SENIOR LATIN. Section A. [Candidates are required to reach the standard of a pass in Section B as well as in Section A. Intra-mural Students who took the examination in March are exempted from the questions on History and Literature set in § A, Division V]. I. CICERO, Pro Roscio Amerino. (a) Translate: 1. Occiso Sex. Roscio, primus Ameriam nuntiat Mallius Glaucia quidam, homo tenuis, libertinus, cliens et familiaris istius T. Rosci, et nuntiat domum non fili, sed T. Capitonis inimici; et cum post horam primam noctis occisus esset, primo diluculo nuntius hic Ameriam venit. Decem horis nocturnis sex et quinquaginta milia passuum cisiis pervolavit, non modo ut exoptatum inimico nuntium primus adferret, sed etiam cruorem inimici quam recentissimum telumque paulo ante e corpore extractum ostenderet. 2. Quo in certamine perditi civis erat non se ad eos jungere, quibus incolumibus, et domi dignitas et foris auctoritas retineretur. Quae perfecta esse et suum cuique honorem et gradum redditum gaudeo, judices, vehementerque laetor; eaque omnia deorum voluntate, studio populi Romani, consilio et imperio et felicitate L. Sullae, gesta esse intellego. (b) Distinguish between: hic and iste; scelus and crimen; scire and novisse; patronus and advocatus. II. VERGIL, Aeneid VI. (a) Translate: 'infelix Dido, verus mihi nuntius ergo sed me iussa deum, quae nunc has ire per umbras, imperiis egere suis; nec credere quivi (b) State clearly in what relation the clause si qua sub ima est stands to the previous clauses, per sidera iuro, per superos. (c) Sketch very briefly the episode of Dido and Æneas at Carthage, and explain how Vergil comes to place his hero in such an ignoble light. III. LIVY, Book II. (a) Translate: Datae litterae, ut pignus fidei essent, manifestum facinus fecerunt. Nam quum pridie quam legati ad Tarquinios proficiscerentur cenatum forte apud Vitellios esset, coniuratique ibi, remotis arbitris, multa inter se de novo, ut fit, consilio egissent, sermonem eorum ex servis unus excepit, qui iam antea id senserat agi, sed eam occasionem, ut litterae legatis darentur, quae deprehensae rem coarguere possent, exspectabat. Postquam datas sensit, rem ad consules detulit. Consules ad deprehendendos legatos coniuratosque profecti domo sine tumultu rem omnem oppressere. (b) (1) Write a note on the construction of: juberem macte virtute esse. (2) Explain: Omnes de provocatione volgus leges fuere. IV. OVID, Selections. (a) Translate: gratae in Tura dabat primis et verba precantia flammis aut haeret membris frustra temptata revelli, (b) Explain briefly, without translating: Andromedan poenas injustus jusserat Ammon. (3) Phorcynidos ora Medusae. V. HISTORY and LiteratuRE. [See note at the head of this paper]. Two questions only to be answered. 1. Sketch briefly, on the basis of Livy's account, Hannibal's campaign in Italy down to the battle of Cannae. 2. Write a short account of the life and work of Agricola, as described by Tacitus. Why was he recalled from Britain? 3. What were the chief dangers which the Romans had to face immediately after the expulsion of the Kings, and how were they overcome? 4. Sketch the life of Cicero, with special reference to the circumstances of his speech Pro Roscio Amerino. Section B. 1. Translate into Latin: After the expulsion of the Kings, Porsinna, King of Clusium, was persuaded to make war on Rome. Collecting a mighty host, he marched upon the city sweeping all before him as he went, and but for the brave Horatius Cocles, Rome would have fallen a prey to Etruria. The bridge which commanded the entrance to the city was all but in the hands of the enemy, when Horatius rushed across, kept them at bay till his friends had cut it down, then, accoutred as he was, plunged into the stream and swam back to safety amidst the cheers of his countrymen. 2. Translate into English: THE COURAGE OF DESPAIR. Ei castrorum parti, quae maxime a pugnantibus conspici poterat, iniecit Acilius ignem. Postremi Celtiberorum qui in acie erant, primi flammam conspexere, deinde per totam aciem volgatum est castra amissa esse et tum maxime ardere. Unde illis terror, inde Romanis animus crevit. Iam clamor suorum vincentium accidebat, iam ardentia hostium castra apparebant. Celtiberi parumper incertis animis fluctuati sunt: ceterum postquam receptus pulsis nullus erat, nec usquam nisi in certamine spes, pertinacius de integro capessunt pugnam. PREPARATORY GREEK. 1. Translate: (α) Μετὰ ταῦτα οἵ τε Ἕλληνες καὶ ̓Αριαῖος περιέμενον Τισσαφέρνην ἡμέρας πλείους ἢ ἐίκοσι. ἐπεὶ δὲ οὐχ ἡκεν, οἱ στρατιῶται ἀχθόμενοι, καὶ ὑποπτεύοντες τὸν ̓Αριαῖον, μὴ οὐ πιστὸς ἔιη, προσῄεσαν τῷ Κλεάρχῳ καὶ ἠξίουν ἀπιέναι εὐθύς. ὁ δὲ ἀπεκρίνατο αὐτοῖς τοίαδε, Ἐγὼ ἐνθυμοῦμαι μὲν ταῦτα πάντα· ἐὰν δὲ νῦν ἀπίωμεν δόξομεν ποῖειν παρὰ τὰς σπονδάς. “ (6) Μετὰ ταῦτα ἀφικνοῦνται ἐπὶ τὸν Ζαπάταν ποταμὸν, καὶ ἐνταῦθα ἔμειναν ἡμέρας τρεῖς· ἐν δὲ ταύταις ἡμέραις ὑποψίαι ἦσαν ἀλλήλων, ὥσπερ τὸ πρόσθεν. ἔδοξεν οὖν τῷ Κλεάρχῳ συγγενέσθαι τῷ Τισσαφέρνει· ἐπεὶ δὲ συνῆλθον, ὁ Κλέαρχος λέγει τάδε,,,Ἐγὼ, ὦ Τισσαφέρνη, οἶδα μὲν ὅρκους ἡμῖν γεγενημένους μὴ ἀδικήσειν ἀλλήλους. “ (c) Parse ἀχθόμενοι, εἴη, ἔμειναν, συγγενέσθαι; Explain the case of ἡμέρας, Τισσαφέρνει ; the mood of ἔη and ἀπίωμεν. 2. (a) Give, with the article in each case, the accusative singular and dative plural of, ἄστυ, ἱππεύς, ὁπλίτης, φύλαξ. (b) Compare the following adjectives: ἀληθής, ἰσχυρός, ταχύς. (c) Give the third person plural of the aorist indicative and optative, and of the perfect subjunctive, in all three voices of 'λείπω. 3. 1. If they should do this, we would retreat. 2. Let us besiege the city by land and sea in order that we may get provisions. |