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Kant, Critique of Judgment.

1. Explain the characteristics of an aesthetic judgment, distinguishing it from moral and theoretical judgments.

2. How is it possible to apply pleasure as a criterion of worth?

3. Explain what Kant meant by sensus communis.

4. What account does Kant give of the normal idea and the ideal? Criticize his view.

5. Examine Kants doctrine of genius.

6. Explain Kant's attitude to charm and emotion in relation to (a) beauty, (b) the sublime.

between the beautiful and the

7. What differences between sublime appear to you essential?



Modern Logic.

(Candidates should attempt six questions).

1. "Judgment is the act which refers an ideal content, recognized as such, to a reality beyond the act, predicating an idea of a reality, a 'what' of a 'that.'"

Examine this definition.

2. Explain the theory of the 'metaphysical' subject in judgment, showing its relation to the interpretation of the copula as existential.

3. Criticize the doctrine of the inverse ratio of intension and extension, showing how it rests upon a false notion of Identity.

4. "The truth of the negative judgment may be seen in the end to lie in the affirmation of a positive quality." Explain this statement.

5. State and criticize the theory that inference proceeds directly from particular to particular.

6. What are the general presuppositions upon which Induction rests? What three different accounts have been given of their nature and origin?

7. Show how analogical and inductive inferences may be represented respectively as formally invalid inferences in the second and third figures of the syllogism.

8. What different interpretations have been given of the Principle of Identity?

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