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Hegel's "Wissenschaft der Logik."

1. "Der Progress ins Unendliche ist der Ausdruck eines Widerspruchs, der sich selbst für die Auflösung giebt." Give the dialectic by which the infinite first passes into the alternate determination of finite and infinite and then into the affirmative infinite, and contrast the true with the false infinite.

2. "Kant's Verfahren in der Deduction der Materie aus der Repulsiv- und Attractiv- Kraft ist im Grunde analytisch, nicht construirend." State the dialectic of repulsion and attraction, and explain this criticism of Kant.

3. "Die Quantität ist die Einheit der Continuität und Discretion." Explain this definition, and give Hegel's criticism of Kant's antinomy in regard to the infinite divisibility of


4. What is the true relation of extensive and intensive magnitude? Examine into the validity of Kant's criticism of the argument for immortality based on the fact that the soul is not an extensive magnitude.

5. "Als ein Letztes ist der unendliche Progress vornehmlich in seiner Anwendung auf die Moralität genommen worden." Explain this criticism of Kant's ethical doctrine.

6. State shortly the dialectic of the quantitative relation as shown in (a) direct ratio, (b) indirect ratio, (c) the ratio of powers.



Nineteenth Century Philosophy.

1. How does Sir William Hamilton seek to show that we have a direct knowledge of the external world?

regard his explanation as satisfactory?

Do you

2. Give some account of Mill's five inductive methods, and estimate the value of his theory of induction.

3. How does Spencer differ from Hamilton and Mansel in regard to the consciousness of the Absolute? Is there anything in his later writings which suggests that of the Absolute we know more than that it merely is?

4. State the main points in Green's theory of knowledge. Do you regard his denial of all knowledge of the ultimate Principle as consistent with his general doctrine?

5. Has the doctrine of Radical Empiricism freed itself from the false conception of abstraction?

6. What does Bosanquet mean by the Concrete Universal? Estimate the value of this idea.



The Republic of Plato.

(Answer not less than five questions, including the last). 1. Discuss the position of women in the Platonic state. 2. Explain what Plato meant by his philosopher-kings. 3. What is the Theory of Forms or Ideas?

4. Comment on the Simile of the line.

5. 'God, Freedom, Immortality'-how did Plato approach these problems?

6. Criticize Plato's theory of art.

7. What place did the Platonic state hold for individuality?

8. Comment on four of the following quotations:

(a) Do you think it just that Greek cities should enslave Greeks?

(b) Belief is distinct from knowledge . . . each of them has by nature a distinct power over distinct things.

(c) . . . . being come near to and married with true being, and begetting reason and truth, he came to knowledge and true life and nourishment and then, and only then, ceased from the travail of his soul.

(d) You have often heard that the Form of the Good is the greatest study, and is that by whose assistance other things become just and helpful and useful.

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