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General Paper.

N.B. It is not necessary to answer more than six questions.

1. Describe the topography of the Troad and compare its chief features with the landscape described or implied by the Iliad.

2. What are the chief correspondences between the world recovered by 'Mycenean' researches and the world known to Homer?

3. Discuss Homer's gift of character-drawing.

4. What do you know of the life and works of Hesiod? 5. Illustrate Pindar's genius by an account of the Fourth Pythian, its substance and poetic quality.

6. Give a brief account of three tragedians before Aeschylus.

7. State Verrall's view of the plot of the Agamemnon. Do you think it tenable?

8. Explain the attitude of the Greeks to the Lydians and the Persian Empire previous to 500 B.C., with a narrative of the chief events between 550 and 500 B.C.

9. Give an account of Solon and his reforms.

10. How did the Athenian Empire arise and how did it grow? Explain its organization.

11. Narrate the events of the Decelean War 412-404.

12. Probouleuma, phratria, hypomeiones, City Dionysia, Archon Eponymus, prytanis, Areopagus, syssitia, eisangelia, naucraries. Discuss any six.


Inspector's General Proficiency Course.

N.B.-Answer any eight of the following:

1. Give some account of the Council of the Areopagus.

2. State briefly what you know of the laws and constitution of Draco.

3. Give a few of the reforms of Solon.

4. Give a brief account of the battles of Marathon and Salamis.

5. What were the immediate causes of the Peloponnesian War?

6. Compare the resources of Sparta and Athens at the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War.

7. From the point of view of world history, compare the relative importance of the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. 8. Show the historical importance of the battle of Leuctra. 9. Sketch briefly the career of Alexander the Great.

10. What reasons can you give for the failure of the Greeks to dominate the world as the Romans did?

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