) Kaolin.

(d) Pyrite.

2. Discuss the relative merits of granite and limestone as road material, from all points of view.

3. What role do the amphiboles and pyroxenes play in the formation of rocks?

4. By field tests how would you distinguish between: (a) Native gold and Fools gold;

(b) Pyrite and Arsenopyrite;

(c) Molybdenite and Graphite;

(d) Small flakes of mica and native gold?

5. In running a survey line, you find that your compass needle is deflected. What conclusions would you draw from this?

6. Show how a knowledge of mineralogy may be useful to a Civil Engineer in the practise of his profession.

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