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(Eight questions will constitute a full paper).

1. (a) What are the advantages of the corporate form of enterprise?

(b) What are the economics of large-scale production? 2. (a) Discuss the Ford profit-sharing plan as a solution of the wages question.

(b) Estimate the value of the sociological department established in connection with the scheme.

(c) Is it better, from the long-time point of view, to reduce prices to the consumer or to divide profits with the workingmen?

3. (a) What are the economic and social effects of the division of labor?

(b) Estimate the value of "scientific management” in industry.

4. (a) Compare Canadian with American banking with respect to (i) note issues, (ii) reserves, (iii) ability of hanks to serve the local committees.

(b) What are the methods employed by the Bank of England and the Canadian banks to provide an emergency currency?

5. (a) Classify and describe the principal kinds of stocks and bonds.

(b) Should capitalization be based on earning capacity or upon the value of physical property?

6. (a) Explain the difference between stock-watering and over-capitalization.

(b) When and how are stocks watered? What is the object in view?

7. (a) Describe the functions of the underwriter.

(b) Describe the work of the promoter. Illustrate with examples.

8. (a) What are the main theories advocated for determining railway rates?

(b) How are traffic rates actually fixed in Canada?

9. (a) What is the typical form of industrial combination in Canada?

(b) What are the advantages of the holding-company over the large corporation?

(c) Give a brief account of the legislation of 1910 dealing with mergers and combines in Canada.

10. Write brief notes on the following:

(a) City Government by Commission.

(b) The Dominion Board of Railway Commissioners. (c) The Industrial Disputes Investigation (or Lemieux) Act.

11. (a) What are the chief causes of unemployment? What temporary and what permanent remedies would you suggest for the unemployment at present existing in Canada and the United States?

(b) Explain concisely the differences between the British and the German systems of social insurance.

12. (a) Explain the following terms: open shop, closed union, boycott, blacklist, I. W. W., syndicalism, industrial union.

ism in Canada.

13. (a) What are the causes of the differences of wages in different occupations?

(b) Comment on the wage fund and iron law of wages


14. (a) What do you consider the strongest points in the Socialist's case? the weakest?

(b) Does government ownership mean socialism on the instalment plan?

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