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(Attempt not more than 6, not less than 4, questions).

1. Describe the decay of the French monarchy from Louis XIV's time to 1789. To what extent was that decay responsible for the revolution?

2. Trace the influence of Rousseau's Contrat Social, (a) in the epoch immediately preceding the Revolution; (b) on the politicians and leaders of the Revolution.

3. "As a minister he might have saved the Constitution." Taking this comment of Acton on Mirabeau as text, discuss his political character, his relations with King and Assembly, and his contribution to the solution of difficulties between 1789 and 1791.

4. Write a note on the Reign of Terror, its causes, the men who dominated it, the machinery they used and the reasons for its decline.

5. Give a short sketch of the condition of the French army and navy in the earlier years of the war; and account for the ultimately overwhelming success of the French armies.

6. Illustrate the differing attitudes of English statesmen towards the revolution from the opinions of Charles Fox, Burke, and the younger Pitt.


7. Trace the relations between Napoleon and the revolution up to the Italian campaign; and describe the various stages by which he advanced to supreme power.

8. Give a diplomatic history of the relations between England and France between 1793 and 1802.

9. Write short notes on any four of the following, dwelling on their importance in the evolution of Revolutionary France: Carnot, Sieyès, Mounier, Moreau, Madame Roland, Danton.

10. "The civil constitution injured the Revolution not only by creating a strong current of hostile feeling in the country, but driving the King to seek protection from Europe against his people." Trace the growt hof an antiecclesiastical policy in France between 1789 and 1794. Το what extent is Acton correct in attributing the failure of the Revolution to its opposition to the church?




1. Write a criticism of Lord Durham's Report from the point of view of an enlightened member of the "Family Compact.'


Compare Lord Durham's Report with previous British state papers on the same subject.

2. Write short explanatory and critical notes on the following passages from Lord Durham's Report:

(a) A laudable emulation has of late induced the French to enter on the field previously occupied by the English, and to attempt to compete with them in commerce.

(b) In the significant language of one of their own ablest advocates, they assert that "Lower Canada must be English, at the expense if necessary of not being British."

(c) This resolution brought the Assembly into a long dispute with Lord Aylmer, in consequence of his refusing to issue a writ for the election of a member in place of Mr. Mondelet, whose seat was declared vacant in consequence of his having accepted the office of executive councillor.

(d) The whole of Prince Edward's Island, about 1,400,000 acres, was alienated in one day.


Write short explanatory and critical notes on the following passages:—

(a) I leave to the sovereign, and to the Imperial Parliament, the uncontrolled authority over the military and naval force distributed over the colonies; I carefully abstain from trenching upon their right to bind the whole Empire by treaties and other diplomatic arrangements with foreign states; or to regulate the trade of the colonies with the mother country or with each other.

(b) In the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, to be constituted as aforesaid, the parts of the said province which now constitute the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada respectively, shall subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, be represented by an equal number of representatives.

(c) Think of a House in which half the members held places, yet in which the Government does not command a single vote; in which the place-men generally vote against the executive; and where there is no one to defend the Government when attacked, or to state the opinion or views of the Governor.

(d) You must renounce the habit of telling the colonies that the colonial is a provisional existence. You must allow them to believe that, without severing the bonds which unite them to Great Britain, they may attain the degree of perfection, and of social and political development, to which organized communities of free men have a right to aspire.

3. Give an account, illustrating your answer with at least one map, of any one of the chief boundary disputes with the U.S.A.


To what extent did the history and the ideals of the U.S.A. influence the Reformers of 1837?

4. Describe the social and economic condition of Upper Canada in 1837.


"The causes which led to Rebellion in Upper Canada were chiefly economic." Discuss the accuracy of this statement.

5. Write a dialogue between Robert Baldwin and John Strachan on the subject of the Clergy Reserves. (N.Β.Date your dialogue.)


Discuss, in the light of the history of Canada since 1837, the influence on constitutional problems of improvements in transportation.

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