8. Is the presence of a native race an obstacle to the grant to a colony of Responsible Government? 9. "Most people have instinctively recognized that the genius of Mr. Gladstone and the genius of Greater Britain stood opposed" (Egerton). (a) Explain this statement. PRELIMINARY HONOURS HISTORY. SECOND PAPER, Intra-Mural. (Attempt not more than 6, not less than 4, questions). (At least two questions must be taken from either section). A. 1. "Lord Somers, in writing for William III, speaks of the endless and sanguinary wars of that period as wars to maintain the liberties of Europe." To what extent was Somers justified in his language; to what extent were the wars for the selfish advantage of England; and was Bright correct, in the speech quoted above, when he called them fruitless? 2. Discuss the condition of party politics in the age of Anne; and analyse the programmes of the two parties, and the elements out of which the parties were constructed. 3. Justify Walpole in his policy-(a) with regard to the exclusion of the dissentient Whigs from office; (b) concerning Excise measures; (c) in his Spanish policy down to 1739. 4. Sketch the career of the elder Pitt down to the beginning of his great ministry. What criticisms would you pass on his parliamentary conduct before 1756? 5. From the writings of Burke, sketch the constitutional doctrines and practices employed by the Whigs during their eighteenth century ascendancy. 6. Enumerate the more conspicuous imperial problems facing England between 1760 and 1780; and discuss the solutions suggested in Burke's speeches and pamphlets. B. 1. Trace the influence of Rousseau's Contrat Social, (1) in the epoch immediately preceding the Revolution, and (2) on the politicians and leaders of the Revolution. 2. Criticize the constitution of the year 1791 from the standpoint of an English Whig like Burke or Acton. 3. Write a note on The Reign of Terror-its causes, the men who dominated it, the machinery they used, and the reasons for its decline. 4. Give a short sketch of Napoleon up to the Italian campaign, tracing the relation in which he stood towards the Revolution, and the various stages by which he advanced to supreme power. 5. Describe the diplomatic relations between England and France between 1793 and 1802. To what extent is Acton correct when he says: "It was the English who impressed on the operations that were to follow, the character of a selfish and sordid rapacity"? 6. What was the importance, for the Revolution, of the following dates: August 4th, 1789; June 20th, 1792; Feb. 1st, 1793; Vendemiaire, year IV; Brumaire, year VIII? 1 HISTORY. PRELIMINARY HONOURS. SECOND PAPER. (Candidates are recommended not to attempt more than six questions in all, three from each part). A. 1. Enumerate the new features introduced into English government by the Revolution of 1688. Why did party begin to assume a greater importance in politics thereafter? 2. Illustrate from the political career of Sir Robert Walpole the characteristic defects, and methods of corruption, of the early eighteenth century Whigs. 3. "He (Walpole) went so far as to say that any peace was better than the most successful war." Justify or condemn this declaration from the facts of Walpole's own administration. 4. What does Burke mean when he pleads for "men, not measures"? Along what lines did he justify the existence of party divisions? 5. Estimate the respective places of the elder Pitt, and of Edmund Burke, in the creation of the modern British Empire. B. 1. Write a dialogue between a critic and a defender of the missionaries in South Africa in or about 1830. 2. "Few persons would probably dissent from the opinion. that it would be far better for this country if the British territory in South Africa were confined to Cape Town and to Simon's Bay" (Earl Grey). Discuss the policy of Earl Grey in South Africa. 3. Explain the relations between Great Britain and the Transvaal, 1877-1884. 4. What causes led to the Boer War of 1899-1902? 5. Account for the revival of Chartered Companies as a method of government toward the end of the nineteenth century. |